How to make a door for a bath Baths, saunas and pools,Doors

If you decide to build a bath on your site, then you need to approach work with all thoroughness, given the smallest nuances. Thus, the operational qualities of such a construction is influenced by many factors, one of which is the entrance door to the bath. From its size, the material from which it is made and the way it is made, depends on whether your bathhouse is warm and cozy. The construction of doors for the bath is engaged in a lot of plumbing firms, however, if there are elementary skills, you can easily build it yourself.
Types of bath doors
Since the bath consists of two, three, and sometimes four rooms, and each of them performs its special functions, then for all of them you need to put the doors that will be responsible for the corresponding characteristics. In the bath there should be at least two doors: the entrance and separating the steam room. Ideally, each room should have its own door.
Types of doors that can be put in the bath:
- a deaf wooden - monolithic wooden canvas, assembled from headboards, which are hung by clapboard. As a rule, these are single-frame doors, but in some cases two-frame structures can be used. They are a little more complicated in the manufacture, however, they can boast of excellent heat insulating characteristics;
- glass - glass door can not be imagined at the entrance to a good Russian bathhouse, so it is often used for saunas. The price of the door to the bath directly depends on the materials used, and since frequent temperature differences can quickly spoil the usual glass, such doors are made of refractory material. Even the highest quality tree will cost cheaper than such a door. Especially if you want to build doors for the bath with your own hands for saving considerations, it is not the most successful option;
- combined - something average between a deaf wooden and glass design. Such doors look quite stylish and have good thermal insulation properties, but their cost is still higher than that of ordinary wooden structures. The lower part and frame are made from different wood breeds, and the middle or the upper part is from refractory glass.
Characteristics of bath doors
If you decide to make the door to a bath with your own hands, you need to get acquainted with the peculiarities of this design, and first of all, take into account a couple of factors - high temperatures and increased humidity. The entrance door should be reliable, durable, resistant to all adverse effects and perfectly keep warm inside the room.
The size of the door in the bath is also tremended. The smaller it is, the less heat will be skidding. Recall the illustrations in books to fairy tales or epic when the baths were depicted with small dense doors. This is not because previously people were lower than growth, they simply our ancestors knew that in the construction of the highest quality baths.
The door for the bath is created for reasons of maximum heat saving when opening and closing the door, so in any case the door to the bath must be less than the usual one. Optimal dimensions: 150-180 cm in height and 55-70 cm in width. The threshold is considered as an integral component of the door design. It must be made up with a height of at least 15 cm, again - for saving heat.
Just above, we mentioned that the doors can be made of glass or wood. In this case, the metal in this case use strictly contraindicated for obvious reasons - the material-spent from the heat simply burns the skin. Despite the pleasant appearance and relative popularity of glass doors, the leader since a long time is wooden structures. This natural material not only has excellent performance, but can give a subtle natural aroma room. Thus, the doors for the bath from the linden even possess therapeutic properties, highlighting the useful substances when heated and enjoy a pleasant smell. In addition, the tree is cheaper than refractory glass, and the variety of rocks allows you to choose an option for every taste and wallet.
However, not all wood breeds are suitable for creating entrance bath doors. So, it is better not to use coniferous trees, since resin is distinguished from them. There are special, so-called "bath" rocks that have long been applied to our ancestors for the construction of the most reliable premises, some of which were regularly serviced even 100-200 years later.
The rocks include the breeds:
- larch;
- linden;
- cedar;
- oak;
- aspen.
Previously, people believed that each tree had its energy and could attract good luck or scare away evil. So, the aspen was used precisely to protect against dark forces, Lipa - for health and beauty, oak - to gain male strength and confidence.
Today, humanity has become more skeptical about the construction of the bath, so the main factor when choosing a material is its value. Everything is simple - the more valuable is the breed, the more expensive you will cost you. It is clear that the valuable wood will serve better and longer, but how to be if finances do not allow "rage"? A small trick will help: make a cloth made of cheap tree and cover it with a clapboard from the valuable breed.
Choose accessories from low thermal conductivity materials, since the permanent drops of temperatures can quickly output. Moreover, split pens or tapes can burn the skin, if they are made of metal. The only correct option suggests analogy with a choice of material for the door. If everything in the bath is made of wood, then they will not burn anything.
However, everything will not make everything, no matter how try. Door loops better buy brass, but find them quite difficult. In this case, they can be replaced by conventional metal loops covered with anti-corrosion composition. And since the bath doors will open outward, and not inside, the risk of losing about the loop is minimized.
How to make a door for a bath
For the manufacture of doors for the bath, it is desirable to possess the skills of possession of woodworking tools, such as a circular saw and a milling machine. If there are no skills, then it is better to entrust work to someone else or stretch on unnecessary boards to "fill the hand."
To make a deaf wooden door, you will need such materials:
- t-shirt boards 50 mm Width, 30 mm thickness;
- bar 60x80 mm;
- lining 12x96 mm;
- self-tapping screw;
- door loops - 3 pcs;
- furniture pins.
Required tools:
- circular saw (manual);
- milling machine;
- screwdriver;
- clamps;
- hammer;
- kiyanka;
- roulette;
- construction level;
- calcircular with depth hencer.
Making a web
- Screwed boards to shorten up to the required length, considering that the overall height of the door is obtained from the size of the canvas itself, as well as strapping bars. Remember that the top and bottom of the canvas will be bars.
- At one board, cut a spike and produce a fuggy surface of each board in all sides until it turns out a relatively smooth surface. To do this, it will be enough to remove up to 2 mm of wood. As a result, the boards with a thickness of about 26 mm should be released.
- To mount the cloth, make a preliminary assembly, trying to connect the spikes and grooves of the boards as close as possible. As a result, it turns out a canvas, just more in width than required, but it is not necessary to scare. It is necessary to cut off the desired amount of wood from the first and last segment equally. The main thing is not to affect places with a spike and groove on the boards.
- Collect all the elements in the cloth on the table. The groats to lubricate the PVA glue and insert the spikes in them, fastening the boards in the Cyonya.
- The canvas for the door must be good. It will take about three days, and so that it does not behave, lock the design on the table between two straps. Wheel between the clinia's web and straps to securely fix the cloth. Top to put a solid sheet of chipboard and press the clamps.
Dried canvas to handle with a planer if necessary.
Production of strapping
While driving the cloth, make the strapping.
- Brux cut to the desired size. Vertical elements must match the height of the door, and the horizontal should be slightly less taking into account the part that will have to be vertical bars.
- Using an end milling cutter, make a deep and narrow groove with a width of 26 mm and a depth of 25 mm. From above, select a wide groove with a depth of 10 mm and a width of 50 mm. Such a stepped structure is needed by molding. Deep groove will take the headboards, and wide - lining.
- On the horizontal elements, make a stepped spike in accordance with the groove and check the compatibility of the strapping. If necessary, patch the corners of the cutter to achieve perfectly smooth corners.
The canvas dried out, the blockage is ready, it remains to collect the door and sheathe it with a clapboard.
- Treat the canvas with an anti-corrosion composition or mourn. If you make the door from Osin, then processed not necessarily - this tree is characterized by astounding resistance to parasites, fungi and mold.
- On the canvas, mark the contour by retreating from the edges of 15 mm. It will be borders for cladding. Planks lining cut up to the desired size and attach to the canvas with nails or self-draws.
- Brux for strapping also process the vertical elements first and then, and then horizontal. Squeeze the design of the Cyans. All bars, except Nizhny, put on PVA. The bottom is not needed to glue, so that in the case of repair it can be easily and quickly removed. In the end of the strapping elements, screw the screws (three pieces in vertical, two - in horizontal).
- Put the knobs and goals, previously running space for installation.
To build a door frame to enter the bath, buy square bars with dimensions of 100x100 mm. Cut them to the desired length and select Quarters. Note that the depth of the quarter should be more than 5 mm so that the door does not swap when swelling from moisture, and you did not remain locked in the bath. Cut the grooves to connect the bars from below and on top, and make the spikes on the edges of the upper and lower part.
Install the entrance door to the bath is quite simple, especially if you coped with its assembly.
- Arrange the groove in the doorway, making from 6-10 mm more box widths so that in the installation process you can adjust the vertical position of the door. Install the box in the groove. Remember that the entrance door for the bath should open out!
- Get the top horizontal element and pour it with vertical bars, only then put the lower bar, which will be the threshold. Do not forget to enjoy the level to keep track of the vertical position of the box. Align her vertically, into the space between the box and the wall to drive the wedges, fixing the design.
- Set the loop by placing the first loop at an altitude of up to 25 cm from the upper border of the door, second about 40-50 cm from the vertex, and the third 20-23 cm from the bottom. The uneven location of the loop guarantees protection against flushing doors, especially if they are made of severe wood.
- Take the door on the loop and close the lumeges between the wall and the box.
The newcomer may seem quite complex process of manufacturing doors for a bath, and not in vain. This work requires not only skills, but also understanding the appointment of the design itself. Carefully following this instruction, you can make a swotume door for the bath with your own hands, which will serve not one ten years.