How to bring the fungus on the walls Useful advice

How to be if fungus appeared on the walls and ceiling? Is it dangerous for you?
Mold is not only a non-psychic kind of residential premises, but also a threat to residents that are constantly in an infected room. It looks like black, green, pink clusters or points.
What is dangerous fungus?
Spinning the mold "throws out" the dispute into the air. They are so small that they are not visible to the eye. Spreading around the room, this "pollen" settles on the bed, cabinets, floor. Those. Wherever you are. Long-term coexistence with mold leads to the appearance of allergic reactions that are manifested by sneezing and cough. This means that disputes along with the air have already fallen into the body and attack the immune system. The human body is able to adapt to the environment, which means "accustomed" to the stimulus and will not fight him. At first, the person develops allergies to the fungus, complicating frequent bronchitis, develops into asthma.
The fight against fungus should begin at the first manifestations when the "pest" has not yet managed to spread throughout the room.
"External" walls of the kitchen and bathroom favorite places of fungus, where the humidity is raised. It is the moisture cause of the appearance of a dispute, from which the fungus subsequently develops. Increasing humidity is associated with several reasons: insufficient ventilating, condensate accumulation, flooding (for example, neighbors from above).
If you find a fungus in your home, do not despair, today there are means to combat fungus on the walls. They are sold in construction stores.
Before dealing with fungus on the walls, get rid of moisture. How to do it?
- Check the ventilation. Run a lit candle. The flame should be tilted toward the drawing. This means that the thrust is. And all smoke and steam will be elongated from the room.
- Get rid of condensate. Wall insulation from the outside will reduce its cluster.
- Get rid of moisture inside the blocks. Panels used in construction have a structure with voids. Water, falling through unreliable roofs, flows down and fills these voids. You stay to wait until the water "leaves" the wall itself or drill the wall around the perimeter, "Towing" determining the place of moisture accumulation.
- Check the level of air humidity. With elevated indicators, apply air dryer.
Incorrectly installed windows or doors are one of the reasons for the appearance of mold spots on the discovery of openings. Do not risk, trust it by professionals.
Getting to destroy fungus
Mold is a "parasite" capable of penetrating to blocks or even in them. Unfortunately the owner of the housing, severe cases of infection are removed with the wall.
1. Determine the place requiring intervention.
2. Remove the top layer of finishing. Identifying the fungus at an early stage, donate only with wallpaper or painting.
3. If, after removing the upper layer on the wall, mold stains remain, remove the plaster. Usually in places where mold is not visible outside, the wall is "closed." The emptiness is heard behind the plaster.
4. The infected block is no longer possible. It is dismantled and installed new. Block infection occurs if the wall is not protected from moisture outside.
5. We process the wall tool to destroy mold. In this case, we use the Biotol tool "against mold". According to the instructions, the concentrate is divorced with water 1:20 and apply to the surface. After drying, we repeat the procedure. To prevent repeat appearance, the fungus manufacturers recommend adding 25-30 ml of a substance for 1l product (paint, solution, putty, etc.)
6. To secure the result and prevent the appearance of the fungus, we proceed with antipbandy soil "Aquastop Bio". He will protect the wall from moisture, not allowing it to absorb. A subtle barrier layer is formed, simultaneously protecting the dispute from the appearance and reproduction, and allowing the wall to "breathe". We divor into water concentrate in accordance with 1: 3 and applied to the surface previously treated with Biotol solution. The mixture is applied by spraying or roller.
At the end of the above steps, we proceed to refining the room. We are plastered and the surface is plastered. Add Biotol to the solution to prevent the fungus.
Folk remedies for the fight against mold
The fungus is a difficult form that can harm not only the premises, but also the human body, threatening his life. You can finally get rid of the manifestation of mold, it is important to keep the effect for a long time. Specialized funds will be helped to get rid of the "attack", but how to be if there are no them at hand? Folk remedies will help. Remember, the duration of the result and efficiency depends on the surface of the surface impairment.
Using copper cune
100g of the vitriol is dissolved in 10 liters of water and applied to the purified wall infected with fungus. Repeat the procedure several times.
Chlorine and bleach
Common among Chem. Funds that are in all - chlorine-containing solutions or chlorine in pure form (bleaching, tools for cleaning toilet bowls and shells (domain)). Chlorine is divorced in water and apply to the surface. Doing disinfectant procedures, wear a mask to avoid burns of mucous poisonous pairs. Liquid chlorine-containing solutions (domestos) are applied to a wet surface. So effectiveness is higher. Wait1-2 hours and smash.
Food soda and vinegar
The secret of purification in the reaction, which occurs between vinegar and soda. We distribute the soda and spray vinegar. Use protective rubber gloves.
At the initial stage, a thick soap solution will help. The minus is that he does not kill the fungus, and removes the external manifestation. After some time, the mold can manifest itself.
Folk methods presented to your attention will not replace the use of specialized funds.