Installation of concrete fence Plot

In modern conditions, residential buildings simply need to be fenced. This is a guarantee that no one outsider will penetrate on our site. Moreover, the high durable fence will not allow passing to observe the life that occurs on the territory of the private structure.
It is worth saying that wooden fences are often erected, as well as fencing based on a metal stakenik. However, these are far from those options that are necessary in modern conditions. It must be borne in mind that at the slightest desire, you can get into the territory that is fenced by the above types of fences. Who needs high security - will definitely make a choice in favor of concrete fence.
Concrete fence is actually an excellent solution that will be incredibly durable and hardy. Of course, you need to keep in mind that there are various fences on sale, which can perform both decorative function and directly protective. Many owners believe that the concrete fence should not be attractive, since its main function is a fencing. The fence from concrete should be durable, high, as well as as simple as possible. Moreover, the form of the fence should not allow people to climb the fence.
In this article, we will consider in detail all the details related to the advantages, choice and installation of concrete fences. We will also try to create a common picture that allows you to identify high-quality and poor-quality concrete fences at first glance.
Main features of concrete fence
Most often, concrete fences are used in industrial territories. Accordingly, that is why many factories and plants get very difficult, and they get through the fence means violating the law. However, high concrete fences in this case also serve as a certain curtain, which does not allow us to see what happens on the territory of the enterprise.
Such large fences are used within residential areas very rarely. Very large these fences. It should be borne in mind that many manufacturers offer quite pleasant concrete fences. We are talking about various decorative solutions that are becoming increasingly attractive for ordinary people every year. At the same time, concrete fences are losing their strength, which is the most important aspect.
Fortunately, you can combine a pleasant appearance of the fence, as well as its strength that will become a kind of block.
Disadvantages of concrete fences
Indeed, concrete fences have their drawbacks, which clearly should be said about. However, it should be noted in advance that many factors change depending on the specific products and a certain area.
- High price. To create a full-fledged concrete fence will have to spend a lot of money. The whole thing is, when creating a fence, you need a lot of concrete, which is still more expensive today. You can try to save on the dimensions of the fence, however, the fence must necessarily be thick and massive. The builders clarify that the fence from the brick will be much cheaper than concrete fence. Perhaps for many brick option will be even more attractive.
- Not the most pleasant appearance. As already mentioned, concrete fences are often not the most attractive objects that are best suited for industrial territories. If you just want to protect against the world, then there will be no problems, but if you have an attractive home, then no one will appreciate such an unsuccessful combination. Of course, there are various ways to make the fence still have some decorative details, but it will not change the overall picture.
- Closeness. Already several times the fact that large concrete fences make limited territory from the site. The tenants of the private house will seem to be that they live in some camp, outside of which - the unknown. Of course, this is a subjective drawback, since many people on the contrary, you want to protect yourself from the rest. In addition, it is possible for small private houses concrete fences may be too large.
Advantages of concrete fences
At the beginning of the material, we have already mentioned the merits of concrete fences, however, let's consider each advantage separately:
- Complete security. Most often, concrete fences do not even have small lumen, allowing a stranger to look at life that boils on the site. This will be a plus not only for those who do not like to put off their lives, but will definitely have to taste people who are in high positions. Such a building solution provides security.
- Easy installation. Yes, indeed, the installation of concrete fence is carried out much faster than the installation of other types of fences. Accordingly, it is very important in those conditions if it is necessary to spend the full amount of work in a short time. However, it is worth it in advance in mind that without special equipment to establish the fence will definitely fail.
- Strength. This dignity may be intersecting with the first paragraph, however, consider strength with a slight other angle. The fact is that concrete fences are informal fences, it is actually a durable boundary that will not be so easy to fill or destroy. Under certain conditions, this is a very important advantage that all other disadvantages of concrete fence are negotiated.
Again, it is worth noting that all the above advantages and disadvantages are subjective. By itself, the classic concrete fence canceled performs the function of fencing.
Decorative concrete fence
To date, there are so many manufacturers of decorative fences, which make fencing the basis of concrete. It must be said that a variety of such products is really impressive. Some companies produce certain options for concrete fences under the order, and some are available directly in the outlets.
The main advantage of such fences is an attractive appearance. Otherwise, fences are significantly losing classic products in strength, durability and safety.
