Polyurethane bulk gender: instruction on arrangement Floors

Polymer materials are becoming increasingly common every day. The fact is that such construction resources in terms of efficiency and durability cannot be compared with most of the classic materials. However, the most important thing is that polymers are inexpensive materials that can be applied in a wide variety of projects. Surprisingly, the positive aspects of polymers do not end.
In this case, we will look at the main features of polyurethane floors, as well as ways to create high-quality surfaces. Immediately, it must be said that the meaning to use polyurethane coatings is definitely, especially if we are talking about large rooms.
It is also interesting that increasingly polyurethane floors are used in ordinary apartments. Many people note that this material is much better than the set of coatings familiar to us. Do not forget that polyurethanes have a number of secondary features that definitely pay attention to.
Varieties and features of polyurethane coatings
Many people might think that polyurethane floors do not differ among themselves, but in fact everything is not at all. Much depends on the scale of the room, the specifics of its use. Moreover, some factors depend on the temperature regime indoors, and the base of the structure.
In small rooms, thin-layer polyurethanes are most often used. Often, their thickness is only 0.5 mm, but even such a layer calmly maintains colossal loads and vibrations. This coating is resistant to scratches and any deformations, therefore, it can be applied even in production workshops. However, most often thin layer polyurethanes are used in apartments. The fill process itself is very simple, and if necessary, you can easily update them.
Two-component polyurethane floors are coatings with a sufficiently large layer. Often it is limited to 4 mm. This value is optimal in cases where you need to choose a reliable coating for an enterprise where there is a permanent movement, as well as active dynamic oscillations. Such polyurethane floors can be cleaned by any detergent. This suggests that these two-component coatings are resistant to any urching substances. Moreover, this type of polyurethane coatings is frost-resistant. Thus, even sharp drops of temperatures of this floor are not terrible. On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews that indicate that such coatings are actively used in enterprises and car services, where the polyurethane floor is without any problems for 10 years.
It is also worth saying the main and secondary advantages of polyurethane floors, which is especially important to know in cases where there is a choice between modern materials and classical solutions.
- Durability. Some varieties of polyurethane coatings are able to serve more than a decade. And we are talking about the time when first scratches or deformations appear on the surface of the coating. With proper approach and regular maintenance, the polyurethane floor will be able to remain in the initial state over several decades.
- Stability resistance. As is known, polyurethane coatings are often used in production. In the workshops, metal-cutting machines can be installed, as well as many other machines that destroy their oscillations of the usual cement screed. Thus, polyurethane coatings are not only not deformed under the influence of dynamic loads, but also are a kind of damper, which reduces the vibrations in the room.
- Smooth surface. In contrast to many other bases for the floor, polyurethane material creates a perfectly common surface. Together with this it is worth noting that such a floor can be the basis for many other surfaces, including those that have nothing to do with polyurethanes. Special fill technology makes it possible not to worry about the fact that some irregularities can be discovered on the surface. It is worth paying attention to this if the floor indoors has numerous flaws.
- Simple cleaning. Considering that the surface of polyurethane bulk floors is as smooth as possible, it is easy to clean. At the same time, experts indicate that another distinctive feature of polymer coatings is hygiene. Thus, they can be safely applied not only in production and in residential premises, but also in medical institutions. Also, the cleanliness of the surface is also ensured by the fact that polyurethane coatings do not emit any dust and dirt, unlike the classical concrete screed. Accordingly, it significantly expands the scope of the use of polymer coatings.
- Design. Unlike a concrete screed, which is still applied to every year, polyurethane coatings can have a different appearance. With the help of appropriate additives, you can make the surface, for example, bright red, as well as create a certain original texture. It all depends on the fantasy of the owners, as well as the monetary budget.
Other features of polyurethane bulk floors
It is worth saying that for the fill of the polyurethane floor it is necessary to follow technology. First of all, the room should have a concrete base, after which a small layer of soil is followed. And only after that it is possible to pour the floor with a polymer material. Of course, such a scenario relates more to workshops and other industrial premises.
In itself, the polyurethane coating consists of three layers, and this is despite the fact that its thickness is often limited to a pair of millimeters. The top layer is an anti-corrosion coating, which is characterized by high resistance. This coating is also easily opposed to any sources of vibration. Due to the special composition, the upper layer provides disadvantage of the entire bulk sex.
