Balaasins for stairs: installation tips Ladder

Balaasins are beautiful columns in the form of columns, which are located between the railings and the base of the product, serving the fencing of balconies, stairs, terraces, etc. Most often, this base is made of wood and decorate the carved decor.
This product has long been known in construction, it is one of the most ancient creations of man. Romans created such columns with various mythical images from above. There are assumptions that in ancient times, the cults of worship of such balasins were also organized, though they were not yet called them.
If you decide to make a staircase in the house under construction, you will have to get acquainted with balasines, their device, views and types of fasteners. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the varieties of Balyasin, their advantages, as well as with a step-by-step, how to make and install them with their own hands.
Varieties Balyasin
The appearance and device of the BALASIN depend on what material they are made. There are a large number of different materials that make it possible to choose even the most demanding consumer. They may be:
- wooden;
- forged;
- metal;
- glass;
- stone;
- gypsum.
Whlyasins from wood
- Wooden bales are considered the most popular in individual construction and, in addition, environmentally friendly. Often they are made specifically for stairs in private houses. They have a natural and rich appearance and sufficiently resistant to external influences.
- Mostly use an array of birch, oak, beech, pine and ash. To highlight your staircase out of a thousand others on the balusters, the master makes the original wood thread.
- The size of the columns is based mainly goes standard - about 50 by 50 mm and this is if you are in finished form get the product. But you can order from the master that size that perfectly fit into the interior of your staircase.
- From the tree you can create an unimaginable and exquisite masterpiece, in this craft a person acquired the highest level of skill. From the natural material you can make different forms of balaasine: round, square, oval, polygonal, in the form of a spiral and even in the form of branches. From history, it is known that the experienced master created for Lion Nikolayevich thick flat wide bassines with carved tales heroes - this is art.
- It is clear if you have chosen for the manufacture of balassine such a material like a tree, then the entire staircase must be made of the same material. This approach is necessary because of its specific properties. As you know, the array has a feature to change its shape and size under the influence of changing air humidity, therefore the entire design during operation can be deformed. Therefore, so that such trouble does not arise, it is necessary to make all the product from the same breed. After all, the forces spent and, which is important, finances on their masterpiece can result in disappointing their appearance and for a short period of use.
Whiteasins made of metal
- Metal balusters are another vertex of art. This material is very durable and durable. With it, you can create any, even the most intricate shape, give the baluster the openwork, create exquisite branches with clusters or just to have elegant twisted spirals.
- These balusters are installed on the metal base of the stairs, and the railing can already be another material, but usually to maintain the interior, as in the first case, all the product is recommended to be manufactured in one way.
- Forged balasins for stairs are not inferior to two other representatives. Of these, the experienced master can also be created any form. Very durable and durable product. Such balusters on a solid wooden staircase with thin patterns and unusual figures are also luxuriously looking.
Belyasins from glass
- Balaasins from glass is the art of modern technologies. This type of supporting columns on the stairs will bring lightness and airiness in your design.
- On the glass you can depict a unique ornament, pattern and even a picture.
- An interesting decision will be the backlight of such glass.
- The new generation masters are applied with airbrushing and photo printing on the stairs, which are performed from thick shockproof glasses. This type of material when hitting has the same properties as the automotive glass - it is not fluttered, but turns into a cage, while not scattering.
Belyasins from stone
Stone balusters look powerfully and effectively, create an impression of volume and superplication. Such columns are rarely installed on stairs in private houses. They are mainly found in large, bulky buildings, such as the Opera House, the Verkhovna Rada, where there are space, scope and status.
Consider certain types of stone for the manufacture of Balyasin and their features.
Belyasins from marble
- This is an expensive and noble material, perfectly transfers the temperature differences, so it is possible to install such balasses both inside the building and outside.
- In addition, it is very beautiful, so often meets in opera theaters and buildings, where aristocrats lived in ancient times.
Belyasins from granite
This is quite a durable material. Just like the first, it can be installed both on the street and indoors. Such reference columns are not afraid of fungus and mold. Balaasins from granite are often used in architecture.
Belyasins from sandstone
The main difference of such a material is to color - it has a bright texture and a wide color palette. The material can be installed polished and untreated. Also durable and hardy.
Belyasins from Gypsum
Balaasins from such material can often be found on the facades of historical buildings. This material is also quite durable, but less durable than marble. The basis for such balusin necessarily serves as a frame of reinforcement, it is installed in the form, and then they are already poured with plaster or concrete.
The advantages of Balyasin
- Serve as decoration of the room.
- Perform protection and security feature.
- Move from eco-friendly materials.
- Wooden balasins give the design additional rigidity due to the mounted metal frame inside the product.
Disadvantages of Balyasin
When installing wooden balasine on a staircase or other interior item, it is necessary to take care of the subsequent careful care. Since the tree is a soft breed, the support columns may not be sufficiently resistant to damage. Therefore, it is periodically important to open the top surface with varnish and try to withstand the air temperature and humidity in the room relatively stable, without sudden drops.
