Combining wallpaper in the living room Wallpaper

Recently, the salary of the walls of monophonic walls is gradually losing the relevance, because by means of their combination, any room can be given a more solemn and original look. At the same time, to choose the choice of this or that method of combination is necessary, taking into account all the features of the room to hide the existing flaws and make advantage of the fore.
Benefits of combining wallpaper
A huge variety of wallpapers, differing in the texture, ornament, color scheme and other characteristics, opens the limitless possibilities to designer art. Thus, the combination of wallpaper in the interior allows you to quickly turn the everyday situation into a luxurious room. In addition, thanks to a combination in one room of various types of wallpaper:
- the zoning of the room without the construction of additional partitions is performed;
- a visual increase / decrease in the height of the room is achieved, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
- attention is focused on the merits of the room, distracting attention from interior flashes;
- particularly significant parts of the room, such as niches or various protrusions, are distinguished.
In addition, the accumulation of premises with different wallpapers contributes to the preservation of cash resources, because in stores the remnants of materials are sold at discounted prices.
Thus, the advantages of this type of final finish mass, and methods of combination, it is enough to choose the optimal option based on the type of particular room and the desired result.
Combination methods
Create a comfort, to give a kind of highlight interior and much more will help one of the methods of combining, the choice of which depends on the goal.
Vertical Differentiation
When an alternation of vertical bands should not choose the wallpaper, differing in the texture and thickness, as the docking seams will be rushed into the eyes, destroying the created aesthetics. However, the width of the wallpaper of combined bands may vary depending on the selected design. At the same time, color solutions are reduced to two options:
- monochrome combination comprising diverse shades of one color;
- contrast combination consisting in the use of opposite colors.
The docking of the seams during the sauling is made both in traditional methods that imply a compound of braziness, jack and more modern, which is inherent in the wave-like or zigzag seam.
The vertical differentiation method is used to zoning the room, visual increase in the height of the walls, as well as focusing on any interior item.
Horizontal distinction
Regarding the previous method, the use of wallpaper of various thicknesses, textures and widths is quite acceptable. However, the thickness, along with the texture of the combined wallpapers, significantly affect the choice of a border type, which has both decorative and functional purpose.
Based on the thickness of the stuck wallpaper and interior style, the necessary decorative element is selected:
- paper border - applied with the same thickness of the combined strips;
- moldings, wooden or plastic rails are used for different wallpaper thickness.
In turn, the element selected as a border depends on the labeling technology.
If a paper border is used, the docking seams should be perfect. For this:
- From the floor line, the height of the lower strip is noted, which is 1 m, since in most apartments the ceilings do not exceed 2.5 m, and the parallel floor is parallel.
- From the line up is the height of the border.
- Oblae's pasting is performed first, so that the bottom of each strip falls behind the border line. At the same time, each band is not twisted by 2-3 cm, since the striking, wallpaper can give shrinkage.
- The lower band is glued in the same way as the top wallpaper.
- After 3 days, the wallpaper is fully dried and the lines can be removed according to the curvature.
- It remains only to gently stick a border.
If the moldings, rails are applied instead of the border, the process is much easier, since the height of the border does not need to be noted, and the defects of the docking seam in the process of climbing wallpaper will close the decorative element.
Thus, the horizontal splitting of all walls through a different type of wallpaper contributes to a visual decrease in the height of the room, and the salary of one wall - focusing on the meaning of the interior.
Wallpaper inserts
The method of decorating the room by wallpaper inserts depends largely on their size. In this regard, all insertions are conditionally divided into:
- Volumetric - occupy the entire wall or part of it. Wallpapering methods using volumetric inserts are similar to vertical differentiation, with the only difference that the main type of wallpaper may differ in thickness, pattern, texture and other characteristics from wallpaper used for volumetric inserts. At the same time, the inconsistency of the thickness of the combined wallpaper is hidden by means of polyurethane moldings, plates, plinths, etc. As a rule, such inserts are used to zoning the room, as well as a visual increase in area.
- Miniature - are drawn up in the form of paintings of various sizes.
The technology of work is as follows:
- The walls are pre-selected by the selected wallpaper type.
- Of the contrast wallpaper, preferably dense structure, arbitrary figures are cut and pasted on top of the main wallpaper.
- The edges of the glued figure are framed by polyurethane moldings or plastic or wood rails in order to avoid dug up the tips during operation.
