What polypropylene pipes are better Plumbing

When the heating system or water supply device, the need for the purchase of pipes occurs. The market presents a large amount of their number, while all of them are made of various materials, including polypropylene. This material is a special place in this row, it is among the most popular. How to choose polypropylene pipes and which one is better? We'll figure it out in this matter.
General information about polypropylene tubes
The main component of such pipes is polypropylene with the addition of ethylene. Thanks to this additive, the mechanical quality of pipes improved and their elasticity increased. Thus, propylene consumption decreased, and the price of products from it decreased significantly.
Polypropylene pipes for heating or water supply is an excellent option for both private houses and public premises. They are able to withstand temperatures up to + 95 ° C. The service life is about 50 years.
Polypropylene pipes are connected using welding, the temperature of the compound is 260 ° C.
Advantages of installing polypropylene pipes
Polypropylene tubes were popular due to the presence of a number of advantages:
1. Unlike metal pipes, polypropylene have high resistance to corrosion. This quality prolongs the life of three or four times.
2. The hydraulic resistance of polypropylene pipes does not have high indicators, due to this, the pressure loss is reduced to a minimum.
3. With the help of fittings, systems of the most complex forms and configurations create systems from polypropylene pipes.
4. Resistant to the effects of chemical and biochemical factors.
5. Have a low cost, which makes it possible to significantly save on the installation of heating.
6. Polypropylene pipes do not adversely affect human health.
7. Not sensitive to low temperatures. If freezing come, then there will be no breaks in the system, and the pipes are only expanding.
8. Easy installation allows you to install polypropylene pipes without special efforts and a specialized tool.
9. Have a small weight, which significantly facilitates installation and transportation.
10 Do not require additional care and repair. Suitable for installation inside walls, which allows you to save the area indoors.
11. Have a low noise and vibration.
12. Help to save heat - in contrast to metal pipes, heat loss in polypropylene by 20% less.
Varieties of polypropylene tubes
Polypropylene pipes are divided by type of use on:
- hot water pipes;
- cold water pipes.
Depending on the wall thickness:
- polypropylene pipes 10 atm.,
- polypropylene pipes 16 atm.,
- polypropylene pipes withsting 20 atm.
By structure, polypropylene tubes are:
- single-layer
- multilayer.
Among single-layer polypropylene pipes are distinguished:
- RRV - designed for cold water supply systems, industrial water bodies and ventilation systems.
- PPR is universal pipes that, due to the uniform distribution of pressure on the walls, are suitable for both hot and cold water supply.
- RRN - used for cold water supply, industrial water systems and ventilation systems.
- PPS - have the widest range of applications, differ in fairly high heat resistance.
Multilayer polypropylene tubes are divided into three types:
- polypropylene fiberglass reinforced pipes;
- polypropylene pipes using aluminum reinforcement;
- polypropylene pipes that consist more than three layers.
In the manufacture of polypropylene tubes, fiberglass use as an additional reinforcement. It increases the reliability of pipes, but at the same time and their weight becomes more. Pipes reinforced with fiberglass do not need to be cleaned before assembling, unlike aluminum.
Aluminum layer gives pipes additional resistance without increasing the total mass of the pipe. Polypropylene pipes reinforced by aluminum are:
- smooth
- perforated.
In the manufacture of multilayer polypropylene pipes, an additional layer is used, made with the addition of thermal oil.
Money reinforced pipes are very simple. Just look at them in the context. The reinforced pipe has two identical layers: outdoor and internal, and in the middle there is a layer-amplifier - aluminum or fiberglass. Marking of polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass and aluminum varies:
- marking for fiberglass polypropylene pipes: PPR-FB-PPR,
- marking of aluminum polypropylene pipes: PPR-AL-PPR or PPR-AL-PEX.
Reinforcement provides a more rigid pipe structure and prevents it deformation, and also allows you to maintain hardness even at high temperature and pressure.
The diameters of polypropylene pipes range from 1.6 to 12.5 cm.
They are different colors:
- white
- gray
- beige
- green
- blue
- black.
The most resistant ultraviolet are black polypropylene tubes.
Depending on the scope of application, serve:
- cold water supply material;
- half water supply material;
- to install air conditioning;
- for warm-aluminum arrangement;
- for compressed air;
- to provide fire safety;
- for cooling ice isna.
Cold water pipes have thinner walls than hot. Polypropylene pipes, outdoor dimensions: 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 mm.
Tips for choosing polypropylene pipes
When choosing polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to focus on such criteria:
- pipe diameter;
- chemical stability;
- properties in linear expansion;
- maximum temperature;
- maximum working pressure.
Before making a choice, decide on the functional load and type of water supply.
