Ceiling decoration in a wooden house: Tips and recommendations Ceilings

To date, many owners make a decision to use natural materials for construction work. Thus, it can be noted that the number of wooden houses is growing rapidly every year. It is confidently saying that this is a positive trend. The bottom line is that a tree that is used for the construction and finishing of the room, at least looks attractive. Moreover, it has long been known that the tree has a positive effect on human health, and residents in such conditions feel more comfortable than among concrete walls.
However, the most serious problem that concerns accommodation in a wooden house is the question of finishing the ceiling. It is interesting that today there are many materials that are taken to separate the ceilings in such conditions, but not all of them in the best way correspond to space.
Specialists advise as part of a wooden house to make a choice in favor of eco-friendly and natural materials. Fortunately, such resources today are a tremendous amount, and numerous firms create entire designer compositions on their basis, which look more attractive materials based on modern resources.
In this material, we will consider in detail the specifics of the choice of materials for the ceiling finishing, as well as analyze the possible parts associated with the process of arranging such surfaces. Ultimately, you can get a really high-quality and attractive result, which in the best way will fit into the available space.
Features of the ceiling finishes in a wooden house
To begin with, it is worth understanding that the space of a wooden house is special, and in modern conditions sufficiently secured people are erected. Obviously, the whole thing in the high cost of building materials. High-quality wood will cost much more than other well-known materials used to create houses.
It is also obvious that if the house was erected on the basis of natural materials, then the finish should comply with this, otherwise there is simply no particular sense from such expenses. It is obvious that the finish will also cost large money, but if the process begins, it should be completed worthy.
Many owners mistakenly believe that the tree as a construction and finishing material is not the best solution, but in practice everything turns out the opposite. The essence of the case is that wood is an excellent heat and sound insulation material, which, with proper care, will serve dozens of years. Obviously, this isolation is far from the most effective, but it is distinguished by environmentally friendly, which is valued in our time.
I would also like to say that today many wooden houses are an example of a unique designer thought. For example, experts spend a number of activities to improve space, occupying decorative wood processing, as well as using other components to create inside the space of favorable conditions. Accordingly, the ceiling is the most important component of this space, as this is a huge surface, which is a kind of "canvas" for a wide creative thought.
Unfortunately, many owners also use classic materials that do not give the best way to the appearance of space in general, but it is possible to spend the finish with a modest budget.
Before proceeding with the process of finishing, you need to pay attention to the existing options. Fortunately, there are a lot of them, so it remains only the need for choosing. However, this is a difficult task, since each option of the ceiling finishes has its advantages and disadvantages that clearly makes sense to pay attention. Next, we analyze the main parts associated with the choice of material for the ceiling finish.
Materials for finishing the ceiling
It is not a secret that the plaster is a material used for a variety of finishing works. Practice shows that this material is the most successful basis and for use in almost any conditions. As part of a wooden house, it is also a good choice, given the fact that the ceiling will be smooth and light. Such conditions are best suited for ordinary residential space. It is also important to note that even a person who simply has no experience in the repair process may be plastered. Despite this, to get the most acceptable result, you must do everything as carefully.
The next method is used as the next method of plastering the ceiling: first of all, a mesh of dranco is fixed to the surface, after that, plaster is applied to the resulting embossed basis. It turns out a fairly reliable grip, which does not allow to appear cracks and the like flaws.
- It is worth noting that today there are a lot of other technologies for plastering ceilings. However, alone can also hold the above process, and at the end we will get a sufficiently good result.
- It is also interesting that today there are many plasters that have different color options. Thus, you can always choose the best option for a particular space.
- In the process of plastering, it is necessary to control the level of the surface so that in the end it turned out a really smooth surface. The finishing of the surface is to use the manual grater together with the grinding net. If the ceiling area is large, the process can delay the long period. A separate and full-fledged grinding machine is the best choice, as it ensures time savings and a qualitative result. Works associated with surface grinding, often become dust, therefore it makes sense to take advantage of a respirator or other respiratory protection agent.
- Returning to the decorative component of the process, we can say that various textures and other elements that attract the attention of people are often created on the basis of plaster. As part of a wooden house, such decisions may not be quite suitable.
