Dry screed center Knauff. Installation, instruction Floors,Building materials

Dry tie of the floor "Knauf" has recently gaining increasing popularity. This is due to the fact that along with practicality and high quality, this type of material allows you to get the perfectly smooth floor as soon as possible.
What is the dry screed of the floor "Knauf", disadvantages and advantages
Dry screed consists of two parts:
- the bulk substance, the thick layer of which is poured right on the overlap. It is most often a clay sand. Due to its porosity, the necessary noise and thermal insulation is achieved;
- high-strength plates on which the floor cover will be laid. Plates of the company "KNAUF" are two glovenant sheets glued with each other, with a layer containing waterproofing components.
After both parts of the dry screed are laid, start assembling a clean floor, while getting a smooth and smooth surface.
This method of field arrangement allows you to align the bugs and differences of any extent. Immediately after installing a dry screed, the following materials are styled:
- laminate;
- carpet;
- parquet;
- tile;
- linoleum.
The technology of a dry band screed "Knauf" has the following advantages:
- to make the screed, special knowledge and skills are not required, it may not even be done with this task;
- missing dirt;
- it is not necessary to apply the screed at once on the entire surface of the floor, you can divide it into small squares, filling them gradually, adjusting the result in the course;
- you can step on the floor immediately after the screed is ready, because Due to the lack of wet processes, it does not require drying;
- Dry screed provides good warm and noise insulation.
Dry tie of the floor "Knauf", the feedback about which is most often positive, despite this has several drawbacks:
- it places a rather thick layer, which makes it use impossible in small rooms with low ceilings;
- it is impossible to use such a type of screed in unheated and raw rooms, because It is incompatible with moisture;
- well, the main disadvantage of the dry bands of the floor "Knauf" - the cost. It is not the transcendental, but still it is impossible to rank to the category of cheap.
In which cases are used dry floor "Knauf"
Indications for using a dry screed:
- uneven floor with a drop of more than 40 mm;
- electrical wiring and heating pipes indoors are protected by corrugations;
- there are wooden or beating wooden floors in the room;
- an old coating requires a replacement on the floor;
- when the period allotted for repairs is limited.
List of all necessary for work
Keep in mind that if you decide to choose a dry floor screed "Knauf", the price that will have to pay, will include other necessary materials, for example:
- two components of a dry screed;
- polyethylene film;
- porous tape for edges;
- electric jigsaw;
- construction glue PVA;
- self-tapping screws intended for GVL;
- drill screwdriver;
- roulette, ruler, pencil.
Dry screed for the floor "Knauf": Installation
Before starting work, you need to prepare floors in a certain way:
- if necessary, remove the old screed or sexual coating. If there are slots in the ceiling, then they are covered;
- eliminate garbage, dust and contamination, including flax and corrosion stains;
- cover the surface by primer;
- calculate the zero level, with the help of laser level or hydroeer. It is necessary, in order to calculate at what level will be a finishing floor;
- calculate the screed thickness, measuring the distance from the zero level and determining the smallest and most important thing. The resulting difference will correspond to the floor height difference.
Now that the preparation is over, proceed to the main work:
- arrange vaporizoation with a polyethylene film. Shipping the entire floor with batteries on the walls 100-150 mm. Sheets themselves should be a mustache at least 200 mm. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room las the ribbon for the edge equal to the claying layer or exceeding it in height;
- make beacons from P-shaped profiles. They will help as much as possible to align the mixture. Check the level with a level. Ceramzit pour out the edges. Because At the same time, the profile will be hidden, the plates almost will not touch them. Due to this, sound insulation will remain at a high level;
- a rapid part of the dry screed - clay sand - fall asleep in small parts. If you pour everything at once, it will entail inconvenience when walking on the floor. In addition, the material can stick to the cocked sheets of sheets and then consolidate them more complicated;
- next, in turn fit and secure the second part of the screed - gypsum-fiber plates. Just lay them and fix them, trying not to move along the lower bulk material. On the plates stacked above the walls, as well as on the first laid, cut the fold, so that the GVL layer across the area was double. Otherwise, empty places will be filled with clay sand, and the sheet goes. It may end this by failure of this floor section;
- it is necessary to install the sheets of material in the same way as the laminate or brick - with a displacement. Neighboring sheets fix with self-drawing through the folds in increments of 100 mm. To strengthen the strength to handle the butchele of PVA;
- after all the plates are laid, you can start flooring.
According to the results, it can be said that the light screed of the floor "Knauf" requires much less labor and time than traditional with the addition of water.
If you are limited to repair to repair, but at the same time you want to use high-quality and convenient material, then you can freely purchase a dry tie "Knauf", the prices of which are not the lowest, while saving on the work.
Dry tie of the floor "Knauf" - video
As mentioned above, the use of a dry screed can significantly reduce the work time, because Pour the dry substance to the floor much faster than to knead the concrete. Also, this material is good because, working with it, you can stop at any moment if necessary, and through time to continue. To make sure that you look at the video located below.