Neocylized logs, applications Building materials

To date, in the market of building materials, among other things, you can see the nonocylized log. It is a wood trunk that has not been processed mechanically, but was only exempt from bitch and bark. Such a log in different places can have a different diameter.
Advantages and disadvantages of the nonocylized log
The advantages of the nonocylized logs include the following:
- due to the fact that its surface was not processed and the upper layer was preserved, the construction of this material has a long service life, they are able to resist aggressive environmental impact and adverse weather conditions;
- the neocilled log is less susceptible to cracking;
- the material is very well kept warm. The house built out of it will not have a day and night to keep the heaters on, getting huge electricity bills;
- buildings from the nonocylized logs retain natural color and natural texture;
- neocylized logs are much cheaper than rounded, because no strength or means were spent on its processing.
But this material has its drawbacks:
- this log is in different places different diameter, for example, at the bottom of the tree trunk, usually sewn, and in the direction of the top direction, it is noticeably narrowed. Because of this feature, the logs have to individually adjust each other, and it is impossible to achieve ideal compliance;
- due to the fact that the logs are not always perfectly adjacent to each other, you have to spend much more insulation;
- it takes much more time on the shrinkage.
The main characteristics of the nonocylized log
- neocylized log - environmentally friendly material, safe for human health. This is a big plus in the construction of a residential building;
- the most favorable time for the construction of a nonocylized log is winter, because Material prepared at this time, possesses all the necessary qualities, namely high strength and low humidity, which significantly reduces the possibility of deformation;
- if we build a house from wood, harvested in summer, then over time, due to the big humidity, the logs will give a strong shrinkage and, as a result, cover cracks. This disadvantage will have to eliminate the spring, the legs of the wall. In the winter period, the moisture is frozen from the log and during the construction of the shrinkage occurs more evenly, the cracks are almost not formed.
Areas of applying a nonocylized log
In its destination, non-ocylted logs are divided into two types:
1. Business timber. Such timber is used in a round form or processed in industry. Usually they are used in four directions:
- longitudinal sawmill. With this method of processing, such types of products are obtained as lumber, various billets, discharged parts;
- brushing and planing. In such ways, it is made of luxury and planed veneer, which is designed for the manufacture of plywood;
- preparation of cellulose and wood mass. For such a method of processing, timber are crushed;
- use without processing, in a round form. Round, raw logs are used in construction, mast production, electrolyneys and communication lines. 2. Woodwood timber. Low quality logs fall into this category. In its destination, they are divided into two types:
- recycling in order to obtain firewood for heating;
- use for technological necessary, such as hydrolysis, production of fiberboard, chipboard, as well as cement-chipboard, fibrolite plate, arbolite plate, wood chips, wooden containers, product products.
Most often, the nonocylized log is used in construction. It turns out very solid and inexpensive baths. Such a structure as a bath is constantly exposed to temperature jumps and high humidity. And the nonocilled log is not sustainable for the action of such conditions and perfectly preserves heat. Thus, the battery life is significantly extended.
The process of building a bath from a nonocylized log consists of the following steps:
- preparation of logs prepared in the winter to build a bath. This stage includes a selection of approximately the same in length and thickness of logs, as well as strict control of their quality;
- concrete foundation device. When it is erected between the foundation and logs, hydro and thermal insulation is stacked;
- the construction of a church. Logs are stacked by one of two existing ways - either "in the paw" or "in the region";
- next, rafters and a roof are installed, which is covered by either rubberoid or slate or metal tile;
- the boardy ceiling is nailed to the overlap and is insulated by the attic. The door and small window is mounted, the heater is installed and the drainage system;
- after that, flooring should be flooring and a bathhouse of a nonocylized log is ready.
Country houses from logs are also very popular. They are environmentally friendly, they breathe differently in them, because natural material allocates oxygen. A special microclimate is installed in the house of the logs, the optimal level of humidity in the room is regulated by itself. As mentioned above, the house built from a nonocylized log, the price of which is much lower than the registered, while complying with all norms, retains high thermal conductivity.
Coniferous wood breeds are best suited for the construction of wooden houses, because They are less susceptible to rotting and form have more or less smooth, correct. It is preferable to pine, because Along with a smooth trunk, it has very few knots.
In order to build a log house, use logs from 26 to 40 cm in thickness. Before starting construction, they are covered with a special antiseptic impregnation that prevents the rotting and the appearance of fungus.
Another nonocylized log is used to make windows, doors, panel products, panels, platbands, plinths.
This material is used to make cabinet furniture, as a base for flooring, such as a parquet board and a piece parquet.
You can buy a nonocilled log, contacting any firm engaged in the workpiece and sale of timber.