Fluorescent wallpaper Wallpaper

Fluorescent wallpaper with the use of 3D technologies appeared relatively recently, but already managed to conquer admiring views of consumers. However, most of them do not even imply about the unique capabilities of these wallpapers that are fully manifested at night under the action of ultraviolet rays.
What do fluorescent wallpaper look like?
At first glance, fluorescent wallpapers are practically not distinguished from the usual high-quality photo wallpaper. However, such wallpapers have a property transformed depending on the time of day and the presence of special highlights as follows:
- under natural lighting - wallpapers are highlighted by more convex outlines of the image;
- at dusk in the evening - the drawing on such wallpaper begins to acquire a slightly sparkling contours;
- in the dark, when you turn on BLB-lamps - the image literally comes to life, opening the outstand new details and transferring those present in the surprisingly fantastic world. At the same time, fluorescent 3D wallpapers are striking the natural depth and volume of the picture applied to the cloth.
Thus, the visual simplicity of fluorescent wallpapers is deceptive, and open the hidden secrets of the web can only with the use of ultraviolet light.
Fluorescent wallpaper production technology
Often, the admission of a new type of finishing material is accompanied by the emergence of a large amount of controversial information about it. Fluorescent wallpapers also did not exception, since the myth immediately appeared that radioactive elements were used in their production, which cause the effect of the glow.
In fact, the basis for the manufacture of fluorescent wallpaper is a nonwoven fabric represented by polyester. The drawing is applied to the pre-prepared web through multi-print using computer graphics and 3D technologies whose participation is revealed only under the influence of ultraviolet. At the same time, the dyes used in the printing process meet all health safety requirements. The fluorescent powder applied to individual sections of the printed image is also environmentally friendly, since it appears as a result of crushing of certain mineral rocks before the formation of flour.
Thus, fluorescent wallpapers are largely similar to conventional vinyl wallpaper. However, the use of high-quality dyes in the production of fluorescent wallpapers in combination with a fluorescent powder makes it possible to achieve an unprecedented magnificence of the room in the evening.
Advantages and disadvantages of fluorescent wallpaper
The double effect of perception of wallpapers, depending on the time of day, as well as the creation of the effect of optical illusion using ultraviolet lighting is only a small component of the virtues of fluorescent wallpapers relative to other types of finishing materials. But such wallpapers have a number of others, no less important advantages, among whom:
- diverse options for thematic design;
- large dimension row that does not affect the final result, since the image in the roll is duplicated depending on the design;
- high wear resistance is due to the presence of a polyester in the canvas that impede mechanical damage, as well as temporary fading;
- wallpaper fire safety is ensured by the coating of their non-flammable primer;
- easy care. In the process of the production of wallpaper, the wallpaper is soaked with special dust-repellent compositions, preventing dust to accumulate on them. In addition, excellent moisture resistance allows wet cleaning using non-aggressive detergents;
- long service life, reaching 10 years.
- suitable for spacious premises that make up not less than 20 m², since the 3D effect is well visible at a certain distance from the image;
- the presence of BLB lamps revealing all the properties of fluorescent wallpaper;
- high price.
Despite the impressive advantages, to afford to buy fluorescent wallpapers to wake them all the room or apartment, maybe not everyone. At the same time, it is possible to stop at one of the types of wallpaper, differing in size and, accordingly, the cost.
Types of fluorescent wallpaper
All variety of fluorescent wallpapers is divided into 3 types:
- single - characterized by small sizes, usually picture type, and applying a specific image fragment. Such wallpapers are decorated with plastic, wooden slats, or polyurethane moldings. Often, single fluorescent wallpapers are used for niche pasting, focusing on the most significant section of the room;
- standard - stand out by typical dimensional wallpaper. In this case, the surround image on standard wallpaper is represented as geometric shapes, an abstract pattern, as well as other patterns that do not require an image fit when salabing;
- panoramic - wallpapers, calculated on the surface of the surface of a large area. At the same time, individual fragments merge into a single history, creating the illusion of the real volume of unsurpassed beauty of the world. However, panoramic fluorescent wallpapers, the price of which significantly exceeds the cost of single and standard cloths, for many remain a non-abundant dream.
Despite the distinctive features of various types of fluorescent wallpapers, the wamp of the walls or the ceiling is practically no different from the process of vinyl wallpaper.
Installation of fluorescent wallpaper
The similarity in some parameters of fluorescent with vinyl wallpaper explains the analogy of their installation, which includes several stages.
Preparation of the foundation
Since the fluorescent wallpaper for walls or ceiling is quite expensive material, then it is worth considering the preparatory stage with all seriousness, in order not to have a little irregularity broken off the invaluable wallpaper and did not spoil the aesthetics of the final finishing result.
The preparatory stage includes the following works:
- removal of old wallpaper;
- surface leveling, including getting rid of protruding irregularities exceeding 1 cm;
- wall covering penetrating primer for better adhesion.
Surface salable
To fix the fluorescent wallpaper on any surfaces, it is quite suitable for both the glue for vinyl wallpaper and PVA. At the same time, it is necessary to breed the glue using the manual located on the package.
It is necessary to apply the adhesive composition to the surface in such a way that when smoothing the adhesive is not on the front side, since the divorces even from a timely removed glue will still be visible when lamps are visible.
To do this, the dimensions of the wallpaper are transferred to the past surface, after which the glue is applied, leaving the distance to the edge of 2 cm clean.
Wallpaper smoothing is made by a polyurethane roller from the center to the edges, thereby removing bubbles and squeezing the excess glue to the edges.
In case of accidental enclosure on the front side of the fluorescent wallpaper, it is necessary to immediately laugh with a damp cloth or a sponge.
During the day, after the end of the salary, it is impossible to arrange drafts and then the wallpaper will not be spacked off the wall.
BLB lamp installation
It is simply impossible to achieve the maximum effect of the surface with fluorescent surface wallpaper without proper installation.
The number of necessary lamps largely depends on the area occupied by fluorescent wallpaper, since 1 lamp is calculated for lighting no more than 3 m² of the sealed surface. If walls and ceiling are wicked, the number of lamps is calculated as the floor area divided by 3.
Installation of lamps is carried out:
- for wall images - under the ceiling, retreating from the wall of 50-100 cm;
- for ceiling panoramas, lamps with an asymmetric reflector are more suitable.
Thus, the lamps are needed with the calculation of the uniform lighting of the entire image. At the same time, lamps hidden in niches will give the interior even more the sacraments and charm.
Fluorescent wallpapers in the interior
The area of \u200b\u200busing fluorescent wallpaper is limitless, especially considering the dependence of the effects of the day of day. Main, choose the appropriate theme and color palette of the image.
In the interior of the entertainment centers, the cafe will rather fit the panorama of the Big City.
For the design of the bedroom it is better to use images testifying to the occurrence of the night.
But in children's drawings fit funny little animals or reproduced fragments of favorite fairy tales.
The best option for bathroom design are the fluorescent wallpaper with marine issues.
At the same time living leaves room for the selection of any image, however it is necessary to coordinate it with all family members, because living is a common place for a family holiday.
Thus, the fluorescent wallpaper, photos of which is presented in the article, demonstrate the uniqueness of the whole fabric. Of course, panoramic paintings are not cheap, but to revitalize the interior of a single picture can practically everyone.