Wooden garden path with their own hands Plot

Wooden track in the country area is convenient and practical. Tree - the material is unique-function, wear-resistant and, if necessary, a wooden track can be easily repaired.
You can create a wooden carpet from cutting trees and approach the issue of design with a highlight. If you have a spoken tree on your site, you can use it for the manufacture of a wooden track. Also, the material for the track can be trimming from large branches and logs.
The following materials are needed to create a track:
- Tree trunk, logs and massive branches.
- Quality chainsaw.
- Clay.
- Polyethylene film is one roll.
- Tassel painted.
- Bucket, trough or other metal tank.
- Cement.
- Sand.
- Olife
Preparatory stage
1) First you need to prepare wooden rings. Decide with the number of rings and prepare a chainsaw. The thickness of the rings should be about 5 centimeters, but not thinner, since during operation with time the track will fall into the ground, and the rings themselves can begin to deteriorate.
2) After the rings are cut, they need to be processed. To do this, in the metal container you need to pour the olive, heat it on the plate or heat and then with the help of a painting brush from all sides, to apply with thick strokes. After applying the Wooden rings, the billets of wooden rings should be put so that they are completely dried. If this processing option for you is intense - treat the tree with bitumen mastic.
Arrangement of wooden spil tracks
1. So that the track is harmoniously looked at the garden plot, you need to decide on its size and take it into account that wooden circles should rise a little over the ground. It is necessary to ensure that water is not accumulated during the melting period of snow and rain. This is one of the little secrets of the arrangement of a wooden garden lane with their own hands.
2. If you have an earthen track on your garden area - you need to make a wooden track a little less in width to have a small soil stock on both sides.
3. After determining the size, it is necessary to take a shovel and make a slight recess in the ground, approximately - half the bayonet shovel. At the bottom of the recess to put a polyethylene film or clay. You can combine the film with clay - this will reduce the effect of moisture on the tree and improve waterproofing.
4. From above on a film or clay, you need to pour a little sand, and it is pre-prepared wooden spears on it. We need to try to lay them tightly. After the wooden rings are laid, you need to check the level of the finished path. If there are gaps between the rings, they must be filled with concrete solution. After filling with concrete, you need to wait until it freezes well.
5. Garden path from a drink of wood, after laying rounds will be completed, the space between them can be filled not only by concrete solution. Small wooden boards, gravel, or sand, mixed with grass seeds for lawns. All gaps between wooden solids need to be good, and the path is rude by water to reveal emptiness.
Tracks from pallets
Wooden tracks with their own hands can be easily and quickly made from inexpensive material - wooden pallets. Perhaps after the construction of a country house, you have accumulated enough pallets that can be used to create a wooden track. Pallets are made of durable wood species: birch, aspen or pines. These trees have high durability. And if you treat euro pallets with protective equipment, they will serve even longer. Pallets are very convenient to create wooden garden tracks, as they have a ready-made size. All that is needed is disconnecting the pallet into separate wooden strips and lay them as your fantasy will tell you.
Materials required for creating a track:
- Wood pallets.
- Nails.
- Hammer and nail-holder.
- Chainsaw or hacksaw.
- Screwdriver.
- Plane.
- Antiseptic or bituminous mastic.
- Paint brush.
- Dye.
Preparatory stage
1) Standard boards size is 80-100 cm. Boards need to cut, as according to standards, the width of the finished path should be about half a meter.
2) After the material is prepared, the boards need to be pulled by the plane and process with antiseptic solutions or bitumen mastics. After complete drying, wooden billets need to be painted with paint brushes.
1. Wooden pallet is disassembled and bars are used for the wooden framework framework. They need to be laid in a half-meter step and bind to each other. When the frame will be ready, it must be covered with mastic or other antiseptic tool that protects the tree from rotting. The mastic is covered by the part of the tree, which will be between the flooring and the earth.
2. After the preparatory stage, you can begin to lay down on the wooden frame of the boards. Between them, so that the water is quickly flowing, you need to leave a small gap - 1-2 centimeters.
3. Drinking nails, the hats need to score as deep as possible so that they do not protrude on the surface of the track. If the caps will perform them, they can easily face legs when walking barefoot on a wooden garden path.
4. When the track is ready, it is possible to paint it, using multi-colored paints and paint brush.
Useful advice - before installing the flooring, it is desirable to handle the soil with herbicides so that the weeds do not sprout between the boards.
Ready garden parquet
If there is no possibility to prepare yourself material to create a wooden track, there is an alternative. You can buy wooden tracks in building stores and online stores. It can be prepared wooden plates, wooden boards or garden parquet.
Garden parquet is a tiled modules that have a wood-polymer surface and a footboard. Installation of the finished track does not require special effort. Wooden garden track can be purchased by the required size, which has been discussed in advance with the customer length and width.
Finished wooden tracks have high wear resistance and resistance to sunlight.
After making a decision to arrange a wooden garden track, it is desirable to see how wooden tracks will look like in a photo. Many images of ready-made wooden garden tracks are posted on the Internet pages of construction portals.
Registration and care
Garden tracks from wood beautifully look when they are decorated. This can be done using small logs or halves. The track can be limited using a natural stone or kifrpich. The main thing in this business is fantasy and desire.
So that the wooden tracks served longer, you need to care for them. Once every two years, a wooden spil track should be cleaned with a metal scraper, and after cleaning to be treated with antiseptic solutions.
To extend the service life of garden tracks from wood, we need to think about it in advance where it is better to place it. If the track is located on the sunny side, the tree will quickly die. You also need to think about the bias - the place where the water will be drained. Choosing Power Options, it is necessary to consider the type of soil and the depth of groundwater.
Given all the recommendations created, with their own hands, wooden garden tracks will serve for many years and bring joy to the owners and guests of the country area.