How to strengthen the tightness of wooden windows Insulation,Window

Wooden windows have always been considered an environmentally friendly material. They are durable and suitable for both country houses and apartments. In addition to environmental friendliness, windows do not miss dust and dirt, as well as suitable for installation in homes with different climatic conditions.
Over the years, wooden windows require maintenance. Many owners in order not to have problems with restoration of windows, get rid of them and install expensive plastic double-glazed windows. But, as it turns out, plastic does not always justify hopes. In particular, when the PVC windows stand in the room - the air becomes dry, and the wooden windows regulate the humidity in the room and allow it to "breathe".
When the restoration of windows is required
Over time, when wooden windows served three, five or more, there is a need for their constant maintenance. If the windows are not badly damaged, then it is too early to change them, but it is necessary to restore it.
If all the nuances are complied while restoring the windows: properly selected materials, accuracy and accuracy of work, assembly and installation, then renovated windows can be served many more dozen years.
It is worth noting that the tightness of the windows is the main rule when restoration of windows.
Intensifying hermetic
The increase in tightness becomes relevant with the onset of cold weather. In the fall, in winter and early spring in the room, I want to keep as much heat as possible. And if the windows are not sealed enough, then heat losses in the room can be up to 30-40 percent.
So that the windows do not miss moisture, and also did not let the large stream of air from the street, it is necessary to perform measures to enhance the tightness of the windows.
In order to increase the sealing of windows, you need to prepare such tools:
- hammer;
- durable blade (suitable from the construction knife);
- insulating material (technical wool, felt, sealant, polyuretummer);
- cutter;
- nails (Hats must be removed).
Works are as follows: First you need to prepare the surface, and then proceed to the elimination of the slots:
- With the help of the blade, it is necessary to remove the old paint. If there are "droplets" or "corges" of dry paint, it is advisable to consider it, as they can hide the slots between the opening brick wall.
- Carefully remove the sealing hose (if your old-sample windows are wooden staps) so as not to break it, as it is still useful. Wooden rails, if they are damaged, it is better to replace with new ones.
- If at this stage you noticed small gaps, they can be filled with mounting foam, which expanding, fill all the small cracks and cavities.
- With the help of a sharp blade, the remnants of dry foam need to be cut carefully.
- Now you can fill the foam slots from the outside of the window frame.
- After all the slots are filled, you need to install the seal to the previous place.
- If you removed a wooden rail, then it is attached with thin nails.
It happens that the windows are so damaged that it is necessary to perform restoration work of wooden frames. For this window, the windows are removed from the loops, disassembled, and the glass is removed.
Methods of insulation windows
To control the tightness, it is necessary to substitute the palm or the open napkin to the window. If it is fluent, and you will feel cool air, it means that a gap appeared between a wooden box and sash.
To limit the flow of cold air coming from the street, you need to warm up the windows.
There are several ways of insulation. These include:
- Minor repairs. Without waiting for cold weather, still in summer, inspect the window openings carefully. If you find that the glass is poorly held in the frame, it must be missed and strengthened. If a small crack on the glass has been discovered - this is a small signal to the danger, since with the onset of cold weather fluctuations (from the room warm air, from the street - cold), can provoke cracking and even the split glass. If even a small crack was found in your glass, then it is better to replace the glass to the new one.
- Warming of windows from the room by a rubber seal or foam strips. There are special sets for the insulation of wooden windows. The set includes rubber or plastic ribbons, foam strips or tissue tight ribbons. Such sets have become a good alternative to the old methods of windscale windows when old newspapers and wool were used.
- Strengthening the tightness of the windows with the help of foam rubber will make it possible to fill the large slots, and also eliminate the disksens of the events of the old frames. To get rid of the gap, it is necessary to glue the foam rubber on the perimeter (it is sold by strips, on one side on adhesive basis). And on top of the foam, the upper part of the frame is stuck with a scotch (on a paper basis). This method allows you to get rid of the cracks for one or two years.
- Seal "groove" method. The rubber seal is not glued on the sash, like foam rubber, and pressed into the grooves of wooden sash. This method allows to increase the tightness indoors, get rid of drafts, reduce the noise level. Of the disadvantages, the high cost of work is noted, since it is necessary to invite a specialist to the house, as well as the inability to compact the windows on their own, because it is necessary to have special tools.
- Warming windows with wool or tissue strips. This method is considered to be obsolete, but is effective, because cotton is a good heat insulator. For work, prepare technical wool, strips of natural fabric, soap and warm water. At first, all the slots are clogged with the cotton, and then the surface strips are gluled in the soap solution. Such sealing of the windows will serve only one season. With the onset of spring, strips, along with a cottage, removed.
- Seal with metal gaskets. Gaskets are thin metal strips (bronze or stainless steel), which are compressed as springs, and thus fill the slots. To establish such a gasket, it is necessary that the inner part of the window frame is absolutely smooth.
- Warming windows with sealant.
Filling of large cracks by mounting foam.
Porolone self-adhesive strips will quickly fill the small slots between the frame and the window opening.
How to work with sealant
The question of how to check the tightness of plastic windows, occurs when you just purchased a country house, a cottage or an apartment in a high-rise building. To avoid surprises with the onset of cold weather, it is better to reveal the window frames in advance and check the windows for the presence of slots. With visual inspection, only large gaps can be detected, which it would be more expedient to fill with a sealant, and then test the frames for tightness.
This method of enhancing wind seal is applied not only for wooden frames. Sealant can be insulated with plastic and metal window frames.
The sealant is a substance consisting of silicone, externally resembling a viscous culley mass. When it dries, it completely fills the space between the frame and the box. To get a good result, you need to work sealant neatly and be attentive to not swap the glass.
To enhance the tightness of the window using the sealant, it is necessary:
- Prepare a window - remove irregularities, clean the frame from old paint, if it is already behind the tree and clean the skin (small sandpaper).
- Surface degreased with solvent.
- Open a bottle with sealant (it is more convenient to work by inserting it into a special "gun").
- Sick the substance from the balloon so that you have a flat line that will completely close the gap.
- Try not to fall into grooves and drainage.
- Immediately after applying the sealant, take the food film and cover the surface.
- The window can be closed. At this point, the silicone gasket will shrink and take the necessary form.
- After the seal finally dries (4-5 hours), the window can be opened, remove the protective tape and cut off the sharp construction knife.
This photo presents a scheme for amplifying the sealing of a wooden window with a rubber seal and sealant:
Silicone sealant will be more convenient to work if the window frames are pre-removed from the loops.
To fill the slots of one window, a sufficiently small sealant bottle. Available different sealants, choose colorless and carefully read the inscriptions on the bottle, for which the sealant is intended: exterior or internal.