Silicone sealants: properties and use Building materials

Earlier, before the appearance of silicone sealants, the seams of the seams were performed by various smells, self-made mastic and mixtures from bitumen, which did not fully satisfy the tasks. With admission to the market of this new material, the implementation of repair work has been much simplified, but their quality has increased significantly. The structure of silicone sealant resembles a viscous dense mixture, ideally suitable for sealing all sorts of cracks and seams, gluing spare parts and sealing of butt sections. The coating by this material will save the surface from the effects of disobricants and from the penetration of moisture. The more beneficially different sealants from silicone, find out in this article.
- Types of silicone sealants for component composition
- Silicone sealants - characteristics
- Disadvantages of silicone hermetic
- Types of silicone sealants for destination
- Types of silicone sealants in color
- Areas of application of silicone sealants
- Technology of using silicone sealant
- Silicone sealants - popular brands
- Conclusion
Types of silicone sealants for component composition
The component composition of silicone sealants is quite complicated. In the manufacture of substances added to it:
- silicone plasticizer - makes material elastic;
- vulcanizer that gives a viscosity material;
- silicone rubber (base);
- adhesion primer - provides a charture of material with a surface;
- amplifier - ensures strength;
- filler, giving chromaticity.
All silicone sealants are divided into 2 main groups:
- single-component - often used in construction and repair;
- two-component - apply in the industrial sphere.
In turn, sealants are single-component silicone, depending on the main component, are:
- Alkaline. Such sealants are included in a special purpose group, and the main component is amines.
- Acid. Marked with the symbol "A" and belong to the group of selences of silicone universal having a low cost. In the manufacture of the basic acid, the smell of which can be felt during the solidification of the mass. The lack of acid silicone sealant is incompatibility with most of the floors, as it causes an accelerated corrosion process. Also do not recommend them to apply with marble elements and with cement material containing alkaline particles.
- Neutral. An ideal neutral silicone sealant is combined with surfaces made of any materials due to the component composition, which is based on ketoxime or alcohol.
When choosing a particular type of sealant, pay attention to the special additives used in the manufacture. Distinguish 4 main types of additives:
- Dyes. Colored pigments are added to the composition in the manufacture, so the material is not painted after drying.
- Mechanical fillers. Provide excellent chain of silicone mass with a treated surface.
Important! The mechanical additives include quartz dust or chalk.
- Extanders of natural origin - reduce the viscosity of silicone.
- Fungicides - contribute to the destruction of mold and fungus.
Important! If you take into account the nature of the additive, you can significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200buse of the sealant. Review an interesting video review of silicone sealants in order to quickly understand what you need.
Silicone sealants - characteristics
It may seem strange, but the elastic and soft silicone building sealant produce a fastest material - silicon, occurring in the form of quartz or sand. It makes polymers included in the composition of silicone.
Based on this, there are a number of advantages, among which:
- the ability to stretch, which allows the use of silicone sealant on moving connecting sites;
- high degree of strength;
- an excellent adhesion indicator - seals compounds, between elements of ceramics, glass, wood, concrete, plastic metal;
- resistance to ultraviolet radiation and exposure to aggressive detergents;
- silicone sealant heat-resistant - retains protective characteristics in a large temperature range (from -50 ° to + 300 ° C);
- resistance to the effects of natural factors allowing to use sealant, both indoors and outside;
- does not respond to the appearance of mold and bacteria.
Disadvantages of silicone hermetic
With a lot of advantages, silicone sealants still have drawbacks, among which they allocate:
- the inability to use most sealants on wet surfaces;
- sealants that do not have a large number of organic substances are not subject to conquering colors;
- insufficient adhesion of narrow plates from polypropylene, polycarbonate, polyethylene, fluoroplast and PVC.
Important! The solution to the problem will be the acquisition of a more expensive sealant for professional use.
Types of silicone sealants for destination
A species series of silicone sealants is quite extensive. From what kind of choice you make depends on the place and nature of the application of the material.
In its proposal, silicone sealants are:
The most popular species among them allocate the following options.
Silicone sealant universal
It has a high indicator of adhesion, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and light. The latitude of the application spectrum allows you to use it for sealing the joints of the shell and baths, shower cabins, batteries and pipes, sealing lights, headlights, moldings.
Silicone sanitary sealant
It is used in places with an increased moisture degree, for example, a kitchen, a bathroom, where the surfaces are exposed to fungus. The main places of its use are in particular tubes, shower, sink, bath, toilet bowl.
This sealant is peculiar:
- high degree of adhesion of aluminum and non-porous surfaces;
- not exposed to aggressive detergent components;
- retains protective properties over a long operational period;
- withstands heating to + 150 ° C short-term.
Silicone car sealant black
Used to perform technical works and when replacing gaskets located in the car. The distinctive features of such a material are distinguished:
- confrontation with the effects of antifreeze, machine oil, water;
- exposure of short-term effects of temperature to + 300 ° C;
- does not flow when applied;
- does not be the process of aging.
Important! Experts are not recommended to allow contact car sealant black with gasoline.
Silicone red sealant
This material is a 100% silicone single-component red mass, which begins to harden immediately after entering the reaction with wet air. The heat-resistant red sealant is used when installing various electrical elements, assembling pumps, industrial furnaces, engines, heating systems, as well as when placing joints in bathrooms, chimneys and cars.
The characteristic features of the red car sealant should be selected such properties:
- does not suit when applied;
- has a sticky structure;
- does not lose elasticity and elasticity when exposed to temperature range from -50 ° to + 300 ° C.
Other types of silicone sealants
In addition to the above species of silicone sealants, there are such:
- bituminous - used when mounting the tiled roof of the drainage design;
- aquarium (seal-glue) - for connecting joints in aquarium and terrarium structures;
- sanitary - applied in the bathrooms and shower cabins;
Important! It includes a biocide that prevents the appearance and development of fungus.
- low-module - for sealing interpanel seams;
- electrically insulating.
Important! Often the manufacturer on the package indicates the assignment of a sealant, but to make the selection to perform more correctly, use the application table or consult with specialists.
Types of silicone sealants in color
All materials of this type differ in color scheme.
To quickly choose the desired option, follow the following recommendations:
- Standard is considered a sealant silicone white.
- Using silicone sealant for windows made of wood, you can securely and tightly fix the glass in the window frame.
- To eliminate drafts, use silicone sealant for external seams, which perfectly copes with temperature differences and does not crack when exposed to the rays of the Sun.
- For the sealing of the seams between the elements of dark wood, the sealant is perfect with transparent silicone.
The remaining criteria for choosing the sealant of silicone similar to the selection of grouts. Carefully read the rules below and the selection of sealant color will not be particular difficulties:
- Select the color of the sealant as close as possible to the color of the material.
- If the details of the dark color, get the sealant of a darker shade, for light elements - brighter.
- For sealing seams of the base made of mosaic or photo collage, take the transparent silicone sealant for seams.
- Outdoor seams are not recommended for sealant of light shades, since some time they can pollute and acquire a "spotted" view.
Important! A recent innovation is a way to select the sealant of contrasting the basis of the base. Such a combination of shades will give the interior of uniqueness. Specialists compiled several options for contrasting pairs of shades, profitably excreasing each other. For example:
- graphite - olive;
- pearl - black;
- beige - cocoa;
- color of mahogany - gray.
If you decide to place a room using such bold color combinations, consult with a specialist to avoid ridiculous and disharmonious combinations.
Areas of application of silicone sealants
The range of applications of the sealant of silicone is quite extensive.
They are used for work outside:
- sealing window boxes and frames;
- fixation of stone tiles, torn from the base;
- sealing of water pipes;
- sealing seams during roofing work;
- sealing glass designs;
- sealing jacks of vinyl facing.
Silicone sealants for internal works are used for:
- sealing the seats of the ceiling seat with a plasterboard plate;
- sealing seams of window sills made of decorative or natural stones;
- sealing parts having the ability to heat up to high temperature indicators.
The use of silicone sealants in rooms with high humidity:
- sealing a shower cockpit with a wall;
- sealing places of plumbing plumbing;
- sealing seats of connection of sewage pipes;
- installing mirrors.
Important! This list of possible directions of use is not complete, as it is very difficult to provide all possible ways to use this really universal material. New ideas are constantly arising from professionals during the performance of a large amount of work. In everyday life, many owners of their own homes and apartments find non-standard ways to use silicone sealants, which are quite effective solutions.
Technology of using silicone sealant
Processing the surface or seams with a sealing silicone composition will not be particular complications if the recommendations followed below.
- Dress the construction form or clothing that is not sorry to throw out after the completion of the work.
- Remove from the surface of the planned processing of pollution and dust.
- Treat seams and surface degreaser.
- Dry the processed areas.
- Apply a layer of sealing silicone mass inside the joints or another treated surface.
Important! To seal the seams, purchase a special gun for silicone, inserting the tuba sealant with a cropped tip. Then, on the tip, wear the dispenser and adjust the stream of the material, by cutting the dispenser in the right place.
- Silicone surplus remove from the surface with a damp cloth, and the hands rinse with soap solution.
Important! The dried extensive thin layer of silicone remove the solvent or mechanically.
How much does silicone sealant dry?
From the moment of applying the film appears about 20 minutes. The time of full curing takes 24 hours.
In some cases, the duration of full drying depends on:
- the thickness of the layer applied to the meter
Important! When applying a strip of material with a cross section of 4x3 mm, 300 ml of the sealant tube is enough for 17-18 meters of the route.
- component composition;
- mass density;
- purpose.
Important! The full rejection of some species ranges from 1 to 3 hours.
Silicone sealants - popular brands
Buying silicone sealant, prefer the famous brands that have long proven themselves from the best side, thereby highlighting themselves among the many similar materials.
Prefer brands:
- Macroflex. Finnish brand engaged in more than 35 years in the production of sealants and adhesives. Sealant Silicone Macroflex is famous for high quality material, excellent performance, ease of use at home and optimal solution for use by professionals.
- Moment. The leading manufacturer of the construction chemical products of the highest quality, delivering goods to the market for over 130 years. At the moment, the silicone sealant is produced at the factory in Russia, observing the latest technologies. This material perfectly combines a relatively low price, reliability and quality.
- Chained. Polish manufacturer of sealants, adhesives, world-class roofing seals. Production manufacturing is carried out taking into account the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality certification system. The modern technological base provides excellent performance and weatherability.
- ECON. The product line has been launched to the building materials market in 2008 by Henkel. The products of the brand ECON is characterized by the perfect combination of quality-price. Easy use, convenience in work and modernly looking packaging will turn the construction work and repair to pleasure.
- Titanium. It produces silicone sealant Titan Polish company Selena, which is world leaders in the field of household and construction chemistry. The sealants produced under the Titan brand belong to the class of professional seams for seaming and are used in various fields. The company also produces sealants based on acrylic, polyurethane and modified bitumen.
- Cerepes. The leader of sales in the field of building dry mixes and chemistry, which is popular for more than a century. A wide variable spectrum of materials and simplicity of their use allocates the German Ceresit environment of other similar brands.
As you can see, the assortment of sealants is quite wide, which sometimes complicates the choice of the desired material. In order for the selected product to respond to high quality indicators, pay attention to:
- availability of seller certified copies of quality certificates;
- manufacturer;
- the availability of information on the composition and appointment of the product on the extension tube.
With caught, we will take on products:
- with paper-shaped label;
- weighing tubes more than 0.340 kg at a volume of 310 mm;
- with suspiciously low cost;
- with a marker "Silicon 100%", since all sealants in their composition have various additives.
Observing the above recommendations and rules, the work on the sealing of the seams will not be particularly difficulty, and the quality of the sealed surface will certainly surprise you and please.