Plastic doors to the balcony: installation features Doors

The balcony door is not just a fencing design, but an important functional element of any apartment. It performs two functions: protects the living room from the cold and is an additional source of natural lighting. Not so long ago, all the doors and windows were made of wood, but today they have almost completely supplanted plastic structures. They have a number of undeniable advantages and better cope with tasks assigned to them. Today we will tell you in detail how to install a plastic door on the balcony.
Details of the structure
Despite the wide range of products, many prefer to install it plastic doors, and the reasons for this are many. First, they exclude the possibility of drafts and well protected from the cold, if the balcony is not insulated. Secondly, they are not afraid of high humidity and temperature changes, so they are often used for swimming pools and saunas. Third, plastic balcony doors have excellent soundproofing, and after installation you can forget about much noise from the street, especially if you live in a densely populated area or near a roadway.
It is impossible not to note the high aesthetics of such structures. Classic plastic doors of white color are not the only possible option. There are also surfaces imitating natural wood, and plastic lining of various colors. Pick up the balcony door for any interior will not be difficult.
The dimensions of the glass insert in the door can also vary at your discretion. If you want the room to be more light, you can order a fully glass door from the floor to the ceiling. There are classic options, like familiar wooden doors, as in the apartments of the Soviet buildings.
It is very convenient to use plastic doors. The presence of high-quality multifunctional accessories allows you to open them completely, leave a small ventilation gap from above or on the side. Housing protection technique is also provided - the door handle is usually mounted only from the inside, so it is impossible to get into the house outside.
Plastic doors are made from the same profile as the windows, but they still have their own design features. So, to increase the strength of the product, it is equipped with a reinforced steel profile.
Useful advice: When choosing plastic doors, pay attention to the model, reinforced with the metal grid. During operation, they will not be deformed and served several decades.
Most doors have double glazing. You can order glass, too, you can on your choice - a matte, tempered, passing ultraviolet, tinted, and even stained glass. Pay special attention to accessories - the convenience and deadlines for the use of the door depends on its quality. As a rule, in such structures there is a rotary-folding mechanism.
Installation of plastic door
Before starting to install something, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work - make measurements, buy tools, materials, designate a sequence of actions, etc. The installation of plastic doors has its own specifics and is not similar to the usual work with wooden structures.
Sequence of work:
- First of all, you should dismantle the old door and prepare the doorway. It is extremely important that the dimensions of the plastic door correspond to the way in the wall. Products with standard dimensions are mainly available on sale, but if you make the door to order, this moment should be thought out to be thought out. To prepare a doorway, it is necessary to clean it from the old plaster and cover the ends of the primer from dust.
- Next - ATTENTION - Before installing, you need to disassemble the plastic door. From shops, such designs are supplied in the assembled form, but to cope with them alone, you need a lot of strength and patience. It is much easier to install the door yourself, if you remove the door leaf from the box and take out the glass windasters.
- The installation of the plastic door can be produced by brackets or anchors. If you use brackets for fastening the design in the opening, they must be mounted on the back side of the box specifically provided for this. If you decide to work with anchors, they will have to put through the box in advance drilled holes. This way is faster and easier, but you have to sacrifice the aesthetics of the doors. In both cases, it is necessary to install three fasteners on each side.
- Then you need to score several nails in the doorway or screw the screws that will play the role of stop. To do this, first determine the location of the door in the opening and make a mark on the side at the top - there will be two stops. The same repeat the same. Four dowels will be enough to set the faithful plastic door plane plane in the opening.
Only after such preparation can be started to install plastic doors.
Installation of a door box
As we have already spoken above, you can use brackets or anchors to mount the door in the opening. To facilitate the flour of choice, we immediately clarify - the decisive role plays the presence or absence of the brackets in the door. From aesthetic point of view, it is better to immediately order the door with the stipulated grooves, which will then be disguised by the slopes.
How to put plastic doors:
- Insert the door to the opening and run it on the stubborn dowels located at the top. First, the door is better put slightly under the tilt to orient its location, leaving an equal distance to the opening at the edges.
- Prepare a few wooden wedges, a rack construction level up to 50 cm long, fasteners, hammer, perforator with a brown.
- Place the level on the threshold and adjust its position, scoring the wedges under it. When the air bubble is strictly in the center, you can proceed to the adjustment of the side parts.
- First, take the wedges in the upper part of the opening near the stops, then to the bottom. At the same time, the box should be most closely pressed to the rest.
- Check the door orientation relative to all levels and, if necessary, adjust its position by the wedges.
- When you were convinced that the door frame stands perfectly smoothly, drill the hole with the perforator and install fasteners. Start the installation from the top where the canopies are located. Do not immediately "tight" tighten the screws to tighten the position of the door in the case of anything.
