How to put ceramic tiles on Faneru Tile,Useful advice

Sometimes there is a need to lay ceramic tiles on the phaneer, and not on the cement base. This happens when the decoration is produced in a wooden house, or when the phaneer was used to align the surface of the floor or walls. But to combine such incompatible materials need to know some subtleties of the process.
Advantages and disadvantages of laying ceramic tiles on Faneru
Among the advantages of this method, the following qualities can be distinguished:
- works can be made with maximum speed and not separating excess dirt;
- there is no large load on the floor, which for wooden buildings is a significant point;
- facing material lasts long and reliable;
- you can make styling even in rooms where humidity is present, because Special glue performs the function of additional waterproofing.
But there is also a method and disadvantages, for example:
- we can only lay the tile on the plywood, the minimum thickness of which is 22 mm;
- if a room that is faced with tiles is wet, it will be necessary to spend money on additional waterproofing;
- if the tile is put on the phaneer, then the warm floors cannot be mounted.
Features of the process and preparatory stage
The process of laying ceramic tiles on the Faneru do it with your own hands, but not easy. It has a lot of pitfalls, so it is necessary to treat the upcoming case with all seriousness and responsibility. Because The tile has a rather impressive weight, the base under it should be durable. Therefore, the factor must have a certain thickness. It also needs to be reliably fixed to prevent the slightest stirring and deflection.
If the plywood sheets are laid on the lags, the interval between them should be up to 30 cm, and the plywood itself should be not thinner than 30 mm. If in your design the distance between lags exceeds the specified norm, then it will have to redo it. Otherwise, movements and deflection will arise in sex coverage, from which the tile will overclock or crack over time.
Preparatory work includes the calculation and purchase of material, as well as the preparation of the required toolkit. The number of tiles depends on the following factors:
- room area;
- the size of each tile;
- laying method;
- the presence of a pattern that requires docile.
In addition, at least 10% must be added to the consumption during cutting. How much glue takes to decide, pushing out the instructions in the instructions. The list of all necessary for work looks like this:
- grinding machine for plywood;
- special tile glue;
- waterproofing film;
- primer;
- self-tapping screw;
- roulette, pencil, line;
- cross;
- grout.
The plywood base should be collected and clean from garbage and dust, as well as ensure that even the slightest cracks are not even. To reliably fix it, additional fasteners should be used.
After you have convinced that the surface is absolutely smooth, and the shelves' joints do not have slots and gaps, you can begin primer. The primer composition is applied in two layers, each of which successes at least 5 hours. If you make facing in rooms with constant humidity, for example, in the bathroom, then Phaneur should be protected using a water-repellent film stacked straight to it.
Laying of ceramic tiles on Faneru - Technology
To fix the tile, it is necessary to use specially intended glue with elasticity, because Plywood can be transformed and reacting to the impact of moisture and leaps of temperature. The optimal option is two-component polyurethane glue. His plus is not only elasticity. In addition to its main function, it also plays the role of an additional moisture insulating layer. In addition, such glue will dry very quickly, and it will be possible to attack on the tile floor in half an hour.
Also very effective is the glue, which includes a modified sililane. He hardened, even in contact with moisture, but at the same time pulls it out of the floor. Seams holding on such adhesion will save flexibility and elasticity.
When the base is properly prepared, you can begin cladding. The adhesive composition is applied on it and on the floor to the same and even layer. Starting with the angle, putting the first whole tile in it. It is necessary to apply glue to a plot of not more than 1 sq. M, otherwise, while you will lay the tile on one side, the second can be seized.
As a tool for applying glue use a metal spatula with teeth. After the composition is applied to the bonded surfaces, the tile must be strongly pressing and hold so for some time for a good hitch. All the time while the laying process is underway, it is necessary to control the height of the tiles using a level, otherwise the tiles may not be at the same height. To achieve the same distance between them, you need to apply special crosses. After all the cladding is glued, you need to wait for the drying of the adhesive and start the seams. It divorces according to the instructions, and the surplus is removed with a damp sponge or cloth.
Tips that can come in handy novice
- if for any reason you do not have the opportunity to purchase Phaneur for the base under the tile of 22 mm thick and more, then connect together two thinner sheets, which total thickness will give;
- faneur needs to be carefully fixed with the help of fasteners. Even the slightest movement and deflection are unacceptable;
- before the plywood is nailed, it is necessary to chop it carefully and cubs, and if there is humidity in the room, and cover the film;
- during the laying, it is necessary to constantly control the height of the cladding elements relative to each other and the floor. You can do it using a building level;
- work should start with the most remote corner of the room;
- to make all the seams had a beautiful and neat look, you need to pick up the tile tone.
After reading this instruction, you will be able to put ceramic tiles on Faneru. The video below will clearly illustrate this process.