Many know that drywall is used as a finishing material for a long time. Moreover, in most situations, this is an indispensable material. The advantages of this solution are as follows:
- Flexibility and indispensability. To begin with, it is worth saying that plasterboard is an indispensable resource, if it comes to creating ceilings with several levels. In addition, to implement bold design solutions (unusual surface shape), plasterboard also indispensable. The fact is that when moisturizing, plasterboard material becomes flexible, and designers are used to create something unique.
- Durability. In the event that when creating a plasterboard ceiling, everything corresponded to a specific technology, the surface will last decades. Moreover, the overall condition of the ceiling is most likely ideal (within acceptable conditions).
- Use the ceiling profile. If we are talking about the use of the ceiling profile, which is the basis for a plasterboard ceiling, then this design does not directly depend on the deformations of the base of the tree. This is an extremely important question that worries many owners, since often the ceiling surface is deformed, especially if it is wooden. In this plan, there is no equal plasterboard surface.
It is important to keep in mind that screwing the plasterboard ceiling directly to the base ceiling (wooden) is not the best solution. The thing is that with such a situation, any deformations will immediately give themselves to know. Accordingly, a metal construction is created, which, in turn, is a reliable and truly durable basis for the ceiling coating. Approximately in the same conditions creates a suspended ceiling. On the basis of a metal structure, almost any surface is created, since all loads and deformations do not affect it.
Obviously, if the dwelling is based on wood, then the wooden surface of the ceiling will also be a good solution. At the same time, it is worth it in mind that the choice of such surfaces is actually extensive, and often make a single right choice - extremely difficult.
The owners make a choice in favor of wood because of the naturalness of the coating. It will be better combined with a common space, creating the impression of the completion of the composition. Often the owners make a choice in favor of lining, wood panels and veneer. It is worth noting that the materials created on the basis of wood plates are practically no different from whole products, but colossal savings appear.
- Lining. This is an excellent material that is applied in almost any conditions, even with the external decoration of the room. You can find a wide variety of options for this product, starting in size and ending with a color and surface texture. It is often on sale to meet the Euro woman, which has deeper grooves for connecting surface elements. The essential advantage of this material is environmentally friendly, which is valued among many owners. At the same time, unlike many other finishing materials, the lining "breathes", thereby providing an ignarized air exchange between the house and the external space. Interesting is the information that the lining is the only one of the few materials, which is characterized by high strength, good noise insulation, excellent durability. Moreover, there are no equal in terms of aesthetics and heat transfer.
- Charming array Whole wood has always been and is today a truly elite material. The fact is that even the cost of production of such products is extremely high, so allowed the panels of wood array can only the most secured hosts. The naturalness of such products will definitely positively affect the general issues related to the appearance and operation of the surface. At the same time, it makes sense to note that the need to use solid wood is simply not, since externally, such a resource may not be much better than the usual lining. Accordingly, too large money to spend on this resource - meaningless. As for the positive sides of the tree massif, you can note the compliance with all the necessary requirements in terms of repair or construction. Again, the material is characterized by sound insulation, durability, reliability and many other aspects. Of course, the most important is the durability of such a material. Practice shows that if the panels are created on the basis of elite trees, the surface will serve for many years, and even when wood starts to lose its original appearance, it will still be attractive. Builders note that the overall ease of installation of the wood array allows you to significantly simplify the process associated with the ceiling finish or other surfaces.
- Veneered panels. Veneer is also a common material that is used in a wide variety of conditions. It is most important to remember that the cost of veneered panels is slightly higher than that of the lining. The appearance of these two resources is almost the same. Experts note that it is worth making a choice in favor of this material because of the ease of installation. The hosts wishing to acquire the most worthy finishing materials, note that the covering veneer imitates the elite species of trees, which, again, allows you to save a lot of money. Here, like the clapboard, there is a lock connection that allows you to carry out the entire process of installing panels with your own hands and without help. An expert is also possible not to be.
- Stewed relief ceiling. Immediately it is worth saying that the embossed ceiling is a real find for a designer who wants to create a truly unique composition within the house. However, the practice shows that for the use of embossed surfaces, the overall design of the room must comply with the idea. If the room in itself is extremely simple, the ceiling will only focus on attention, and it will turn out to be a tasteless style of the room. Specialists like this type of material due to easy installation, which can be carried out directly based on the old ceiling. At the same time, it is possible to combine various wood species, and the surface of the ceiling becomes a real miracle for connoisseurs of high-quality design. Again, the negative side of this option is the high cost of the material. And if the budget is limited, then we have already said, it is not necessary to take too much, since it is possible to get a high-quality finishing resource on enough affordable prices.
Common Wood House Ceiling Options
Next, we consider the most practical and modern options for finishing the ceiling, while specifying some important details that are unambiguously found in the process.
- The use of plastic materials is extremely common practice, often leading to a positive result. It is worth noting that today it is possible to find a mass of finishing materials on this basis, which are characterized by both characteristics and appearance. Accordingly, pick up the plastic panels under the wooden house is not a problem. However, many owners may be interested in the question associated with environmental and overall safety material. For example, the panels can become a source of toxic substances, and at the same time give in to the burning. Especially bad, if 2 these factors are combined, and then the problems of Mounting is unlikely to succeed.
- Extremely simple and often successful option is the usual surface painting. In this case, the wooden ceiling is extremely easy to paint, especially if the surface is smooth and has no significant flaws. There are no particular problems with such a task, but at the same time it must be remembered that before painting it is worth thoroughly treat the surface of the skin. Then the ceiling becomes smooth and best suitable for staining. Instead of paint, you can use varnish, which is advisable to use in the case when the wood texture looks truly attractive, and just paint it - a big mistake. Accordingly, the varnish will make the surface more rich and attractive.
- In recent years, designer decisions are regularly created, which are based on the use of drywall. The essence of the most interesting idea is as follows: the installation of plasterboard units occurs, after which the beams are made along the perimeter of the space, and it is also possible between opposite walls. Thus, it turns out a unique decorative composition, and the room itself becomes attractive and unusual. The most important thing is to choose beams that will be the best solution for the decorative component of the space. You can use plastic elements that will also decorate the room. It is best to use dark beams that will stand out on a white ceiling, and thanks to the wood texture, the space will be truly solid.
- The stretch ceiling is also a good option when it comes to wood surface. The main problem is that the tree is guaranteed to shrink during the year, and for many other ceiling surfaces it affects extremely negative. Thus, the stretch ceiling does not feel any changes, and for a long time will remain in the initial state. However, the stretch ceiling, according to many owners, is not the most ideal option for the ceiling surface. Therefore, if possible, it makes sense to consider existing finishing options and make a deliberate choice. On the Internet, you can find photos of design spaces in which the stretch ceiling is used, and almost all of these solutions look amazing. Accordingly, it all depends on the approach of people who are engaged in the repair.
If we are talking about stretch ceilings, as well as full-fledged drywall structures, it should be paid to the fact that these ceiling surfaces can easily hide all communications. This is an extremely useful situation that often cuts the owners who want to create a really good design room. You can find a variety of accommodation in which you can detect pipes, wires and other communications that take place on the walls and ceilings. Accordingly, with tension ceilings and plasterboard structures, you can easily hide all these problem areas. In this case, it is most important to do everything so that all communications pass under the ceiling (so that they do not go beyond the ceiling on the walls or other surfaces). Use free space under the ceiling is as efficiently as possible, and it may be useful to create new communications that will be powered under the ceiling. It is important to keep in mind that in the case of a tension ceiling, we have a sufficiently limited space between the basic ceiling and the tensioning coating, and the drywall surface does not have particular limitations. The fact is that the distance between the metal frame of the ceiling and the base surface can be almost any. If the ceiling itself is high, then this is good news for those who want to hide under the ceiling of the pipe, wires and other communications.
Other features of the process
In conclusion, I would like to note that in modern conditions the owners wish to realize bold design ideas. The essence of this idea is that today wooden houses are created due to the naturalness and attractiveness of wood. Accordingly, if the entire room in itself is solid externally, the ceiling must comply with these conditions. For this, it is still advisable to make a choice in favor of natural materials that will be well combined into the composition with other finishing resources of space.
It is equally important to work out within the framework of the existing budget to create a ceiling. If there is not much money, then it is better not to try to use elite materials to finish the ceiling, and first of all it concerns the wood array. The budget decisions we also spoke in this article are quite good, but only if they were used with the mind. Often it is advisable to attract specialists who can analyze the existing space.