How to choose polyurethane sealant Building materials

Polyurethane sealant is used to seal seams. It has water-repellent properties and allows you to close the holes and seams up to 3 cm in width.
Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane sealant
Polyurethane sealant is distinguished by its versatility - it is also used in industry, and for household needs. The list of his positive qualities includes the following features:
- simple use;
- high strength;
- excellent hitch with completely different materials;
- the adoption of the initial form after mechanical impact;
- does not respond to temperature jumps;
- no moisture is afraid and even gains strength under its action;
- retains its qualities even with regular effects of household chemicals, salt solutions, lime;
- not afraid of direct sunlight;
- it has a rich color gamut, so that it is possible to choose it in tone to the treated surface;
- is subject to staining, which happens very by the way, if it was not possible to choose the desired color;
- not subject to corrosion.
But, despite the long list of advantages, the polyurethane sealant has several flaws that need to be mentioned:
- it consists of substances capable of contacting the skin to cause an allergic reaction, so when working with a sealant you need to wear protective gloves;
- it has a small shelf life - usually it is less than a year.
Areas of use of polyurethane sealant
This material, due to its excellent characteristics, is used in many areas, for example:
1. To seal window designs, junctions between panels, facades of buildings. This scope is traditional and most frequent. After opening the packaging, one-component polyurethane sealant is fully prepared for use. It is applied directly to the cavity of the seam, a layer, in thickness not exceeding 0.5 cm. With such a small flow rate, the sealant gives excellent protection and provides aesthetic appearance of a connection or a joint.
2. For processing joints of natural stone products. Polyurethane sealant is an ideal choice for such work. It allows you to get neat and invisible joints and at the same time provides a reliable coupling. The color palette of the produced sealants allows you to choose the most similar as possible, the most similar to one or another type of stone. The use in this sphere of other sealants, such as silicone, is unacceptable, because Their components penetrate the structure of the stone, making it the surface of unattractive, and then destroy it at all.
3. This type of sealant is very good for use in conditions where vibration is observed, and the processed seams may be deformed. It is also used to process the seams of metal structures, mainly in the auto industry. It quickly freezes and creates a particularly durable seam connection.
4. For treating temperature seams. Polyurethane sealant is very elastic and successfully confronts punctures, destruction, erasing, and all these qualities are preserved for a long time.
5. For the arrangement of waterproofing the roof, artificial reservoir, foundation. In this area, polyurethane sealant applied with great success, treating them quite large areas. It forms a perfectly durable layer, which is perfectly withstanding the constant impact of moisture.
Polyurethane sealant: manufacturers
The modern market is flooded with both imported and domestic goods. Before buying a polyurethane sealant, led lists of the most popular manufacturers, as well as reviews about the quality of products manufactured by them.
1. The Technonikol company was founded in 1992. Over the years of its existence, it has become a major organization that produces a rich assortment of building materials and providing them with Russia and the CIS countries. There are several large plants in the company's assets, as well as offices and offices in many cities.
Polyurethane sealant "TechnoNIKOL" is used to process adjacent surfaces and bending edges of the rail. Differs high quality, plasticity, reliable hitch. After applying, the sealant is gaining maximum strength.
2. The organization TENACHEM exists in the Russian market also since 1992. She is a subsidiary of the SPODRIBA Latvian Chemical Enterprise. Specializes in the production of sealants and adhesives of the highest quality. It is achieved through the use of the best German, Swedish, Polish, American, Estonian and other raw materials. One of the most successful and in-demand types of Tenachem products is the sealant polyurethane "OxyPlast". It is used for processing seams, cracks, joints, slots on various surfaces, including concrete and reinforced concrete. This sealant is a two-component. This means that it is polymerized as a result of joining a chemical reaction with a special hardener. It is used both on vertical and inclined and horizontal surfaces, in the case when there is no mechanical load. The sealant does not flow, not afraid of direct sunlight and adverse weather conditions.
3. The company "Rastro" exists on the market for 20 years. It specializes in the production of building materials for repair and waterproofing. It was founded in St. Petersburg and today has offices and warehouses in the largest Russian cities. In the manufacture of products, the company uses only high-quality raw materials and the latest technology. That is why her goods have been enjoyed in high demand for two decades.
One of the goods produced by Rastro is a two-component polyurethane sealant "Izhora". It reliably seals the seams between the panels, cracks and joints on the facades, elastic and loaves with the base. It has a white and gray color, but when ordering the manufacturer may produce in another color solution.
4. Very in demand in the market sealant polyurethane "Sailast". Under this brand, a whole line of single and two-component products used in various fields of construction is produced. But they can all be used in adverse conditions, for example, with constant temperature differences, where the systematic impact of humidity or aggressive chemistry is observed. Applicable both indoors and outside, for facades and roofs, during the construction of foundations and roads.
5. The French company EMFI produces and sells building materials of the highest quality, including sealant polyurethane "Emphimatic". It has a multitude of indisputable advantages, for example:
- one-component composition, thanks to which the use of sealant is much easier;
- the absence of solvents, and as a result, the absence of shrinkage after drying;
- strength and long service life;
- excellent hitch with the most different bases;
- they are not afraid of direct sunlight, as well as a weakly concentrated hydrochloric, alkaline, acid solution;
- take the color of the facade dyes.
6. Soudal exists on the market without a small half a century. Its products are supplied in more than a hundred countries around the world. In its assets, 15 major plants and many representative offices in various regions. Polyurethane Soudal sealant is used in repair, both with external and on the inside of the premises. It is elastic, resistant to heating and cooling, is not afraid of the direct sun and humidity, does not destroy when exposed to chemicals and vibration, it is equally good to concrete, plastic, glass, brick, metal, wood, etc.
7. Polyurethane Sikaflex sealant is a Sika Swiss company. It is a real impersonation of the famous Swiss quality. It is so easy to work with it that not only professionals will be able to use it, but also a homemade masters. Sikaflex sealant has excellent characteristics that make it possible to use it indoors and on the street, for windows processing, doors, floors, roofs, facades of buildings, seams, joints, cracks, etc.
8. Polyurethane Tytan sealant produces an industrial selena group. This is the most famous brand, in demand in forty countries. This sealant, in addition to elasticity, strength and reliable coupling, withstands, does not crack and do not damage, moving, vibration, deformation when heating and cooled.
9. Polyurethane Bostik sealant from France. It is suitable for processing any surfaces on the street and indoors. Produced white, black and gray. It has one-component composition, i.e. Polymerizes in air. It has the following advantages:
- quickly freezes;
- elastic even after the rejection;
- throws, contacting with water contained in the air masses;
- subject to staining;
- it has high adhesion with almost any materials.
As can be seen from the foregoing, the range in the modern market is quite large. But, before choosing an imported polyurethane sealant, the price of which is several times the cost of domestic, think about whether it is worth overpaying for it, because today there are many Russian firms producing decent quality products.
To better learn the properties of polyurethane sealant and understand how to use it, see the video presented below: