How to pinch cucumbers Useful advice,Plot.

When growing cucumbers, many gardeners use such a reception as pinching. This procedure has considerable importance, allowing you to get good crops and support plants in a neat state. For details on how to pinch cucumbers, we will tell in this article.
The main purpose of the procedure for pinching cucumbers
Let's look at the main reasons why it is worth practicing similar activities:
- The first and most important purpose of pinching is considered to increase the yield of culture. The fact is that on the main cucumber stem in the process of flowering form, as a rule, male flowers are empty. These flowers do not give fruits, over time, simply fading and dropping. "Women's" flowers are blooming in large quantities on lateral processes, precisely from such boutons subsequently and grow cucumbers. The main task of the garden is to promote branch, but it is possible to be done only when the growth of the main stem will be suppressed. It is for this purpose that the complace procedure serves.
- Paging beneficially affects not only the amount of harvest, but also on the taste qualities of cucumbers. It often happens that a large number of male shoots contributes to the appearance of a bitter taste in the fruits. So that the harvest was not only generous, but also tasty, you should delete at least 80% of "male" cucumber stems.
- Another reason for which the cucumbers should be segged is the proper formation of the bush. This not only gives cultures aesthetic appearance, but also largely facilitates the care of them and allows each plant to feel comfortable in certain conditions of growth. For example, if you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is very important to thin the foliage and stems on time, so that the rest of the shoots have received enough light and air. However, in this case it is important to know the measure and not to trim the extra, since the foliage is the main source of nutrition of cultures.
Paging of cucumbers, as well as any procedures that include damage to plants in certain places, should be carried out taking into account the rules of hygiene. Before working, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap, after which you can proceed to remove unnecessary stems and leaves. To damage, various infections have fallen into damage, you need to process these places with wood ash or crushed charcoal.
What is the difference between female and male flowers
For proper addition, it is very important to distinguish "female" and "men's" flowers of cucumbers. There is nothing complicated in this, these are the main differences for which the emptying can be recognized:
- Male flowers blooms on short thin legs, while women have a small, but quite noticeable marking of the cucumber.
- "Men's" flowers are arranged uniform, but groups of 5-7 pieces, but female inflorescences are usually dissolved separately from each other or collected in groups of 2-3 flower.
Correctly defining the type of colors, you can crop those stems that are superfluous, having received a rich crop of fruits.
How to pinch cucumbers
The rules for the pieces of culture directly depend on its variety, as well as on where plants grow: in the open or closed soil. Every situation we will consider separately.
Paging of insectopillary cucumbers
Insectopillary varieties are those that give a harvest only in case of pollination. Such varieties include the following: uneasy, Far Eastern, Monastic, Vyaznikovsky. It is also possible to rank in the insect-extractable hybrids: F1 Wilina, Malachite F1, Spring F1, F1 Topolak and others. The main feature of these species is that fruits are usually formed on side stems. At the same time, on the main stem, mostly emptying are growing.
Insectopillary varieties begin the branching process Quite too late, which is why the pitch is considered the main way to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots. Timely pinching of the main stem allows branches to grow and develop much earlier, forming fruitful flowers.
The procedure for pinching such varieties is started after the appearance of 5-6 leaves on shoots. Inflorescences are removed from the lower sinuses, as well as the mustache and side branches. Some gardeners leave fruitful flowers in the lower sides, afraid to lose extra harvest. However, in these places, the marks are poorly developed, the fruits are fine, have an irregular form. In addition, cucumbers in the lower sickles pull the nutrients, slowing down the growth and development of healthy and large fruits.
Paging of parthenocarpic varieties
Parthenocarpic varieties of culture have one feature: in the process of growth, they form a large number of "female" inflorescences and can give promise without pollination. Some hybrid varieties are very branched, others have a relatively small number of shoots. Among the popular partrenokarpic hybrids can be called the following: The problem F1, advance F1, Eskimo F1, April F1, Zozul F1, Amur F1 and some others.
Grow such culture mainly in the greenhouses, since in open soil the fruits are fine and curves. Consider Read more The rules for pinching of parthenocarpic cucumbers growing in the greenhouse:
- Data varieties are taken to be grown into one stem. When seedlings reaches the desired height, it is tested for a special hatcher.
- When the main stem will shoot up to a height of 45-50 cm, in its lower part, it completely breaks all shoots, leaves and inflorescences. This zone is called the "blinding zone".
