How to insulate the foundation of a private house Construction

When solving the question of whether it is necessary to insulate the foundation of the house, there should be no doubt. The insulation of the foundation will not only retain heat in the house, but also preserves its freezing and destruction of waterproofing.
The better to insulate the foundation of the house
Materials for insulation of the foundation should be durable so that they are not deformed over time, and have small hygroscopicity.
Mineral wool and ordinary polystyrene have a high water absorption coefficient. For this reason, they are not recommended for the heat insulation of the foundation. When solving the question than to insulate the foundation of the house outside, preference is given to modern materials - polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam. These insulation have high strength and durability, have low thermal conductivity and practically zero water absorption.
Polyurene Foolder
It is applied to the surface with a sprayer in several layers. It has good adhesion - firmly holds on the surface being processed. The method of applying polyurethane foam allows you to fill all the seams and irregularities, while not leaving the airbag.
The disadvantages of polyurethane foam include the highest value of the material and installation work. Special equipment required for spraying material. The cost of such a method of insulation of the foundation is justified by the benefits of polyurethane foam. These include:
- holistic coating without seams;
- reliable clutch with a warmed surface;
- durability;
- low thermal conductivity;
- minimum vapor permeability;
- speed mounting;
- simplicity of surface preparation before spraying;
- does not require additional work - sealing seams and waterproofing devices.
Extruded expanded polystyrene foam
It is plates that are glued to the surface. Compared to polyurethane foam has a higher thermal conductivity coefficient. In addition, the installation of expanded polystyrene will need more time than when working with polyurethane foam.
The material does not absorb moisture, due to this has a long life.
The disadvantage is that the slots remain between the plates, which must be filled with the mounting foam. If the gaps do not close, the water will accumulate between the plates. Over time, this can lead to waterproofing disorders.
Keramzite is a porous granules of a rounded and oblong shape from various types of clay. Granules are diameter from 10 to 40 mm.
Benefits of clay:
- environmentally friendly material;
- high strength;
- low cost;
- easy use;
- durability;
- low thermal conductivity.
The lack of clay is its low moisture resistance and higher thermal conductivity compared to other insulation.
Before insulation of the foundation of the private house by clay, labor-intensive preparatory work is needed. First you need to pull the trench around the perimeter to the depth of the foundation and to be displayed the bottom of the trench runner. After the clamping of the clay, it is necessary to a waterproofing device.
Thanks to the complexity of the work and insufficient thermal insulation properties, the ceramzite becomes less popular, and it is less and less used in order to insulate the foundation of the house.
How to warm the foundation of the house
- The foundation should be insulated outside the house. In the presence of the basement, the thermal insulation is carried out inside the room, but it is impossible to be limited only to internal thermal insulation.
- The insulation of the foundation at the initial stage of construction allows you to insulate the foundation without additional work. It will relieve you from the need to dig a trench along the foundation and clean it from the ground.
- With the insulation of the old house around the perimeter, dig a soil to a depth of 50 cm and a width of 1-1.5 m.
- Clean the foundation from the remnants of the earth and dust.
- For insulation of the ribbon foundation, close all the joints between the blocks.
- Before mounting polystyrene foam plates, a waterproofing device is necessary. Liquid rubber is applied with a spatula. Rolled materials are attached from top to bottom with burner. Mechanical fastening with plates fungi is undesirable. Use special glue.
- When working with polyurethane foam it is enough to free the foundation from the Earth. It is not necessary to align and primitive surface.
- When using foam plastic as a heater, take care of the drainage system.
How to insulate the foundation from the inside of the house
- If the house has a basement or a garage, the insulation of the foundation from the inside will help relieve you from the need for heating these premises in the winter season.
- In case there is no possibility to insulate the foundation of the old house outside, the internal insulation is the only output.
- When choosing a insulation, it is necessary to take into account the building structure, the type of external thermal insulation and the further decoration of the walls.
- The space under the floor is covered with clay. Ceramzite can be used both under the wooden floor and as a substrate for a tie device.
- The walls of the basement are insulated with polyurethane foam or polystyrene. If further decorative wall decoration is planned - it is more convenient to use polystyrene plates. They create a smooth surface, convenient for finishing finish.