How to mount MDF wall panels Walls

In the modern world, when it is necessary to quickly make the walls of the walls, the MDF panels were widespread. First of all, this is due to the available price, as well as environmental friendliness. To perform the installation of the MDF wall panels with their own hands, there will be no big experience. Just observe accuracy and be accurate in the calculations.
The MDF panels are produced from woodworking waste. Do not confuse this material with a similar one: from Feds and chipboard. MDF panels are manufactured by dry hot pressing, where wood is pressed without taking into account the binder component. The essence of the method is as follows: The wood consists of fibers (lignin), which under the influence of high temperature and pressure becomes puffy and are connected to each other. The structure of MDF material externally resembles a felt canvas, only consists of wood fibers.
MDF panels are absolutely eco-friendly material, so they are widely used for finishing indoors. Principles of working with panels are similar to the tree.
The Wall MDF panels are significantly inferior in the price of a clap, but if you compare this material with similar "counterparts" - chipboard panels and fiberboard, then MDF will be more expensive.
Installation of MDF wall panels are fixed on a frame or glue for wooden products. Also specifically for working with the MDF panels, the adhesive mass of "liquid nails" has been developed. This glue, which consists of a wood sawdust filler. Such glue is convenient to work with both MDF panels and shuffle gaps. When working with "liquid nails", it should be borne in mind that the MDF wall panels are color, so when buying glue, you need to ask the consultant to provide a sample of frozen drops (usually available on the lid).
Tools for working with panels
Every man's male has a standard tool kit, you need to add to them:
- plumbing (made independently from the caprochy thread and nut);
- roulette;
- building level;
- electrode with a nozzle for self-tapping screws (as replacing a screwdriver);
- metal Cornel;
- manual saw or electrolybiz.
Molding of the MDF wall panels is carried out in two ways:
- Frame.
- Adhesive.
Both methods are equally practical. For example, if you need to hide any communication, then the frame method of fastening is used. If it is necessary to separate a flat surface, then the installation of the MDF wall panels is performed by the adhesive method.
When fastening the MDF wall panels, two framework methods are used:
- Fastening on a wooden crate.
- Fastening on a frame of metal profiles.
The easiest way to make a wooden crate, since it will not need to install a large number of hard wool for its assembly. But the drying of the tree is an expensive material. In addition, the tree must be predetermined by means of preventing the formation of fungus and mold.
Mounting a wooden crate to the wall can be using self-tapping screws or mounting nails (dowels).
It is undesirable to apply such a crate in a brick house and a cheese of the room, because through the pores of the brick spore fungus, as well as moisture can penetrate inside. In such a "pillow" between the wall and cladding from MDF, pests will develop rapidly.
To install a metal frame, you need to purchase a profile, special fasteners ("ears") and connecting elements. They should be purchased if you plan to perform a large amount of work in a short time. If you planned to sew one or two rooms with wall panels, then without them you can easily do.
The metal income is attached to the wall only by self-draws. In order to attach a metal profile to a concrete base, a diameter of 4-6 millimeters is used. If the wall is durable, then the fastener diameter decreases. In addition, it is necessary to know that each fastener (self-sore or dowel) is attached together with the plastic "nest". Therefore, the hole in the wall is drilled according to the diameter of the "body of the socket", and the protrusions are not taken into account.
The plastic base is clogged into the wall with a hammer, and the fastener itself should enter the wall for 30-40 millimeters. For example, if the layer of plaster is 12 millimeters, then for the crate you need to use the MDF wall panel with a size of 16 millimeters, and the length of the metric should be about 68 millimeters. This figure is calculated by the formula: plaster thickness plus fastener length plus MDF thickness. Accordingly, the fasteners can be purchased from 70 to 80 millimeters long. The depth of the opening should be more plus 15-20 millimeters, which are divided into dust. It turns out the total digit - 100 millimeters.
If you are working with a long drill, then it first needs to wear a restrictive tube. Try to drill a shallow wall, since its thickness can be a little less than 200 millimeters.
