Calibrated timber: characteristics, choice and application Building materials

Currently, the developers are relevant to the requirements of the naturalness of materials and comfort of buildings along with pricing access. This conditions fully meets natural wood. The tree is distinguished by low thermal conductivity compared to other construction materials (brick, concrete), as well as environmental safety. The walls made of natural wood "breathe well", do not produce harmful evaporation, but on the contrary, the air is saturated with wood aroma.
Buildings from wood are beneficially distinguished by comfort. In this case, the ratio of quality and price itself fully justifies. If the task is to build such a house in a short time with your own hands, then the calibrated timber is ideal for construction.
The sawn timber, made by the selection of logs and sawing to a certain size and shape, is called a timber. The calibrated bar differs from the usual strict correspondence to the declared geometric parameters, due to the processing at the four-sided machine.
Advantages and disadvantages of the calibrated timber
It is believed that the calibrated timber is inferior in the strength of "wilder" cut - this is due to the fact that the fibers of wood are damaged during seeding, as a result, its exposure to external influences increases. The calibrated bar can produce minor cracks on the side surfaces, but more convenient to the processing - the paint and putty are easily located on the machine-cleaned machine. Also, its advantages can be attributed:
- low thermal conductivity - has excellent thermal insulation properties (the tree is several times better saves heat than the brick), the construction will require a minimum amount of insulation;
- resistance to practical wear, resistance to atmospheric precipitation, the ability to withstand different temperatures;
- non-toxicity and high ecology;
- efficiency, speed and ease of use - thanks to a unified installation of a log house from a calibrated timber can be erected in a matter of days. The exact form and thickness of this bar cause ease and speed of construction;
- high exterior aesthetics of structures from this material.
Characteristics of the calibrated bar
The calibrated timber is distinguished depending on:
- from production technology - calibrated from a solid wood array, profiled (subspecies of the calibrated timber with a complex cross section), glued from the board or veneer;
- from the tree of wood, of which the timber is produced. Coniferous breeds are widely used - spruce, pine, cedar, etc., significantly less frequently, oak, ash, beech, aspen and birch.
Also, the calibrated timber is characterized by parameters as:
- section type;
- the size;
- density;
- tensile strength and compression tensile;
- humidity indicator;
- coefficient of thermal conductivity.
Dry calibrated bar
It is worth noting that when buying a calibrated bar, you need to pay attention to the quality of the wood drying. In non-compliance with the drying and processing technology, the timber in the construction can be curved, change its linear dimensions in the process of drying, in the ready-made building. Such a house can "Tale". If the calibration of the lumber was preceded by drying, then after processing it turns out a dry calibrated timber. Lumber dried naturally (this process is quite long), or with the help of special drying chambers. Preliminary drying of wood significantly reduces the risk of shrinkage and deformation of the already built church.
How to choose a calibrated timber
When choosing a calibrated timber, you need to take into account various nuances. Despite the fact that the calibrated timber has a unified form and size, as a result of the violation of the processing technology or storage conditions, it is possible to reduce the quality of the wood material.
If you need to buy a calibrated bar, be sure to pay attention to the following features of the bar, detected directly during the inspection:
- the quality of cut, compliance with the declared dimensions;
- the absence of cracks - if they are poured, it is possible to rot in the process of operation of construction from this material;
- the price of a high-quality calibrated timber cannot be too low - although, on the other hand, the presence of a high price does not guarantee high quality;
- it is not necessary to choose a ram with a light blue (this is a sign of starting a tree rotting), with worms;
- the moisture content of the tree must comply with the standards (for external parts of the construction, the regulatory indicator of humidity is 15%, for internal works - about 8%).
Build from a calibrated timber
The essential advantage of construction from the calibrated timber is the rapid construction of the building. Brief construction deadlines are caused by the ease of work with the material.
Given the exact dimensions of the calibrated bar, the time-consuming fit of the materials will not need. It is necessary to know the basis of construction, and it is also important to properly conduct technical training, markup and processing of sections. This material is ideal for low-rise construction - cottages, cottages, as well as bath. The cost of building a house from a calibrated timber will be 15-20% less cheaper compared to a wild bar house. It should be noted - if the house from the calibrated bar is intended for permanent residence, then it is likely to need to use the insulation.
Projects of houses from a calibrated timber, photo
There are on sale ready-made projects of houses from a calibrated timber. A wide range of typical solutions is presented with different manufacturers, or you can order an individual layout at your own desire.
According to a specific project, material marking is carried out, the manufacture of a bar with specified parameters using computerized equipment. It remains to collect on the construction site of the kit, as a designer. The assembly can be carried out on your own, or with the help of specialists. The project comes with accompanying documents in the form of certificates and guarantees.