- On top of this zone, at an altitude of up to 1 m, the side processes are plugged at the level of the first leaf. One ovary and 2-3 sheets are left.
- The stalk at an altitude is up to 1.5 m pinch as follows: in 3-4 nodes left side branches, each of which should be 2 launches and 3 sheets.
- Soothes at an altitude of 1.5 m pinch so that they remain 3-4 wounds and 3-4 sheets. Paging is produced at the level of the third leaf.
If the stems of cucumbers do not stop growth, they can be transferred via the sleeper. The shoots will grow down, and when about 20 cm remains before the soil level, the growth point will need to trim.
Cucumbers, photo:
How to pinch cucumbers in the open soil
In the issue of pinching cucumbers growing in open soil, the opinions of gardeners often diverge. Some experts believe that this procedure is simply necessary, others agree that modern types of culture can be left to the natural way. It should be noted that modern sorts of cucumbers are often really perfectly bypassed without pinching. Such species include: Altai, reliable, aquarius, bush, electron, competitor. Such hybrids do not need: synthesis F1, Lord F1, Farmer F1, Rhythm F1. Some of the named hybrids produce female flowers not only on lateral processing, but also on the main stem.
If you do not know whether to pinch the cucumbers on the garden, determine it by their appearance. Inspect the bushes and count the number of leaves. If 7-8 sheets have grown on the stems, and the side shoots did not appear, the pinching is necessary. Well, in the event that the cucumbers released a lot of lateral processes, you can do without this procedure.
Experienced gorgeous robes engaged in the cultivation of cucumbers are probably some favorite varieties and know how to carefully care for them. Newcomers can be advised by the following: if you do not want to spend time on pinching and forming the right bush, give preference to varieties growing into one stem or minor shoots.
Features of pinching cucumbers in the greenhouse
As mentioned earlier, the cucumbers in the greenhouses are grown by attaching stems to the trellis. Trelliers are vertically stretched durable threads or fragments of wire. The thread is stretched by rows, the distance between which is at least 0.4 m. The height of the steller reaches 1.5-2 m, they are tied to the cucumber shoots, which in the process of their growth will be tied up along the strained thread. To achieve good crops, protect plants from diseases, to provide them with access to the sun, air and nutrients, you need to promptly and correct shoots.
Among the gardeners there is an opinion that modern hybrid varieties of cucumbers have not so good taste, as their traditional predecessors. But to grow classic varieties, you need to make certain efforts. Here are the main subtleties of growing traditional varieties of culture in the greenhouse:
- Negibrid cucumbers produce flowers with barriers mainly on the side stems, while the main escape is dusting with empty skewers. Accordingly, to obtain good yields, culture should be quenched. It is done after 5 leaves appear on the main stem.
- Behind the side shoots also need to take care timely. Do not let them grow strongly and coming together. All stems need to be carefully tied up, yellowed and sick shoots need to trimmed, and leaflets located under the urones, delete.
- Crimping should be carried out only with a sharp tool - it will minimize the risk of appearance on damaged sections of malical dew.
- It happens that the paddles are formed in large quantities and on the side branches. To cope with such a problem, try to dry the soil for starting. If there is no effect, then make pieces of these shoots.
About how to pinch hybrid varieties growing in a greenhouse, we have previously told. Note that pinching makes it also to rejuvenate plants. This is rejuvenation in the following way:
- With the onset of autumn, when the night air temperature does not reach high indicators, the rejuvenation time of cucumbers comes. To do this, the shoots of plants carefully examine and share, cutting off those of which there are no strings. The foliage with signs of diseases or yellowing is also deleted.
- Internal shoots gently pinch. The soil around the bushes explode, stirring the soil with peat and a small amount of wood ash.
- Then the land is moistened to the warm decoction of the onion husk.
- After all these manipulations, the plants begin to bloom actively, however, the size of the fruit will not be so big as at the peak of the season.
Cucumbers in the open soil: how to care for the culture
Consider in more detail some subtleties of planting cucumbers in open soil, as well as rules for the care of plants. Observing the recommendations given, you can get rich fruit crops.
- It is worth landing the cucumbers in the open soil when its constant temperature reaches a not lower than 10 ° C. Early landing can be fraught with poor growth and development of shoots.
- Seed seeds can be directly in the ground, or initially grow seedlings in small tanks on the window. Seeds before landing in the open soil should be treated with a solution of manganese, to prevent the development of some diseases.
