Machine for plaster: Features and scope of use Instruments

Computerization and automation of society significantly facilitates the life of a modern person. A large range of works performed by hand, easily managed to pass the machines. Automation touched and the construction industry. There are many devices that allow you to perform construction work quickly, efficiently and using a minimum of labor. Machine for plaster is one of them.
Species machines for plaster
Machines for applying plaster are divided into:
- Electric machine for plaster - running from the electric motor. The most interesting species are the stations of robots that perform a big front of work without human participation. Plastering stations are: stationary and mobile. Stationary plastering stations are moved by lifting crane. Mobile less overall, more versatile, have 3-4 wheels for movement.
- A pneumonic machine for plaster- uses a compressor that creates air pressure for applying a solution to the surface. Pneumatic equipment, pneumatic and pneumatic machines for plastering are isolated.
- Machine for plaster manual - by scrolling the handle, the solution is sprinkled over the surface. Such machines are called still shaper.
Principle of operation and advantages of cars for plaster
Manual or scarmer uses at the final stage of plaster. For example, when applying a fur coat. Using such a machine for plaster, fur coat acquires a more uniform view. The device consists of:
- hull
- side handle
- sprinkler
- the feeding mechanism.
The principle of operation of such a typewriter resembles a scarmer. A slight solution is poured into the metal container, when the knob is rotated, the solution is sprayed onto the wall using a metallic heroic, located in the middle.
In the electric machine for plaster, the solution is thrown into the surface due to the operation of the electric motor, and in pneumonic - due to air pressure.
The device of the electric machine for plaster is pretty simple:
- engine, with a capacity of 0.5-1 kW,
- compressor,
- hoses
- spray
- capacity, volume of 200-300 liters.
The machine for plaster allows you to significantly reduce labor costs, but there are some points that it is unable to perform. These are preparatory work. Before starting work with the machine for plastering walls, it is necessary using the level to measure the curvature of the walls, install beacons-guides and apply primer.
Then the dry plaster mixture and water is covered into the container. Next is mixed with a solution. In no case do not use a dry plaster mixture designed to perform manual works. Since it has a completely different structure. The compressor creates pressure and throws the plastering mixture to the surface through the sprayer. After applying the mixture, it is aligned with the rules, smooth iron or spatula.
Advantages and disadvantages of cars for plaster
Machine for plaster has a number of advantages:
- When using the machine for plaster, the effect of a perfectly smooth surface is achieved. With manual operation of such an effect it is very difficult to achieve.
- The mixture of the plastering machine is thrown uniform, due to constant mixing.
- With the help of a machine for plaster, large amounts of work are performed for an extremely short time.
- Plaster under the machine is performed perfectly even and does not require additional finishes and grinding.
- With a machine method of plaster, the grip between the wall and the plastering mixture is greater than with manual. So, the service life of such a coating longer.
- Cost savings: Mixes for handmade more expensive mixtures for machine. The solution is used less.
- Savings when hiring labor. It is enough to work from 1 to 3 people, depending on the size of the treated surface.
Disadvantages of machines for plaster:
- Overallity - for the transportation of plastering stations is required at least 2-3 people.
- Power - Sometimes such a machine is required to work more than 220 V. Then you have to connect an additional phase.
- Fast pace of work - the plastering mixture should be used for an hour, then it becomes unsuitable for finishing work.
- High noise performance. If you use a typewriter in a private house, noise, the machine will not be too noticeable. But in a multi-storey apartment will have to work only in the allowed time.
- Overall stations require a large amount of water for cleaning them. Sometimes for washing such stations is required from 30 liters of water.
Scope of use of machines for plaster
Machine for plaster - a unique tool. The scope of application of this device is very wide. Machine for plaster use:
- when applying cement and gypsum plaster,
- for finishing works: putty and primer,
- when carrying out painting works,
- creating spray for fur coats
- when carrying out thermal insulation works,
- creation of adhesive and reinforcing compositions and work with them
- self-leveling floors,
- thin layer plastering,
- installation of cement-concrete screeds, etc.
Review of models and manufacturers Machine for plaster
The machine for plaster, the price of which is the lowest, it is a shaman. Such a device is suitable for working in small objects. It is used to decorate surfaces, such as "fur coat", "Venetian plaster" or "core".
- Productivity: from 15 m² / hour.
- Minimum volume: 2 l.
- Maximum volume: 4 liters.
- Summer kneading: manual.
