How to make label do it yourself Lighting

Decoration of any lamp is a beautiful lampshade. With this subject of the decor, it is possible to effectively add not only the lighting device, but also the design of any room, as well as adjust the lighting of the room. Various colors of a lamb with lampshade allows you to make the light as cold and warm.
Types of aboars
Human fantasies in creativity are simply endless, and when creating such an item, such as Abazhur, you can show all your fiction and creative.
The ideas of the decoration of the lighting devices that will inspire you:
- The lampshade of the fabric is the most common material for the cutting of the frame. Moreover, it is possible to use organza, and even denim fabric. From the looskuts of different fabric you can create a mosaic lampshade or simply cover the frame of a single cloth. Someone decorates lampsar beads, sea pebbles or artificial colors, and others - create lampshades even from children's clothing.
- Very creative will look at the lampshade of half of the globe. He will also brightly decorate the schoolboy's room.
- Knitted lampshade. In this embodiment, you can combine several methods of knitting and several colors - for example, from home yarn residues. In order not to spend time on knitting, you can make a lamp to the knitted old sweater.
- Beautiful lampshade of tin caps. This option will require perfection and time. First, to collect the required number of covers, and secondly, to collect the lampshade.
- Plafones with real curly plants are very popular. In this embodiment, the pot with a plant is attached to the lamp frame. It is important not to place the plant close to the lamp so that the leaves do not bother.
- A lamp lamp can be created even from plastic disorderly plastic dishes. Why not. Only one nuance - such a lamp will not be bright, as the plastic itself is a dense material that will eclipse the bright light of the lamp.
- Frame lamp made of wicker branches or ready-made baskets.
- Old lampshade can be decorated with marine shells and pebbles.
- Very stylish will look like a lamp shade "in a balloon." The essence of its manufacture is simple. You need to inflate an ordinary air balloon, wrapped it with any thread in chaotic order and deceive the plow glue. When the design gets free, you need to burst the ball and, thus, in your hands there will be a beautiful paper filter. Threads can be noticed on napkins, preferably lace.
- Paper Chinese lanterns are remarkably decorated with various colors and bows.
- Very elegant and stunningly beautifully looking labels from beads. In the creation of such a lamp, there is nothing complicated, only the frame of the frame from the beads risen on the fishing line is enough.
- Fabric or paper lampshade can be decorated with multiple buttons or unnecessary disk plates.
- A little more time and skills will need to create a wicker lamp label.
- Plastic bottle can also be an excellent decoration of the lamp.
- The easiest version of the home lamp is a domestic lamp is the wake of it with cuts from newspapers or old photos.
A lamp to every taste can be made independently, while using all sorts of fool's materials. On how to make lampshade, it will be discussed below. We offer some interesting options that may make you to create creative lampshair with your own hands.
Classic lampshade for lamp or lamp can be seen in the photo.
Before planning the decor of the lamp, you should pay attention to such moments:
- When creating a lamp at home, it is recommended to use energy-saving lighting lights. Not only for the purpose of saving, but also for the purpose of security, since the usual incandescent lamp can cause a fire.
- Decorating a home lamp, it is important not to damage the wires. After completion of the work, you need to check the integrity of the wire.
- The most secure health is a lamp with a "warm" color. Such and you should choose.
Frame for lampshar
For homemade lampshar, naturally, a framework is required. Most often for these purposes use a metal wire, which is directly fastened with lampshade.
Sometimes in the construction store you can find ready-made metal frames. But if there is no such, then for their creation you will need passatats that will help you bend and secure the wire in the right position.
In the event that the old lamp on your attic was poured on your own lamp, then it is enough to replace the cover of the ready-made frame.
The lamp lamp quickly and easily makes the fabric.
To work, you will need:
- any fabric;
- ruler;
- marking soap;
- scotch;
- scissors;
- self-tier film;
- wire rings for the frame;
- paper clothespins;
- glue;
- threads.
Stages of building lampshar:
- If you have a ready-made frame, it is enough just to decide on the desired fabric size. And in case you will create a frame back, then try not to make it close to the incandescent lamp.
- It is necessary to glue the fabric pieces on the volume of the self-keys (width suitable for the volume of the bottom of the frame) in such a way that the facial part of the fabric is outside.
- Next, measure the whole flap of fabric to cover the frame in a circle. A film is pasted on a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of fabric.
- Blind fabric to the frame must be gradually. First, the upper 5 cm is glued, then the bottom of the tissue is smoothed.
- The resulting seam on the side of the lampshar, creep the flap of the fabric.
- In the upper and at the bottom of the frame of the frame, the excess cloth is inside with a stapler or clothespins.
- Tissue lampshade ready. It can also be decorate with various elements of the decor.
Wire flooring
Before making the lamp shade, decide on the materials. You will need:
- wire mesh;
- scissors for metal;
- metal cornice, 1.2 m;
- construction plaster;
- 3 m aluminum profile (12 mm);
- lamp, cartridge, wire and plug;
- black lacquer;
- unnecessary form for baking;
- black threads;
- braid.
Manufacturing technology:
- Cut the rectangle from the wire mesh. Its parameters must coincide with the height of the lamp by the lamp and the length of its circumference. Leave a small stock.
- The resulting rectangle roll, and the side seam clog the wire.
- At the top and bottom around the edges of the frame, attach a metal profile and bend it.
- Divide the gypsum in water and pour this mixture to baking. But in order not to be too thick, otherwise the gypsum will begin to crack. When the mass becomes falling down, fasten the cornice in it. Leave in this position for the night.
- In the next morning, remove the plaster stand and cover with black varnish.
- When the lacquer dry, pull the wire through the hole in the gypsum and in the cornice.
- Metal profile wrap the cartridge and attach the struts from the profile to it - 20 cm.
- Metal mesh frame wrap black thread.
- Then put on the frame on the strut, screw the light bulb and turn on the outlet. If everything was correctly done, then your unique homemade lamp will delight with bright rays of light, through a dense grid of a beautiful lamp.
Paper lampshade
Before making lampshade with your own hands, decide on the base material. It may be a regular bank in his capacity, and for lampshar-paper.
Necessary materials:
- cartridge and lamp;
- tin jar or other capacity;
- wire, plug and switch;
- paper.
Manufacturing technology:
- Dimensions for your landscher select individually. To begin with, all wires hide in a jar or jug, you turn on top with a lid with an opening for a cartridge.
- Screw the cartridge and attach the wires to it.
- Paper for lampshar, fold the harmonica, about 2.5 cm.
- Spread the side of the lampshar.
- At the top of the lamp, pinched two holes, retreating from the top 2 cm.
- Put the lampshade on the jar with the cartridge. To secure it from top to lower 3 equal wire and wrap them with a cartridge. As a result, paper lampshade must hold these backups.
- Through the holes done at the top of the frame, stretch 2 ribbons, torn the lampshade and tie the tapes.
Thus, the homemade floor lamp is ready.