To properly select polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main points when assembling the system.
1. For the heating system, the pipe and fittings are mostly white and gray. Preferably - gray.
2. Pipes are connected by fittings and locking reinforcement. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-calculate the number and type of connectors.
3. To build the system, you need a soldering iron for pipes and basic skills to work with this tool.
4. Fittings are two types of 45 ° and 90 °, it is also necessary for the presence of couplings, valves and plugs.
The question "What polypropylene pipes is better, with fiberglass or aluminum reinforcement?", The answer can be only one - aluminum.
Advantages of pipes with fiberglass reinforcement:
- less heat seating;
- do not require stripping before installing;
- have greater rigidity;
- able to withstand large pressure fluctuations;
- temperature interval from -10 ° C to + 95 ° C;
- long service life from 30 to 50 years;
- due to the soft surface, it is not formed.
Overview of polypropylene pipe manufacturers
Before deciding which polypropylene pipes to choose, it is worth familiar with the list of the main producers of these products.
1. Banninger manufactures products that are distinguished by high quality and reliability in operation.
Polypropylene pipes - Features and technical features Banninger PN 20:
- scope of application: a warm-alone device, warm water supply, production facilities;
- chemical characteristics: PR-RST polypropylene;
- atmospheric pressure: up to 20 bar;
- temperature mode: -10 ° C to + 95 ° C;
- features: At high temperatures, crystals form, so the pipe becomes simultaneously flexible and durable;
- price: 11 $ for 1 bill.
Technical Features Banninger Stabi:
- scope of application: Warm and hot water supply, Heating systems;
- chemical characteristics: RR-RCT, aluminum coating;
- atmospheric pressure: up to 20 bar;
- temperature mode: -10 ° C to + 95 ° C;
- features: require stripping before welding;
- price: $ 14 for 1 bill.
Technical Features Banninger Faser:
- scope of application: Warm and hot water supply, Heating systems;
- chemical characteristics: RR-RCT, fiberglass coating;
- atmospheric pressure: up to 20 bar;
- temperature mode: -10 ° C to + 95 ° C;
- features: Do not require stripping before welding, robust design;
- price: 17 $ for 1 bill.
Technical Features Banninger Climatec:
- scope of application: device of air conditioning and ventilation systems;
- chemical characteristics: PP-R CT;
- atmospheric pressure: up to 16 bar;
- features: Do not require stripping before welding, easily connected, do not resolve;
- price: 13 $ for 1 bill.
According to general recognition, German firms produce the best polypropylene tubes.
2. Ecoplastics - a widely well-known Czech manufacturer, the products of which are at a high level on its high-quality and operational characteristics.
Technical Features Fiber Ecoplastics:
- scope of application: device of hot and cold water systems,;
- chemical characteristics: fiberglass reinforcement;
- temperature mode: up to + 60 ° C;
- features: Do not require stripping before welding, durable, despite the low weight;
- price: $ 5 for 1 bill.
3. Russian polypropylene tubes about Aqua - have a sufficiently long service life and good reviews.
Technical characteristics about Aqua:
- scope of application: technical water and pseudo-pipes, a system of hot and cold water supply, heating systems;
- chemical characteristics: RR-R;
- atmospheric pressure: up to 75 atmospheres;
- temperature mode: -1O ° C to + 100 ° C;
- features: able to withstand several freezing in a row without destruction, easy installation;
- polypropylene pipes Price: from $ 1 for 1 m.
4. RVK - Russian company for the production of multilayer polyprotylene pipes.
Technical characteristics about Aqua:
- scope of application: a hot and cold water supply system, heating systems;
- chemical characteristics: RR-R-AL-PPR, aluminum reinforcement;
- temperature mode: -1O ° C to + 80 ° C;
- features: Do not require stripping, are easily installed;
- price: from $ 0.7 for 1 bill.
5. Pilsa Turkish pipes are distinguished by increased strength and elasticity.
Technical characteristics of Pilsa:
- scope of application: a hot and cold water supply system, heat supply, polypropylene sewer pipes;
- chemical characteristics: RR-R;
- temperature mode: -1O ° C to + 90 ° C;
- features: Production of high-quality polypropylene;
- price: from $ 5 for 1 bill.
6. The British Blue Ocean company presents high quality polypropylene pipes at an affordable price.
Specifications Blue Ocean:
- scope of application: a system of hot and cold water supply, heating systems, transportation of salts, alkaline solutions, acids and gases;
- chemical Features: Aluminum reinforcement;
- temperature mode: -1O ° C to + 95 ° C;
- features: A variety of colors: white, gray, beige, blue, green, red, dark red and black;
- price: from $ 3 for 1 p. m.