- If you cultivate seedlings on the windowsill, then you can carry out that it is possible to transfer it to beds when 5 real leaves appear on the sprouts. This usually happens on 26-30 days after seeding.
- With insufficient nutrition, the growth of culture slows down, and the fruits grow small and curves. If you found signs of growth slowdown, it may mean that your cucumbers are not enough nitrogen. You can cope with the problem with a few feeding plants urea.
- When the leaves become yellowish, and the fruits acquire the shape of a pear, it should be assumed that the plants need potassium. It is possible to fertilize the culture in this case, you can potassium sulfate or diluted wood ash water. You can additionally irrigate the foliage of growth stimulants.
- Do not forget about pinching of shoots if you want to get a large amount of delicious fruits without bitterness.
- The cucumbers do not carry droughts in the same way as they do not like too strong humidification. Watering culture, it is important to observe the measure. Try to irrigate the plants about 2-3 times a week using a moderate amount of water. In terms of temperature, the fluid should be slightly warm, and rainwater is considered an ideal option. Watering is produced directly under the roots, thereby releasing the stems and leaves from the development of certain diseases. So that the cucumbers have released a large number of stocks, about a week before flowering should be stopped by watering at all.
- Extlamble varieties can be irrigated by a special composition to attract insects. This composition is a sugar solution with the addition of melissa.
- If the foliage cooked and became barbed, and the fruits began to develop more slowly, spray the cucumbers with urea sol.
- One of the common diseases of cucumbers is mellowee dew. It manifests itself in the form of whitish spots on the foliage and stalks of plants. The following remedy will help to get rid of the disease: Mix 1 l of milk with 9 liters of water, add 10 drops of iodine and irrigate the cucumbers with the resulting mixture.
- Another culture disease is an anthracnose. If white round spots appeared on the surface of the leaves, from the back side covered with a pink bloom, remove these leaves from the shoots and burn. Healthy plants spray 1% Bordeaux liquid.
Features of the care of greenhouse cucumbers
Sometimes cucumbers in the greenhouse grow at all so actively as I would like. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Below we look at them in more detail:
- One of the probable causes of poor growth of greenhouse cucumbers may be the wrong selection of the variety. It is known that all cucumbers can be divided into 2 large groups: noncomfortable and partrenicarpic. The second species is grown in greenhouses without any problems, while pollinated plants require the involvement of certain insects. To help pollination, prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. Honey, 1 l warm water and 0.1 g of boric acid. The resulting composition spray your cucumbers, and leave the doors and windows of the greenhouses open, so that the bee can penetrate into it. There is also an alternative way to pollination - the personnel conducting procedure. Cut the male flower with escape and tap his core "female" flower. In this way, treat all inflorescences on cucumbers.
- The second reason why cucumbers in the greenhouse grow slowly and poorly develop, the wrong mode of maintenance of temperature and humidity can be considered. It is known that cucumbers love warmth. The most favorable temperature for their growth is the indicator of 20-25 ° C. At temperatures below 15 ° C, the culture develops slowly, the wound on the stems is practically not formed. Excessive heat will also not benefit plants, at ambient temperature above 33 ° C, their pollen will become incapable of fertilization. Watering is better to carry out water, the temperature of which is about the same as in the soil in the greenhouse.
- The cause of poor growth of greenhouse cucumbers may be the wrong composition of the soil. If, for example, the soil is reduced by nitrogen fertilizers, plants can feel the shortage of other nutrients: potassium or phosphorus. It is possible to conclude about the rebupping of nitrogen by the state of branches and colors: too rapid growth of shoots and the formation of a large number of empty-flowers indicate that the land is oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizers. In such a case, the soil requires a solution of wood ash or superphosphate. The ash is dissolved in the water in the following proportion: 1 cup of the ash should have to be 10 liters of warm water. To prepare the exhaust of superphosphate 2 tbsp. Substances are bred in the same amount of boiling water. After 2-3 days, superphosphate is made under the roots of cucumbers.
- Bad yield of greenhouse culture may be due to a large dense of landing. Excessive density of plants leads to the fact that they do not get enough air and light. This, in turn, becomes the cause of bad formation of uncess. In addition, the high concentration of plants on a small area can lead to a lack of nutrients for each individual bush.
- The presence of a large number of unnecessary leaves and shoots is another of the reasons for bad yield. This problem will help to cope only timely and proper squeezing of cucumbers. If you do not want to spend time on the formation of bushes, grow single-way plants in the greenhouse or such cultures that give a small number of shoots.