Although manufacturers guarantee the durability of decorative concrete fences, literally after a couple of years they begin to crumble. Accordingly, the appearance of the fence becomes simply terrible and unattractive. The thing is that decorative products have a lot of small and fragile elements that are easily damaged over time.
However, no one bothers to follow the state of the fence. Gradually, it is possible to carry out work to restore the initial state of the fence. Much more difficult, the situation will be in the event that the fence has some color color. Restore the multicolored fence is somewhat more complicated, since any fixes will be clearly visible.
But there is a decorative concrete fence and a strong side. The thing is that this building products is relatively inexpensive. At any time, the fence can be replaced, and at the same time not to spend a lot of money. Of course, if you need to protect the whole site, it turns out a round amount, but it should not be expected to rely on substantial savings in this matter.
Reinforced concrete fences
If we are talking about reinforced concrete fences, then it is often massive fences that are used in enterprises. However, more and more like such fences are installed and around private houses. The thing is that such fences are the most real protection for the site. Often, such fences hang barbed wire and establish protection.
The reinforced concrete fence consists of a metal frame (large fittings), and shells - concrete. Accordingly, such fences have a greater thickness. Unfortunately, reinforced concrete fences do not have the attractiveness that is characteristic of a decorative fence.
Thus, it is advisable to use reinforced concrete fences in the territory of enterprises, parking lots, construction sites.
Specificity of installation of concrete fences
If we speak frankly, the process of installing concrete fences is relatively simple. However, it is worth keeping in mind that during installation there are some problems that should be taken in advance.
In this case, we will consider the installation process of the sectional concrete fence. Surely many have seen similar fences, which consist of several plates located on each other. However, it is worthwhile that the average weight of one plate is 60-70 kg. Accordingly, it will take to attract physically developed people who are able to carry out entire work without any special problems.
Sometimes one-piece concrete fences come across. In this case, one unit of fencing can weigh a whole ton. In such a situation, without a lifting crane, it will not be possible to do.
In general, the process of installing the fence consists of the following steps:
- As in the case of the construction of a fence based on a metal stakenik, here we will have to roll out small pits to install the columns. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully calculate all the sizes so that the pits are located in the right places. To do this, you need to know the length of concrete slabs, as well as the dimensions of the pillars. The depth of the holes should be from 0.5 m. Of course, it all depends on the overall dimming dimensions. If we have a big fence, then maybe you will need to break the pit of the plot.
- At the very bottom of the pit it is necessary to place the sand layer, the thickness of which should be only a few centimeters. After that, you need to catch the sand and do everything so that there is no emptiness in the sandy pillow.
- Next, another layer is created in the pit, which this time consists of rubble. This layer should be twice as thick as sandy, while it is better to choose a small rubble fraction to create a high density of the material. Again, all this is tamped.
- Now you need to check that the pillar stands as soon as possible, since the rest of the space in the pit needs to be filled with concrete. At the same time, it should be strictly controlled by the verticality of the column, if there are some deviations, then the installation of concrete slabs will be very difficult or not possible.
- It should be borne in mind that the pillars themselves have an original profile that resembles a groove. Just in the side grooves of the pillar you need to place concrete slabs. They should be easy enough, since otherwise you can destroy the created design, and the plates themselves.
- Often to create a fence requires 4 concrete slabs in one sector. This is the most reliable option that will not allow the fence to fall.
If concrete structures are high-quality, then they must serve a considerable time. Of course, for various reasons, damage to concrete slabs and pillars are also possible, but it is desirable to notice all the flaws in advance so that the monolithic elements are damaged. If the installation is carried out by specialists, they must be guaranteed. In the event of some problems, the organization providing services will pay compensation.
In the event that we are talking about the installation of solid concrete fences, then without special equipment it is not necessary. In many cases, concrete fences are launched directly into the ground. Of course, this is a rather complicated and costly process, since a considerable part of the concrete structure is used exclusively as a support.
However, the most optimal installation method is described in this material. For this process, it is not necessary to use any technique, and even newcomers in the construction business will easily be easily understood. If there are problems associated with installing the fence, you should consult from specialists, since any error can mean substantial financial costs. The pillar and the concrete slab will be expensive, and it must be remembered throughout the entire building process. In this material we tried to consider all the most common details related to the installation of concrete fence.