Cultivation of daisies, garden chamomile care Plot.

Garden chamomile is a long-term flower that is unpretentious and very beautiful. A white chamomile field is especially unforgettable. Due to durability and color, this plant is used in landscape design and at the design of the garden. But in this case, anchored variety is used. How to grow and care for a chamomile on your own plot, you will learn from this article.
What is a chamomile?
Initially, the chamomile is a wild field plant, which, due to its appearance and endurance, people decided to specifically grow in their sites. A big plus of this amazing flower is that chamomile can be grown from seeds. And along with other seedloval or bully perennial flowers, it is much more profitable and easier.
Important! For the first time, the name of the flower "Chamomile" is mentioned in history in the 18th century. On the territory of Ancient Russia it was believed that chamomile grows where the star fell. And translated from the Polish adverb chamomile is the "Roman flower". By the way, in ancient Rome, the flower with exactly such characteristics, but by another name, was considered healing and revered not only for external data. At the same time, in ancient Egypt, this plant was associated with the Sun of RA. The ancient Egyptians believed that the chamomile had grown, this sunny God had passed there. And not in vain, because in our time, and then, the plant prefers a lot of sun and heat.
Modern vulnerable daisies are the result of the work of breeders. The main features of this culture:
- Chamomile also prefer the heat and the sun, while in the shadow they will develop no worse.
- By autumn, the ground part of the plant will inevitably die. Spring growth and flowering are resumed.
- The period of flowering species on average ranges from 40-60 days.
- Flowers are distinguished by color, shape of the scenery basket and size.
- The middle of the chamomile remains unchanged. She is yellow or red-brown.
Varieties of garden chamomile
On the territory of our country there are a huge number of species of this amazing flower. They differ in size and color, and flowering time. The most common and demanded by our gardeners such varieties of daisies:
- nyondyar
- pyrethrum;
- doronikum;
- pharmacy chamomile;
- melolepetnik.
Important! Each of the species has its own specific peculiarities. That's why Before choosing one or another variety, familiarize yourself with its characteristics.
Chamomile nyondyan.
In the people, this kind of plant is known as a chamomile garden large (giant) or a kidnapper. There are more than twenty varieties of this species. The most sought after:
- ordinary Nyurist;
- kurilsky;
- the greatest nyondyar
This plant differs from its relatives in large sizes of petals that are terry, semi-natural or simple. The core is yellow.
Important! Features of planting and growing such a chamomile on its own plot require to adhere to the following recommendations:
Chamomile Pyrethrum
In another other, it is also called the Persian chamomile. The petals of such a variety of daisies are terry or simple. The color of them is red, pink and yellow. A distinctive feature of this type of chamomile is the height of the stem. It can reach from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Pyrethrums are grown not only to decorate the site. Another type of chamomile is used to protect things from moth. The flower is dried and placed in a closet, where his smell scares pests.
Important! Features of care and landing such a chamomile are as follows:
Chamomile Doronikum
This species is considered one of the most early-minded. The flowering period begins in early May and ends in June. At the height of the plant reached 70 cm. Petals have a saturated yellow color.
Important! Such chamomiles are absolutely undemanding to the soil and develop even in darkened areas.
Pharmacy chamomile
This species is the most popular among our gardeners. It has a pleasant, obviously pronounced, apple fragrance. It has amazing drug properties, due to which the flowers and stems of the pharmaceutical chamomile are used for therapy and the prevention of various diseases, as well as a component in cosmetic decoction, creams, masks.
Although such a plant belongs to the category of 1-year-old, it is possible to grow it in one site for 2-3 years in a row.
Important! When growing such varieties, consider what they need:
Chamomile Melolepetnik
There are such daisies late - from mid-June to September. Height - up to 1m. Gamma Shades Diverse - Flowers are:
- purple;
- white;
- pink;
- blue.
Important! Prefer loose soil and illuminated, sunny plots.