- Mass: 5 kg.
- Price: from $ 20.
Plastering shovel or pseudo hopper for work requires an additional compressor. Suitable for decorative purposes and for plastering on a small area. It consists of a steel container in which the solution is buried. After 4 goes outside air nozzle, and through the other nozzle 4 fed solution.
- Productivity: 30-60 m² / hour.
- Maximum volume: 9.2 liters.
- Summer kneading: manual.
- Mass: 2.8 kg.
- Price: from $ 230.
Pistol for applying plaster is used both for decorative purposes, and for applying the perfectly smooth layer of plaster. Pistol is more convenient to use. It has different nozzles, which allows you to adjust the length of the jet.
- Productivity: 15 m² / hour.
- Maximum volume: 5 liters.
- Summer kneading: manual.
- Mass: 2.5 kg.
- Price: from $ 23.
Plastering station Putzknecht S82, Country of manufacture Germanium, is located convenience in operation and compactness. Consumables are used without residue. It has a number of technical specifications:
- Performance: from 300 m² / hour.
- Power: 25 square meters.
- Minimum volume: 5 liters.
- Maximum volume: 60 l.
- The number of revolutions per minute: 40.
- Horizontal feed: 100 m.
- Vertical feed: 50 m.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Mass: 690 kg.
- Price: from $ 6000.
PFT G5 presents a new technological plaster station that has a universal security system and does not require special work skills. The wheels have a diameter of 50 cm, it allows you to move the machine through any cables, stones and other uneven surfaces.
- Productivity: 250 m² / hour.
- Power: 400 V.
- Minimum volume: 6 liters.
- Maximum volume: 85 liters.
- The number of revolutions per minute: 28.
- Horizontal feed: 50 m.
- Vertical feed: 30 m.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Mass: 321 kg.
- Price: About $ 5000.
Plastering machine PFT Ritmo Powercoat increases the finishing speed of 3-4 times. Performs putty work. Conveniently arranged knives for opening bags with a mixture, which makes it easy to fill the car. A large number of functions and modes of operation. Uses both dry and liquid mixtures.
- Productivity: 400 m² / hour.
- Power: 220 V.
- The number of revolutions per minute: 140-575.
- Feed distance: up to 15 m.
- Bunker capacity: 45 l.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Mass: 100 kg.
- Price: from $ 6000.
The Italian firm represents the automatic plastering station "Jotto". Deals mixtures of cement, gypsum and insulating composition.
- Productivity: 30 l.
- Power: 380 V.
- Capacity of the bunker: 110 l.
- Download Height: 990 mm.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Mass: 238 kg.
- Price: from $ 3,500.
BMS Master Plaster Plaster Station guarantees high performance and reliable durable service
- Performance: from 10 to 30 liters.
- Power: 280 V.
- The number of revolutions per minute: 23.
- Horizontal feed: 30 m.
- Vertical feed: 15 m.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Mass: 240 kg.
- Price: from $ 8500.
Universal plastering machine USM-150 (Belarus). It is used to prepare a solution of dry mixtures. Using compressed air, the mixed solution is applied to the surface. All components of the machine are located on one frame, it makes it possible to easily move
- Productivity: 500 m² / hour.
- Power: 10 kW.
- Horizontal feed: 160 m.
- Vertical feed: 35 m.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Mass: 710 kg.
- Price from $ 8000.
Plastering machines GRACO T-MAX is used for interior decoration. The kit also includes a kit for cleaning: brush cleaners for filters for cleaning ball nozzles cleaners. To work is enough two people.
- Productivity per minute: 5.7 liter.
- Power: 220 V.
- The maximum volume of 45 l.
- Summary: Mechanical.
- Weight: 51 kg.
- Price from $ 1800.
Tips for working with the machine for plaster
- When working, use a mask and goggles.
- Hold the nozzle at a distance of 30 need to see.
- Apply plaster must be at a temperature of +7 to + 30 ° C.
- For cleaning machines and channels using only water.
- Never disassemble the machine for plaster working.
- It is unacceptable to use solutions for manual work.
How to choose a plastering machine:
- Pay attention to power. If the machine is used for individual works, then the power must not exceed 220 V.
- Performance is listed in the specifications. Calculate the acceptable performance and choose the model that will fit.
- Feed solution: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal flow has a higher distance.
- For what work is required for machine plasters. For decorative finishes on small areas fit and manual models. To perform more work to be suitable for this plaster station.