Unlike bulk elements, miniature inserts focus on a small section of the wall, distracting attention from the existing finishing flaws at other points of the room.
Allocation of niches, protrusions, columns
It would seem, niches and protrusions, not in the place, columns, spoil the entire design of the room. However, all these elements can be turned into an integral and most significant part of the interior, simply placing them with contrasting, with respect to the overall background of the room, wallpaper.
In the style of "Patchwork"
Patchwork combination of wallpaper in the living room involves the use of various types of wallpaper of the same thickness. However, it is necessary to combine wallpaper in such a way that the main color gamma is repeated on individual pieces. It may be the wallpaper of the same shade, but with different patterns or the background is selected contrast, but with a similar ornament.
Upon completion of the selection, the wallpaper is cut into squares or rectangles of the required size and glued onto the wall in a chaotic or ordered version. At the same time, the docking of the seams is made by the brass or jack.
Despite the originality of such a combination, the style of "patchwork" is ideal for zoning the room, emphasizing the look at the required area of \u200b\u200bthe room. However, the achievement of such a result precedes the correct combination of diverse species and coloring of wallpaper.
Criteria for selecting wallpaper for combination
Currently, many manufacturers produce already combined on various parameters wallpaper.
However, the proposed combinations may not be seen in color, drawing or texture, so it is better to choose the wallpaper independently, focusing on the following features of the room:
- Height. With a small height of the ceilings, light wallpapers are suitable with a small pattern, and with impressive - dark shades with a volume ornament or horizontal stripes.
- Square. In spacious rooms, saturated shades are most appropriate, while a small living room requires a visual increase in proportions by using bright shades.
- Lenght and width. Create an effect of a visual increase in space in a rectangular room will allow you to wet the long walls with light wallpaper. At the same time, one narrow wall must be arranged with dark wallpaper, and the second - photographic windows with a volume image, and preferably opposite the window. You can visually pull out the square room by salable the wall opposite to the window, light shades.
- Location. Rooms overlooking the north side, it is necessary to arrange in warm shades compensating for insufficient illumination. At the same time, the south side of the sun rays goes to excess, so it is for her cold color gamut - the perfect solution.
- Combination with interior items. As a rule, the choice of wallpaper occurs after the purchase of furniture and other interior items, so the background either the color of the image on the wallpaper must elaborate with the established style decision. At the same time, the drawing on the wallpaper may well be similar to the ornament on the sofa pillows, the porters either with the painting on the flower vase.
Thus, visually focusing the parameters of the room is quite possible by combining various types of wallpaper.
Wallpaper combination options in the living room
The most spacious room in an apartment designed to relax and communicate with relatives and friends is the living room, so it is necessary to decorate it harmoniously and exquisitely, and the combination of wallpaper, the photos of which are located below, will help determine the final style decision of the future interior.
For example, in one other combination, you can experiment with different colors.
Not bad when making a living room it would be combined by several combination methods, allocating the fireplace zone and visually increasing the space space.
However, with horizontal division, contrasting shades, the living room acquires a strict style solution, somewhat relaxed by beige.
The traditional combination method is unlikely to come out of the fashion, when the lower part of the wall is made in darker colors, and the upper - in light shades, contrasting or combined with the lower part.
Simple and gracefully looks a living room, made in monophonic color, diluted with horizontal stripes instead of a patterned border.
Accent attention in the sofa area and the TV can be using:
- Frames with a bulk pattern contained on alternating vertical stripes of contrasting shades.
- Volumetric inserts are also duplicated on the opposite wall in a smaller size.
- Photo walls with a large image that occupy the wall.
- Complete wallpapers, combined frames.
Scrazing the monochromicity of monochromatic wallpaper will help the volumetric insert from the contrasting color of the wallpaper with a color pattern.
At the same time, the monochrome interior of the living room, which includes horizontal and vertical combination.
Quite unobtrusively looks like a combination of vertical strips of various widths.
Thus, the variants of the combination of various types, the color of the wallpaper is very much. In addition, even the color-in-room in one room can be combined with any decorative element. However, the successful combination of wallpaper, the living room in which will shine with new paints and a stylistic solution, largely depends on the careful detection of the shortcomings of the room at the stage of repair planning, because in the process of work, all flaws are easy to pay at the dignity of the room or hide them with emphasis on other details.