How to remove lime from the ceiling Useful advice,Ceilings

The need to remove the old whitewashing from the ceiling occurs when it was decided to separate the surface with any other decorative material, for example, paint or wallpaper. About how to remove lime from the ceiling, you will learn from our article.
Preparatory work
There are several ways to remove whitewashing from the ceiling surface, but, despite the way you give preference, first will first be prepared for the process. For this purpose, the following is done:
- All that is movable in the room, if possible, you need to take out the door. Furniture, carpets, household appliances and electronics, curtains from windows, etc. Should move to another room. If some items are too heavy or large, they can be left in place, but must be covered with a large cut of polyethylene. So that the film is not shifted, it is desirable to fix the scotch, the location of the compound of polyethylene pieces should also be punctured.
- After that, you need to protect the floor, covering it with dense paper or oilcloth, preferably in several layers.
- Lastra and lamps from the ceiling and walls will have to be dismantled. So that the removal process is safely safe, the room also turns off the electricity, and the wires laid on the treated surface are cleaned if possible.
- Lime is a material, unsafe for health. It annoys the mucous membrane, burns the skin, so before starting work it is also better to protect themselves from splashes. Here you will use protective gloves and building glasses, unnecessary dense clothing, handkerchief or other headdress, gauze bandage or respirator. Clothes should cover the maximum body area. Also note that after entering the lime on the fabric, stains will remain, so wear the fact that then it will not sorry to throw away.
Removing lime from the ceiling: method description
How to remove lime from the ceiling with a metal spatula
The oldest, but, as the previously popular removal method, the use of a conventional spatula is considered. The process of this protracted and difficult, but the result corresponds to the cost of time and labor. This method is best used in rooms, where the layer of lime on the ceiling is very thick. For this work the following tools will be used:
- pulverizer and warm water;
- large sponge or rag;
- several sharp metal spatulas;
- hard brush.
Lime from the ceiling is removed as follows:
- Type in a pulverizer warm water and spray a small ceiling fragment. If you don't have a sprayer, then just type water in a bucket, moisten a sponge or a soft cloth and wipe the surface. So that the lime is well soaked moisture, she needs to give 15-20 minutes. If the layer of blots are too thick, spray the ceiling another 1-2 times.
- Take a sharp metal spatula and pry them to whitewash. A sufficiently spacious layer will be well removed from the surface. If the lime is obsessed bad, moisturize it again.
- Using a spatula, remove the pavement from the processed area. Then wet the following fragment and repeat the procedure.
- When you remove the lime, its small amount will remain on the surface. To bring the ceiling to an ideal state, wet a rigid brush and go well in the ceiling, blurring the whitewash. Then moisten the sponge or rag and finally remove the material from the surface.
Lime removal with grinding machine
Removing the coating with a grinding machine is considered a simpler and fast way than the use of a spatula, but this method has a significant drawback - a large amount of dust. This work is reasonable to spend when the room is overhauled, and the room is completely empty. To remove the lime in this way, you will need:
- sander;
- respirator;
- protective building glasses;
- overalls;
- cover.
Before starting work, you must protect your eyes and respiratory tract. Moreover, to protect the lungs, the usual gauze bandage will not suit, because it will break the dust very quickly. You will need a respirator and good building glasses, firmly adjacent to the face. Overalls will not be superfluous.
Since there is a lot of dust when working the grinder, the room is better to isolate. To do this, in the doorway, you need to hang a wet bedspread, so that the dust on leakaged through the slots in the door.
After conducting such training, the ceiling should be treated with a grinding machine. A lime that falls on the floor should be moistened from the respirator and sleep by a broom. After that, the floors need to be carefully flushed several times. You need to wash the floor until the water in the bucket becomes almost transparent.
How to wash the lime from the ceiling with soap solution
Keeping can be removed from the surface with soap solution, and for its preparation you need to prepare this:
- 10 l warm water;
- 5 tbsp. soda;
- 1/3 pieces of economic soap.
To work, it will also be necessary to prepare a bucket or other suitable container, roller, a large sponge or cloth.
The removal of whitewash the soap solution is carried out like this:
- Pour in a bucket of 10 liters of warm water and dig in it soda.
- Soap Suitoriate on the grater and also add to the container. Stir the solution until it becomes homogeneous.
- Mocked with a roller, a sponge or a rag, wipe the seminal surface. In the process of work, you will see how the lime is gradually washed off from the ceiling. You need to wipe the surface until all the whits are washed away.
Lime Removing With Claystair
Instead of a soap solution, you can use the Clauster, to prepare which is not at all difficult at all. It will take hot water, starch or flour. For work, brushes, spatulas, larger capacity should also be prepared. Consider the whole process in stages:
- First you need to cook aleas. To do this, it boil water in a large capacity on the plate, after which the binder is suited in boiling water: flour or starch. On 1 liter of water, you need to add 2 tablespoons with a hill dry matter. Flour or starch should be sprinkled in boiling water, and it is constantly stirring. The dry ingredient is injected with a thin trickle, so that the Clauster turned out without lumps.
- After thickening, the mass is removed from the stove and cozen to room temperature.
- The ceiling of the leaf is applied with a roller or brush, a large soft brush for such a job is suitable better. The composition is smeared over the surface as evenly as possible, so that the whitening is equally soaked in all places.
- Then the ceiling is left until the adhesive is dried and does not form a crust. This crust is removed by a conventional metal spatula.
Such work is carried out much faster than a simple removal of whipper whipper. In the process, quite a few dust is formed, and the method itself is considered rather economical.
How to remove lime with a ceiling with an acid solution
Remove the lime from the ceiling can also be with a solution of an acid. This method is relatively safe because the acid here is used in a small concentration and cannot burn the skin. However, the eyes are still better to protect against splashes. For an acidic solution, water and vinegar will need, which can be replaced with hydrochloric acid. To mix the solution and remove the lime, you also need to prepare a container, brush and spatula.
The refurbishment process is as follows:
- Prepare a 3% solution of an acid, mixing it in the desired proportion with water. During the dilution of the substance, remember that at first it is necessary to pour water into the container, and already add vinegar to it or hydrochloric acid.
- Weling a large soft brush in a liquid, treat the ceiling throughout its area. You can walk with a solution on the surface several times.
- Acid, joining a reaction with lime, starts to destroy the material, the whits will be removed that you will see a naked eye.
- The remnants of the coating can be considered a metal spatula, and then wash the ceiling by conventional warm water or soap solution.
A solution to remove whitewash can be made independently, and this is considered the most economical option. But if you do not want to spend time, you can simply purchase the appropriate composition in the construction market. Such substances can be attributed, for example, "Quelyd Dissoucol", "Space", "Speed \u200b\u200bStripper" and some others. The way of working with similar compositions does not differ from the above. The mass is applied to the surface with a roller or brush, after which he dries and forms crust. This crust is cleaned with a metal spatula, and then finally wash the ceiling from the remnants of the blots with warm water.