Wall insulation
Before finishing the room with wall panels, it is advisable to first insulate the walls. Cells of the crates are filled with sheet foam. With such a material it is very convenient to work, especially cutting the necessary sheets. Additionally, the insulation of the foam will protect the voids from the appearance of condensate and on the appearance of wood pests. In the summer, when the building is heated, the foam will protect the room from overheating. In addition, heat outflow in winter will be significantly reduced.
How to install a wooden crate
Wooden crate begins to install from a vertical rack. Each rack is placed in the angle of the room so that it turns out an angle. Then the racks put along the edge of the window and door opening, ranging from the floor to the ceiling. Check the verticality of the racks with a construction plumb.
Next, apply the rack and mark it on one side with a marker or pencil directly on the wall. Marks are drilled in the concrete wall of the hole for fasteners. The step of the holes is from 500 to 700 millimeters. Then insert the "sockets" to fastened and again the pencil marks their position. The holes are drilled by two thirds of the fastener diameter and then insert it back. Experienced masters come differently: they are drilled in advance in the opening racks, and the markup makes directly through the racks.
By the same principle, the remaining lags are mounted. At the top of the opening, as well as under the windows, it is necessary to establish lags, regardless of the "Step". In addition, the slopes of window openings also "declared" the rails: inside and outside.
When a wooden doom is ready, ledge on the rails (their joints) are filmed with a planer.
How to install a metal crate
The lamp for wall panels MDF is installed on the same principle as wooden. First, the angular racks are attached to the wall, then the racks in the openings and transverse. Step metal crate - 500-700 millimeters. Racks are collected from two types of "UD" profiles (narrow) and "CD" (wide). Racks of a narrow profile, and wide profiles are inserted into them. Then the building level or tape measure is checked horizontal and step. After that, metal rails are attached first to the racks, and then to the wall. Details of the crates are connected to each other and wall screws. Remember! It is impossible to use the nails of the dowel, because the profile can "lead."
If you connect the segments of the metal profile among themselves, do it in advance.
How to mount MDF wall panels
Installation of wall panels is very simple. After the construction of the frame, the MDF panels are started. They are attached to the base with the help of a special clamp - "Kleimer". It is inserted into the hole on the panel (groove). Working with such a fastener is a pleasure, because the kleimer provides reliable fixation of the panel to the frame. In addition, they are arranged so that the next panel is easily inserted into the groove.
Attach the MDF wall panels with the help of glue is much easier. First, it saves time, because you do not need to pre-install the framework.
What glue to work with what glue? The ordinary glue is not suitable, so the tips on the choice of adhesive means will be created by beginners:
- glue must have plasticity;
- must smooth out small irregularities on the walls to stick the panel even in a curved place;
- texture of glue should be thick, but at the same time, to lie down a thin layer.
Mounting wall panels on glue is needed by such rules:
- first, clean the surface from dirt and dust;
- be sure to progress the walls with a primer mixture;
- enable primer to absorb well.
When the wall dries, you can cook panels: chop them according to sizes. Then apply glue into the "Spot" panel or in a "checker order". Try to drop the drops are not scarce, but on the contrary, big. After applying glue, the panel appeal to the wall, good to "face" and tear off. Such is gluing technology. Thus, when leaving the panel from the wall, glue is edible. The glued panel under the pressure of the own weight will not be flawed from the wall.
To save time, you can immediately apply glue to five or seven panels, glue them and alternately tear off the wall. At the time when the glue is dreamed, you can take a little rest, and three or five minutes later go back to work and cling every panel. Bring now need thoroughly.
MDF panels Wall leaf, as well as MDF panels Wall laminated and standard panels are easy to glue, but it is much more difficult to cut them down and neat. In this case, it is necessary to pay due attention to any obstacles, for example, slopes.
When working with glue, it is necessary to remember that the end result will depend on the accuracy.
What the MDF wall panels look like in the interior, you can look at the photo:
How to install MDF wall panels, look at the video: