Wallpaper from veneer: characteristics of wooden wallpaper, dignity, application Wallpaper

Everyone dreams of a house in which you can comfortably relax, relax and burn out from the working routine. It is for this reason that today is often given preference to natural finishing materials, which, as it can not be promoted. Wood is a favorite option in this regard, but not everyone has the opportunity to build a log house or use heavy chalks for wall cladding. Therefore, innovative veneer wallpaper is an excellent alternative. What it is, what is the advantages and disadvantages of wooden wallpaper and how to use them correctly, you will learn from this article.
What is a wallpaper from a veneer?
Before buying wooden wallpaper from a veneer, many wish to understand what it is and from which they are made. The production technology of such a finishing material has the following features:
- Dense cardboard is taken as the basis, sometimes not elevated.
- The outer decorative layer is a very thin cut of natural wood, a thickness of 1 to 3 mm thick.
Important! Do not underestimate wallpaper from a veneer - photos of finished design projects will help you make sure of their diversity and attractiveness. As the main raw materials for the decor, many manufacturers use only valuable breeds, for example:
- european cherry;
- alder;
- siberian larch;
- italian sandal
- zebrano;
- wenge;
- nut;
- yatoba;
- ibia;
- oak;
- bamboo;
- white ash;
- black Frace.
Advantages of wooden wallpaper
Given the features of the manufacture of such a decormaterial, it can be said with confidence that the veneer wallpaper is almost universal material to solve various tasks for finishing the premises. They differ in the following advantages:
- vapor and air permeability that guarantee a stable comfortable microclimate;
- absolute environmental purity - some breeds, such as larch, even contribute to natural rehabilitation;
- durability - when compliance with the conditions of installation and operation, such a coating will serve as much as wood used for veneer;
- hypoallergenicity - this material can safely be used to finish the rooms, including, if there are allergies among households;
- high heat-insulating protection - despite the insignificant thickness of the product, the indicators of heat conservation indoors when using wooden wallpapers rise several times;
- the possibility of selecting suitable sizes - the width of rolls varies from 0.6 to 2.75 m, and the length is 5.5 or 10 meters;
- wide design capabilities - the natural texture and color palette allows you to create a pleasant atmosphere in any selected style;
- easy installation - applied to finishing the usual adhesive technology;
- light weight makes it possible to use them on any walls and partitions, regardless of the bearing ability, as well as for the ceiling decor;
- the ability to hide small flaws of basic finish - curvature, roughness.
Important! It is impossible not to note the fact that the price of wallpaper from a veneer is available for the usual consumer. They will cost somewhat more expensive than ordinary paper or almost as much as vinyl or phlizelin canvases.
Discharge of wallpaper from veneer
Before buying wooden wallpapers, keep into account and some disadvantages due to the natural properties of wood:
- in the process of installation, it is advisable to carefully consider the combination of the bands so that the natural drawing coincides - otherwise the expected artistic result will not be achieved;
- it is recommended to limit contact with water and not use under conditions of stable high humidity - deformation is possible;
- wallpaper from veneer is subject to ignition, so be sure to consider this fact when organizing a fire safety system;
- over time, the veneer fits and loses its original shade;
- you can not glue any solution.
Important! For these reasons, experts recommend to make a mandatory additional processing with antiseptics, sunscreens, acquire only suitable glue and properly care for the coating.
Application of wooden wallpaper
To fulfill all finishing work with this material, it is not necessary to attract specialists at all. Casting technology is simple and accessible even to those who do not have any skills in the field of construction.
Tools for work
To work, you will need:
- knife;
- corolnic;
- glue;
- video clip;
- spatulas - plastic and comb;
- ruler;
- roulette;
- plumb;
- malyary roller;
- clean soft rags;
- grinding tool.
Important! Glue buy recommended by the manufacturer of a wooden cloth or "for heavy wallpaper." Standard consumption is considered in the proportion of 300-400 grams per 1 m2.
Casting technology
To get a really high-quality result, in the course of finishing, follow such instructions:
- Carefully examine the proposed shocking scheme of wallpaper.
- Prepare walls:
- loam explicit shortcomings, depressions;
- clean the surface from garbage, dust, residues of the previous material.
- Wallpaper from a veneer to the room that plan to decorate, and leave the material for 1-2 days to acclimatize wood.
- Prepare glue, well observing the proportions indicated on the pack.
- Treat the material with an antiseptic to improve the moisture-repellent characteristics.
- Wait for the solution to dry.
- Pick up the stripes in the drawing.
- Apply glue with a gun or a spatula on the walls, starting from the surface from the window.
- Walk through the treated area with a spatula with a comb - the optimal size of teeth 1 * 1 mm.
- Apply the strip sequentially and press for better clutch.
- Role, wipe the surface of the wallpaper with a dry clean cloth or walk through it with a paint roller.
- Speaking excess glue remove immediately, moocuring a rag or a sponge in acetone or solvent.
- Collect the surface to the desired texture.
- The time of complete drying is 1 day, during the period of which, be sure to ensure the absence of drafts indoors and stable humidity. The optimal temperature mode is 18-20s.
- When forming a swirling, act immediately to remove them:
- make a sharp knife section along the line of the entire bubble;
- immediately press this plot with a spatula to come out all air;
- lunch the place of the cut in the direction of the fibers.
Important! The final stage is an additional coating protection. Open the surface with varnish or wax - it will help to give shine and prevent the deformation due to the exposure of moisture or change the shade if the room is on the sunny side.
Applying Wallpaper from a veneer - Video
As you have already seen, the veneer wallpaper is a great solution for the decor of the walls in an apartment or a private house. Choose suitable under the overall interior material with the texture you like, adhere to the rules of sticking - an attractive design will provide comfort and comfort in your home for a long time.