Facing a fireplace ceramic tiles Tile

The presence of a fireplace in a country or ordinary house has long ceased to be a wonder. Quite the opposite. Most mansion owners do not imagine home comfort without a fireplace, located, for example, in the living room, as it dreams with a cup of hot tea in the arms of heat every one. In fact, to have a fireplace in his house is a completely reasonable solution for those who are trying to create an atmosphere of comfort and comfort in a residential premises.
Fireplaces are established to achieve several goals, one of which is an addition to the interior. In order to give the fireplace due image and make a real work of art from it, there are several options for external facing. In the process of decorating, either ceramic tiles, or various tiles, which are presented in the building materials market in a wide range of are used. As for the ceramic tile for the fireplace, it is considered a universal material that easily and quickly stacked, and the variety of species allows you to fit into any interior.
Types of ceramic tiles for fireplaces
There are several types of ceramic tiles used as a facing material, namely:
- Majolika;
- terracotta;
- porcelain stoneware;
- Clinker.
MAIOLICA is a pressed tile, on the surface of which is a special icing of the composition and has been decorated with a drawing. The terracotta according to the characteristics is the analogy of Maitolika, the difference is that the surface of the terracotta is not applied to the glaze and drawing. Clinker is a type of ceramic tile, which has a more complex composition and a greater thickness. Porcelain stoneware is a modern facing material, the operational properties of which are as close as possible to the properties of natural stone. Thanks to such similarity, the alar stoneware is widely popular among other building materials and allows you to create unique design solutions.
Features of ceramic tiles for fireplace
Choosing a ceramic tile for the fireplace, the price should not be the main criterion. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the main technical indicators and features of the tile, to which the following can be attributed:
1. Compliance with environmental standards. Any ceramic tile should have a quality certificate in which it is indicated for the absence of any chemical additives or dyes.
2. Lifecycle. The material is characterized as a rather long-life, since on average its service life is at least 10 years.
3. Facing tile is a durable and rigid material that is able to withstand high loads on the gap.
4. Heat capacity and heat resistance. Ceramic tile can quickly chop and heat, thereby being an ideal option for facing the fireplace.
5. Color resistance. Unlike other building materials, the ceramic tile does not lose its original color when exposed to sunlight and high temperatures.
6. Fire resistance. The refractory ceramic tile withstands the combustion temperature without losing its technical qualities.
7. Antistaticity, that is, the ability to strike a static current from the use of synthetic materials when caring for tiles is completely excluded.
8. It is quite simple to care for tiles from ceramics. It should be noted that bacteria and microorganisms do not accumulate on the surface of the tile, which highlights the material as hygienic.
9. Ceramic tile for facing of fireplaces is presented in the market in various textures, sizes and color schemes.
10. Decorative versatility - Ceramics tiles will be an excellent addition to any room interior.
Naturally, when choosing a ceramic tile for facing the fireplace, it is also necessary to take into account their own preferences in the color solution and invoice, which will result in transforming a fireplace into a unique decorative element.
Facing a fireplace ceramic tiles
The direct facing of the fireplace ceramic tiles is a relatively simple task that does not require experience and special knowledge for its implementation. The first thing to be done before facing is to prepare the surface of the fireplace to these works. In the process of preparation, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface from dirt, residuals of the solution and dust, make recesses in the places of seams of brick masonry at least 1 cm. Then it is necessary to cover the working surface of the fireplace with a metal mesh (the proposed size of the mesh cells 15x15), after which to align the surface at Aid of the adhesive solution in accordance with the instructions for its use. After that, it is best to make marking using a level or a plumb to ensure that the laying of tiles for the facing was smooth. Now you can prepare the styling tile itself so as not to interrupt the process of lining on the material under the trim.
Laying the ceramic tile is made on the adhesive solution, while working starts from the bottom row. Press the tile should be hands, if necessary, you can use the rubber image. It is worth noting that the whole parts of the tile are first fit, only the edge can be glued. In the seams between the tiles, it is necessary to insert plastic crossbars, the use of which to make the same gaps. After laying each row, check the compliance of horizontal and vertical lines. The final stage of the facing is the removal of the residue of the solution from the tile surface. If this is not done immediately after laying, the glue will freeze and it will be difficult to extort from the tile. Further actions on the grout of the seams must be made approximately after a day, since Lei should grasp. After that, you can move to the final cleaning of the tile.
You can familiarize yourself in more detail with the stages of the facing of the fireplace with ceramic tiles, viewing the video.