The average layer of material is a two-stroke polyurethane, which is characterized by high plasticity. This component of the coating, just like the top layer, provides high durability of the floor.
Well, the lower layer is a component that is the basis of the entire polyurethane coating. Accordingly, this layer is not very plastic and not particularly viscous.
Pouring polyurethane floors
Immediately it is worth saying that the fill of polyurethane floors is an incredibly simple process. To do this, it is fairly thoroughly clean the surface, after which you can start the main process of fill. It should be emphasized on the fact that the source floor can have different problem areas, including cracks and small recesses. Polyurethane material is uniformly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
It should be noted that if possible, it still makes sense to fill the cracks with special sealants. This will not only save the polyurethane material significantly (especially if we are talking about large cracks), but the process itself will somewhat simplify.
Many specialists in the construction industry recommend pouring a polyurethane floor only on a concrete tie. Moreover, it is desirable that the screed is relatively fresh. The most important thing is that the concrete component coating itself has humidity up to 5%. In such conditions, the creation of a polyurethane coating will be held as simple as possible, and the final result will be impeccable.
If the screed is old, then it is quite possible that not everything is lost. It is necessary to study the coating and fill all the irregularities of sealants. It makes sense to check the genus of the floor, since over the years of operation, the concrete screed can be significantly deformed. In some cases, the surface grinding may be needed.
It is most important to note that after filling the polyurethane floor, it is necessary to evenly distribute the material throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. At the very beginning, this is done using a classic spatula, and then a needle roller is used, which best copes with its tasks in terms of the finishing polymer distribution. It should also be remembered that the time interval between the fill of the polyurethane layers should be not more than 20 hours. If a little longer passed, then the surface may not be the highest quality.
It makes sense to follow the technology that the manufacturer often provides together with its products. General instructions are always useful, but the most accurate are those information that relate to the products of a particular brand and a specific manufacturer.
During the fill, it is necessary to do everything possible so that the rays of the sun fall on the floor of the floor. It is also necessary to ensure that in the room where the main process takes place, the humidity was approximately at the same level. Consistent moisture differences can damage the polyurethane floor when frozen.
Already the next day after the fill, the floor can be used, however, at this stage, it is best to check its integrity, as well as just go through a new floor. And after a week, the polyurethane coating can be used in the same mode. No loads and vibrations of such a surface will not be scary.
Basic mistakes associated with Polyurethane floors
As already mentioned, in front of any actions associated with the fill of the floors, it is necessary to control the moisture of indoors. It is also important that the surface itself has a low humidity. It is best to dry the floor with special equipment that is actively used in construction. It is especially serious to approach the drying of a concrete screed, which actively absorbs moisture.
In addition, you need to get rid of any dust that is on the surface. If this does not produce, then later the polyurethane floor can start peeling. Thus, it will be almost impossible to exploit such a coating.
Polyurethane should be pretended by a mixture. As in the case of cement, we need water here. Most often in product documentation indicates what the ratio of water and polymer material should be. If you add too much first, then small lumps may form on the floor surface. In the worst case, the strength of the coating can be too low.
Well, the last widespread error lies in the fact that the kneading polyurethane coating can be carried out at too high temperatures. When on the heat street, the polymer composition can freeze in a day. Accordingly, the frozen material is unsuitable for further use. Thus, it is best to carry out any actions with the material indoors. Especially good if there is air conditioning or another installation capable of monitoring the temperature mode. The specialists are advised not to be distracted from the process of kneading polyurethane composition, and immediately after that, without losing a minute, start filling.
Decorative component of polyurethane floors
As for the decor of polyurethane coatings, everything is very simple here. The process begins with the usual fill of the floor of a certain color. After that, you can apply various drawings on it. Of course, the artist who has experience in this field should be hired for such work. With the help of polyurethane compositions that have another color, you can create integer images. However, most often the floors are decorated with various abstractions or as simple as possible images of animals, colors, or known architectural objects.
Accordingly, everything is limited to monetary issues, as well as the possibilities of artists who will take care. Of course, you can try to do something yourself, but you need to know in advance that it will be incredibly difficult to correct the results of your work.