If one of the elements of the product was damaged, then you can face difficulties in replacing it, since it is not so easy to pull one baluster from the whole design. And even more difficult to get into the same color, most likely, you have to open the entire design after installing a new baluster.
How to install balusters on the stairs do it yourself
We will begin to install wooden balasine on the stairs. Preparing to this stage, you already have a staircase and a sufficient amount of Balyasin, so now you can start working on their installation. In this case, there is no need for many years of experience, most importantly, have small skills in working with a classic tool and to clearly comply with the instructions. Consider step-by-step stages of the balaasine installation to a wooden staircase.
- First we make marking on the steps of the design. The distance between them should not exceed 15 cm so that the child cannot push his head between the columns.
- If the staircase is one side of the wall, then it is necessary to perform measurements at the free edge.
- Otherwise, balasins should be installed symmetrically on both sides.
- If the staircase is located in the center of the room, then supports are installed on the equidistant distance.
- If the design of the staircase is twisted with turns, then the markup of the balusters should be made on each side separately.
- At each step, we make a hole for a special fastener.
- In the center of Balyasitsa, we make a label that will serve as a center of the axis.
- Balacine fastening elements already screw in the prepared fastener by the bottom, and on the upper component screw the base of the column.
- For greater strength from the edges of the stairs, laxins of larger diameters are installed, and the design has been completed from the side.
- Between the extreme pillars stretch the thread to see the angle of inclination.
- If the balasins do not fit under such a level, they are slightly spilled under the handing.
- Then I fix the gradually every baluster.
- Now we are stacked on the balasins, preferably made from the same material, so the staircase will look more harmonious. Fix the handrails using self-tapping screws.
- On top of this plank, dripped railing. This can be done with the help of construction glue, and at the edges, fasten with beautiful bolts.
- Then the balusters and railings are covered with varnish in 2 - 3 layers, so it will last longer.
Installation of balasine on metal staircase
Installation of metallic balasine is much easier. Already included the whole set of parts and fasteners, which are attached to any base, be it tree, concrete or stone.
- First, we also mark the markup on the steps of the stairs, as well as when installing wooden bassine.
- Then Krepim's colons using brackets, hinges, self-tapping screws or bolts.
- Then on the balasins they secure the subterulent.
- The ridge from the tree is glued on top of the beser. To prevent rapidly rubbing, cover them with a special varnish in a 2 -3 layer.
Installation of glass balaasine
Installation of balusne from glass is carried out using fasteners of wood or metal. Often they are attached to the hinges or inserted into already prepared metal places, which in turn are fixed to the base of screws. Glass balasins are installed on vertical poles that are fixed between the railings and stairs.
At least glass bales and produce durable glass, you should still approach their installation and use with caution and grainness.
Installation of stone balaasine
This installation must be taken back at the stage of manufacturing stone balasine, it will determine how the design will be fastened. More often manufacturers set protruding pins made of metal on the top of 5 cm, and in the bottom - by 10 cm. Then they are welded to the base and rails, if the metal staircase. In the case of a concrete structure on the steps of the stairs make special holes in which the pins are inserted, and then they are poured with concrete.
General Balacine Installation Tips
- The height of the fence must be chosen optimal to prevent the fall of both an adult and a child. Balasins must be reliable protection, so their height should not be less than 90 cm on the base of the stairs to the railil.
- In order for the design to be accurate and proportional to better use a laser beam level.
- For the strength of the design, the baptine balasins stands on reliable elements, that is, those that have threads and can be sprigged well, even after a long application. And the so-called passive fastener is also called a dust, it can overcome, and he does not have an enlightenment property.
- For wooden balasine, the method of twisting the screws at an angle is used, while having a slightly driving cap. Such a method allows after the end of the work of the screwing of the screws to pour with wax on the tree. Thus, the fasteners will be invisible and accept an attractive aesthetic appearance, creating a whole design effect.
- The distance between the stairs columns should not be more than 15 cm.
- Installation is worth starting from the fastening of extreme bassine.
- To select a balaasine for stairs, look at the Internet or in specialized magazines a photo of the options for their execution to have an exact representation as you want the result.
- If you plan to save a little, there are a lot of video lessons on the installation and fastening of a balusne to a staircase from a different material. Even there are entire sections on the manufacture of gypsum balusters with their own hands.
The form of Balyasin often serves as one of the decisive factors of the design of the room. Delivered with a complete seriousness to the process of choosing such columns and over time you will understand that the work spent on the selection of Balyasin was not in vain. In principle, it does not matter what Balyasin material you choose, the most important thing is that it is reliable and safe. Professionals are extremely recommended to stop their choice on balusters of aluminum hollow pipes, which are very unstable and unsafe. They are used mainly for ladders of small lengths and heights or in public institutions. Have a nice choice and easy installation.