Popular varieties of Romashek
Not only with the type of chamomile it is necessary to decide, but also with a suitable variety. It depends entirely how time is the treatment of the site, and how attractive will be the landscape. Take a note on the most popular, persistent and beautiful, varieties - it is better to give preference to already proven gardeners in colors.
Varieties with large flowers:
- Ophelia;
- Beethoven;
- Alaska;
- Silver Princess;
- Maxima Kenig;
- San Susti;
- Julischnee.
With terry flowers, such daisies are most often planted:
- Swan Lake;
- Crazy Daisi;
- Snow Maiden;
- Agile
- Snow lady;
- Edelweiss;
- Wirral Supreme;
- Christine Hagemann;
- GoldRausch;
- Sunny Sade.
With the inflorescences of different shades of the chamomile there are:
- red - Cellway, Atrosangvina, Granat Star;
- pink - Vanessa.
Landing Sadovaya Romaist
Cut the chamomile can be deceived from the bush and seeds. When landing the first method, you will quickly get a lush bush. But if there is no adult chamomile, seitseed seeds.
Landing a giant chamomile - a seed basis
So that the bush passed well, in the process of preparation and directly landing, follow these rules:
- Choose for landing not hot weather in the fall, when the flowering ended.
- Start seating when young shoots appear.
- Gently divide the roots, leaving on one delleka 2-3 sprouts.
- Prepare the wells for chamomile at the rate of:
- distance 20 cm between wells;
- 0.5 meters distance between rows.
- Before boarding, make organic fertilizers:
- humid in proportion 1 bucket per 1 m2;
- humile with Earth in each well, if there is no large amount of organic.
- Fill every hole with water.
- Place all the sprouts in the wells and stack the earth.
- Upon the occurrence of frosts, inspired by the foliage layer in 5 cm.
Important! Do not leave large camomiles in one place for more than 3 years. In this case, the soil is strongly compacted, the shrub is thickened, and the flowers are formed significantly smaller.
Cultivation of chamomile from seeds
From the seeds grow seedlings at home or contribute directly to the ground. The rules of this landing are as follows:
- The optimal landing date is the end of May - the beginning of June.
- Prepare stationery beds.
- Form the rows of 1-1.5 cm depth.
- Moisten the soil.
- Make seeds in rows, but not very thick to get rid of yourself in the future from the need to dive.
- Pinge with wet sand from above.
- Cover the film and remove it when there is no danger of frosts, and the first sprouts appeared.
- Wait until 4-5 sheets appear on the chamomile, and dispel the colors of 2-3 pieces at a distance of 40 cm.
Important! The first shoots will appear after 10-14 days, provided the temperature of the soil at 15 degrees. Blossom of shrubs will occur by autumn or next spring.
- Feed the chamomile according to the following scheme:
- in May - 2 tbsp. nitroposses on 10 liters of water, distributing 5l / 1 m2;
- after flowering - 1 tbsp. potassium and superphosphate for 10 liters of water, spending 6l / 1 m2;
- after flowering - the slumber of wood ash around the shrub in the proportion of 3-4 tbsp. / 1 \u200b\u200bm2.
So that you do not have any additional questions regarding landing and growing chamomile, look at the proposed video below. From it you will learn extra details.
Caring for the chamomile
Rules Care for a garden chamomile very simple:
- Make sure that the flower is enough moisture, but do not pour it too abundantly, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.
- Regularly vacate weeds and loose soil.
- Every 2-3 years divide the bushes.
- For the winter, shelter bushes or make a mulch by an organica, which is available - fallen leaves, sweetheart, wood sawdust.
- Make sure that the chamomile is healthy and carry out the prevention of fungicides. Most often, this culture is ill:
- gray rot;
- fusariasis;
- malievable dew;
- rust.
- Be vigilant to the appearance of pests and make prevention insecticides from:
- tli;
- wireman;
- triples;
- starberry fly.
Garden chamomile only at first glance is a simple flower. If it is properly planted and carefully referring to the cultivation, you can easily issue a very attractive design of your site and you can use flowers for recovery.