Door Threshold: Installation Instructions Doors

With the installation of thresholds under the door you can cope with yourself. This work will seem easy, but in each business you need to stick to certain rules and know the subtleties of installing this important part.
If you pay attention to the modern door frame, which is sold in the store, then it can be noted that they are presented without the door threshold. This small part of each host is entitled to install himself in each case.
The door door threshold is necessary in order to get rid of the ugly transition between the flooring (linoleum, laminate, tile, wooden board, etc.). In addition, door thresholds perform another function - they ennoble the interior and smooth the floor level (if present) between two rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the installation of this interior detail.
Types of door thresholds
Thresholds are:
- Entrance.
- Interroom.
Each threshold is different in its functions and appearance. So, protective strips designed to enter the house maintain heat indoors.
If we consider the second version of the door thresholds intended for installation on interior doors, then these functions are not so important. Thresholds for interior doors are larger than the decorative function, hiding joints between the floor and the door.
Interior thresholds can be built-in, that is, it is part of the door frame. If you bought the door without a threshold, then it is necessary not only to install it correctly, but also close the gap between the floor covering and the place where the door itself is installed. In this case, in order to smooth the flooring drops in the premises, ordinary threshings are used. They can be made of different materials: wooden bars, plastic or metal.
What are the rapids for interior doors:
- wooden. The most affordable and popular option for the manufacture of door thresholds is a tree. Door threshold can be made independently of a wooden bar or purchase a finished product in a construction store. Preference gave the solid tree rocks. The threshold made of pine or oak. Best of all, if it is oak - the wood of this tree will last longer than the pine products. The thresholds made of wood are well combined with any flooring, but during operation it is necessary to cover the wood with protective materials from time to time: paint or varnish;
- metal thresholds are presented in a wide range. In stores you can choose any durable threshold from brass, stainless steel and aluminum. If you need to install the door threshold at the front door, then preference is given exclusively with metal thresholds. By the way, in order to equip interroom thresholds, you can purchase ready-made thresholds from a metal profile. Section can be different. Molding method - on screws or with special clamps (hidden method). Metal thresholds can be angular, single or multi-level;
- the thresholds of plastic - a cheap option, are suitable only for installation indoors, quickly wear out;
- thresholds from concrete or stone are expensive, requiring complexity in the installation (especially when the old door box remains). If you need to put the threshold at the entrance door or on the balcony, the best solution is a piece of stone or concrete. To create solid thresholds, it is necessary to use cement with additives, they give the solution with plasticity and durability. Service life of such thresholds - up to 50 years;
- another variety of thresholds is a cork compensator. The product is necessary in order to hide the space between the coating. The peculiarity of the threshold is durability and operation in conditions of high humidity. Such thresholds can be installed in the pools, sauna, bathroom and in the winter garden. If the room is constantly elevated in the room and the air temperature changes, the cork threshings are able to adapt to these conditions;
- thresholds from laminate - combined only with laminate. Advantages - Ease of installation, a perfectly smooth surface without drops and visual differences is created. Cons - If humidity changes in the room (in the offseason, when centralized heating is not included), then with time, laminate thresholds change their shape.
Doors with threshold. Photo:
How to choose a door threshold
If you just updated the floor covering, then there is a need to install the door threshold. To do this, you need to arm a tape measure and measure the width of the opening and the free space formed between the sexual coating (the floor joint).
The store presents a wide range of door thresholds, length and width can be different, so it is so important to go to the store, make measurements in advance. If you see that there is a different floor level between two rooms, then you need to buy a multi-level threshold. Choose aluminum products. A wide color scheme allows you to choose a threshold that will be harmonized with the interior of the room. An excellent option is the purchase of a strong metal light from brass or stainless steel.
If you like the wooden threshold, you should know that such products require increased attention - it is necessary to properly care for such thresholds.
Plastic bellows are a budget option that is popular. They simply install and care. Cons of plastic thresholds - DISTRIBUTY, in the middle, the product will last a maximum of 2-3 years.
It is important when choosing door thresholds to take into account the level of humidity in the room. If you need to close the transition between the tile in the bathroom and the floor covering in the corridor (or the cuisine-corridor, bathroom, kitchen), then when choosing interior thresholds, it is better to give preference to moisture-resistant materials.