- When you put all the fasteners, spend the final level check, and if all is well, tighten the screws to the end. Act confidently, but carefully not to untar profile. If this happens, the door will be crooked.
So, you were able to install the door frame, and most of the work remained behind. Now you only need to collect the door block and take it up.
How to assemble the door block
Depending on the type of door design, it is on the box occurs differently. There are small differences between balcony and interior doors. They are in the loop used. We have already said that the installation of a plastic door is not at all similar to the installation of a wooden, and the main difference is in the loops.
As the balcony door has a function of airing, its loops have a more complex structure than the interroom.
How to fix the plastic door to the balcony:
- Lift the door leaf and suck it on the bottom cannon.
- Close the door so that two parts of the top loop docked with each other.
- Turn the pin (goes to the set of accessories) through the two halves of the top loop.
- It remains only to tight the box with the help of polyurethane mounting foam. To make this work qualitatively, make sure that the door is tightly closed until the sealant is completely drying. It should be applied to a clean and slightly moistened surface - when in contact with water, it is immediately grapped. Working with a sealant, try to fill the seams as evenly possible.
Useful advice: To seal the door frame, it is best to use a mounting foam with a small pressure force. With inappropriate, you can overdo it with the amount of sealant, and it will push the box with its place. Macroflex 65 foam is not able to shift the design, and its excess will simply go to the surface through the slot.
Useful video about the installation of plastic doors will help you in more detail to study the whole process:
Installation of sliding door
Sliding plastic doors have recently become increasingly popular, outstanding the usual designations from the market. Unusual appearance, convenience of operation and original stylish design allow you to use them for balconies, terraces, inlets in pools, verandas, etc.
Types of structures
The appearance of the door structures may vary, however, the principle of their work is the same - the door canvas equipped with rollers, moves along special rails that are fixed under the ceiling and by the floor. The same scheme work shower doors.
Depending on the appearance, the number of grooves, guide and rollers of the design are cascading, radius and "accordions".
There are several varieties of sliding balcony doors:
- Lifting and sliding - the design is installed on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony wall and open with a lift of the sash, which allows you to admire the picturesque view from the window. From above, the profile is equipped with special rubber seals, which provide complete tightness of the design in a closed position. The disadvantage of this type of doors is that they cannot be discovered on the whole width - it will only move one sash for another.
- Lifting and sliding - the door that is simply shifted to the side. The design is characterized by a very wide sash - up to 3 m. Such doors skip the maximum of sunlight and do not close the overview. At the same time, the double glass package perfectly holds heat and does not miss noises from the street.
- "Harmonica" - this design is suitable for very wide openings. It can contain up to 7 sash. The door opening mechanism resembles the folding of the harmonic fur - hence the name. The main disadvantage - each sash is equipped with a profile that interferes with the review, so many prefer to install in wide opening of glass doors, for example, lifting-sliding.
Mounting specificity
For small rooms, it is better to choose necromotive structures that will close only the door opening, for example, a one-board or biscuit door. In this case, the guide on the carrier bar is attached to the ceiling, which slides on the rollers. Very practical and convenient option - to install a hollow partition in the wall in which the door will be "left" when opening.
But as before the installation of the most ordinary door, you must first remove measurements. How to do it for the sliding door, is shown in the image below:
We offer to consider the installation sequence on the example of a single sliding door:
- Apply markup for the carrier bar. To do this, measure the height of the doorway, add to the resulting result of 10-15 mm (the gap between the floor and the blade) and the height of the roller guide from above. Spend a line under the ceiling in the appropriate place controlling the horizontal building level.
- Attach the door to the way, bring the lining and mark the line that goes on the top end of the canvas. Measure up the size of the guide and sliding fittings from it.
- There should be a small space between the guide and the wall so that the door does not start irregularity. The guide should be 2 times longer than the width of the opening, plus to have several centimeters in stock. Collect the roller mechanism, install fastenings for the door and insert into the guide.
- At the top end of the door leaf, attach special clamps, retreating from the edges of 2-4 mm. Clamps should be as much as roller mechanisms.
- Get the door under the guide, slightly lift it (here you can not do without 1-2 helpers) and screw the bolts of roller mechanisms into the clips. So the door will be reliably fixed and nothing will fall out of the "rails". Constantly check the smooth building level.
- For vertical fixation, screw the special "leash" to the floor - the lower guide. It can have a form of a roller or knife, which must be entered into the appropriate slot at the bottom of the door.
- When the door leaf is securely fixed and not risen, you can install masking accessories for rollers and make slopes.
As you can see, the installation of the sliding door is not harder than the usual. True, the cost of such structures is much higher, but it is entirely justified by exceptional style and functionality.
Plastic doors to the balcony: photo
There is nothing complicated in the installation of plastic balcony doors. The most important thing is to figure out how fittings work and how the loops are arranged. It will be useful to you in the future when you need to clean, lubricate or replace some details.