Repair tiles in the bathroom Tile

Tile coating is considered the most persistent, durable and reliable. There should be no doubt about it, because almost every homeowner, for example, a bathroom is framed by ceramic tiles, which adequately served for many years. But sometimes it happens that even on such a reliable coating, over time there are damage, which are easy to remove with the help of fine repair of the bathroom, the tile is well amenable to restoration.
Causes of damage
The occurrence of imperfections and damage to the tile surface is caused by the following reasons:
- physical impact that breaks the integrity of the tile - a heavy item fell, massive furniture or household appliances moved, drilled hole drills and so on;
- tile aging, during which the color of the tile dumps, shine is lost, scratches appear;
- intercine seams are contaminated, which looks extremely ineteatical.
Important! If, after laying the tile you have several spare parts, they can easily replace damaged areas, and respectively save on the current repair tiles in the bathroom.
Factors resulting in damage to the material
When an error wizard is assumed, with time the tile will begin to disappear, and damage will appear. Among the main types of such errors are distinguished:
- poorly prepared base under the tile;
- violation of technology for the preparation of adhesive mortar;
- damage to the tile elements during the transportation of the material or installation, during which microcracks appeared, which increased markedly with time;
- incorrectly decorated seams, through the moisture hit.
Important! To provide a longer service life of the tile coating, with self-laying, carefully follow the technology and make the most carefully contact the ceramic material. With this approach, repairing tiles in the bathroom you will definitely need soon.
Materials and tools
If you made a decision on the independent implementation of the tile coating restoration, prepare the following set of materials and tools in advance so that you do not have inconvenience during work. These materials include:
- metal and rubber spatula;
- bit;
- chisel;
- roulette;
- tile glue;
- cement;
- water;
- silicone sealant;
- paint in the color of the tile;
- tile;
- roulette;
- grout.
Important! To choose from building mixtures and materials, come extremely carefully so that low-quality materials do not reduce all your efforts to "no".
How to repair ceramic tiles in the bathroom?
Each acquired defect on the tile requires special repair, so we suggest considering frequently found types of repairs.
Screen and Cracked Repair Technology
- Prepare yourself grouting "Cement Milk", gradually mixing cement with water to milk consistency without adding sand.
- Equally fill the cracks and chips with a mixture.
- Gently along the damaged area, scroll the cloth with the flap of the tissue.
- Wait for full dry drying.
- Speat the sealed surface.
- Color paint in tile color.
Important! In order for the solution well grabbed, and the crack "merged with a qualitatively", over the course of several days, moisturize the sealed with a fracture with water.
The tile peeled down, but still keeps
In this case, follow these steps:
- Remove poorly fixed tiles using chisels and chisels.
- Spatula with tile remnants of tiled glue.
- Remove the residual residues from the base.
- Clean the base from pollution and dust.
- Open the layer of primer the surface of the base and let it dry.
- Apply fresh glue on the tile and secure it back into place.
Important! It is more clear to imagine how to make such repairs in the bathroom tile will help photos and video instructions that provide professionals from the Internet absolutely free.
How to remove tightly holding damaged tiles?
- With the help of a special scraper, remove the old grout from all sides of the tile.
- Drill carefully drill a pair of holes in the tile.
- Important! Use a large-diameter carbon stone.
- In the resulting holes, insert the chisel and carefully break the element.
Important! When performing this procedure, carefully trace not to damage the adjacent tiles.
What is the "plant" old tile?
There are several options for mixtures that you can reinstall the old piece of tiles. Among the most popular methods, experts recommend:
- secure tiles with silicone sealant;
- "Put" tiles on liquid glass, mixed with dental powder;
- on cement mortar;
- on adhesive solution intended for tile.
Important! If you decide to apply the last two options, you will definitely deepen the base under the tile by 3-4 mm. Thanks to this approach, the tile will not be written on the background of the entire tiled cloth.
Installation of a new tile - Rules
If you decide to make a more solid repair of the bathroom, laying the tile is not the most difficult stage. The strength of its clutch with the base largely depends on the quality of the preparatory work performed.
To make it high quality, follow the following scheme:
- Clean the tile from the old glue.
- Remove the old grout from the seams.
- Remove the residual residues from the base.
- Align the irregularities, if any.
- Get the foundation.
- Wait for drying.
Important! By mounting the tile, slightly press it into the base after applying the adhesive composition. The process of fastening the tile is not the final stage. Be sure to check whether the tile is on the background of the entire tiled web. If the tile deepened, add another adhesive solution. In the case when it spends a little over the horizontal line of the entire surface, pick it up with a rubber hammer to get the desired position of the element.
How to replace the grout?
Over time, stains that disturb the aesthetic appearance of the floor or wall appear on the interpatch seams, while the tile itself remains in excellent condition. The replacement of the grout will not be much difficult, and the appearance of the tile will immediately transform. To replace the grouts, make the following actions:
- Delete a special scraper if not all, then the upper part of the sputs from the seams, starting to handle the originally vertically arranged seams, and then horizontal.
- Prepare a grout mixture of the desired shade.
- Get seams with a solution using a rubber spatula to better fill out recesses.
- Wet rag, rinse excess grouts from the tile surface.
Important! Do not press the fabric too tightly, so as not to remove the fresh not dried out of the interputric seams.
- Carefully treat the seams, removing excess grout using a special tool for finishing seams.
- Wait for a complete drying of the mixture.
- Police tile cloth.
Important! If there are small stains or fungal formations, do not fully clean the entire grout. Such defects correct the special cleaning agent, which includes active biological substances capable of removing mold and fungal raids.
How to revive the color of the tile?
Not today in specialized stores has many chemicals that are able to update the appearance of the tile. But in addition to this, there are other ways, one of which you can choose, based on personal preferences and creative abilities.
The methods of updating the shade include:
If you decide to completely change the design of the bathroom and make the laying of a new tile, read the proposed video example, in which this process is clearly shown.
As you can see, repairing ceramic tiles in the bathroom to make enough easily with your own hands. It does not take you a lot of effort and time. The tiled surface rented by any of the above methods will renovate and will be able to serve for many years.