What are the pluses of thresholds
Let's deal with what the sills are intended for:
- if you put an entrance door of metal or wood, then the threshold must be made of similar materials so as not to disrupt sound insulation;
- for cleanliness and silence in the room, thresholds with a rubberized insert are intended;
- the interroom threshold in the kitchen delays air circulation during cooking. So that fresh air entered the room, you need to open the window or install the window to microbrow;
- the thresholds partially protect residential premises from the penetration of moisture and smells in the process of cooking food. So that the extraneous smell does not fall into the neighboring apartments, it is necessary to additionally include the exhaust;
- protection against dust and from drafts.
Installing the interior door threshold
Question: "How to set the door threshold", remains relevant if you plan to put a new door or if the old threshold requires replacement. Then, before proceeding with the work, careful preparation is needed. First you need to dismantle the old threshold, clean the place from dust and debris and prepare for the installation of a new clad.
If, after removing the old threshold, the part of the floor is damaged, then you first need to fix it and only then you can begin to mount the threshold. In order to prepare the surface, cracking the screed must be removed and pour the resulting space with a new concrete solution. Do not hurry to immediately mount the threshold, you need to wait a few days until the cement finally hardens.
The dimensions of the threshold can be removed manually with the help of a construction roulette. If you shot the threshold, do not hurry to throw it away - you have a new threshold template in your hands. Go with it to the store to purchase the product of the same size.
Your choice is a wooden threshold. The product will serve for a long time if you follow the operation rules and correctly install the threshold. When installing the threshold in rooms with high humidity, you need to leave a small gap (the height of the door threshold is within 1 cm) so that fresh air flows into the room. Even if natural ventilation works well, this rule will still have to be observed.
For installation, the plastic door threshold is best suited the product from the same material. Installation of a metal threshold requires tools. You need to prepare a metal hacksaw, a set of drills, angular grinding, fastening elements, level, roulette and screwdriver.
Methods of fastening
Install the threshold for the entrance door can be different. Traditional way - drilling in the open, when the holes for fasteners are prepared in the product. Then you need to attach the threshold and fix in several places by self-draws. It is very fast, but not always beautiful.
Internal method of fastening the door threshold, though labor-intensive, but as a result, it will be very neat floor without a transition. Particularly well like a flooring from laminate.
How to make a door threshold in a hidden way:
- The threshold consists of 2 parts: the first (bottom) must be screwed to the floor "putting" on the tapping screw.
- The second part is decorative, you need to insert the lower strap to the grooves until it stops. As soon as you hear a characteristic click, then the plank "sat down" in its place.
- There is another way of fastening when the upper decorative bar of the threshold is glued with glue.
How to make a threshold at the entrance door
When there is a need to improve the place of entry into the room, it is desirable to use multi-level thresholds for mounting a threshold or purchase a wide threshold (if there is no difference between the inlet door and floor).
When there is a small drop, within 3 cm, you can smooth this difference if you install a double threshold. These thresholds are installed in the same way as standard, the attachment method is through through holes or a hidden method.
We offer to familiarize yourself with the novelty - guillotine threshold. It will not only improve the appearance of the floor, but also facilitates the process of operation and cleaning. Due to the high cost and difficulties of the installation of the product, the "smart" threshold is best installed with a massive inlet door.
The principle of the threshold device:
- the threshold is crashed into the end of the doorway (lower part). When the door is open - the threshold is not visible;
- externally, the threshold looks like the letter "P". Made of durable wear-resistant material - aluminum with a rubberized seal and spring;
- mounting feature: Observe the rule - the insertion of the threshold must be carried out at a depth of 20 cm. As a result, we can conclude that when installing a cheap inlet door (the minimum thickness of the doorway timber), it is better not to use;
- to the door, in the part where loops are located, you need to attach a metal bar with a button. As soon as the door is closed, the button is pressed and the spring is triggered - the rubber seal is lowered down to the flooring level;
- the service life of such a threshold is more than 25 years.
How to make a threshold at the entrance door at home you will learn by looking at this video tutorial: