Singing linoleum do it yourself Floors

The market is filled with a giant variety of modern flooring, but Linoleum is still a sales champion and, it seems, is not going to take positions. For many years, Linoleum has enjoys well-deservedly by the buyer, thanks to practicality, durability, prolite stacking and care, wear resistance and affordable price. At the sight of a reasonable amount of linoleum rolls in the trading hall, it is indoorable: color and drawing for every taste, different thickness and width, smooth and embossed, with a substrate and without. Of course, you can consult with the consultant's seller, but it is better to collect information and decide in advance.
- What better to choose linoleum
- How to put linoleum with your own hands
- Preparation
- Types of floor under linoleum
- Laying linoleum on concrete floor
- Wooden (boardy or parquet) floor
- Is it possible to put a linoleum on the laminate
- Several important rules
- Procedure for laying linoleum
- How to dock strips of linoleum
- We perform trimming linoleumum
- Linoleum gluing
- Glue the linoleum scotch
- We put linoleum on glue
- Latest Barcode - installation of plinths and thresholds
- Linoleum for a warm floor
- Everything will work out
What better to choose linoleum
Color and drawing
The first thing that is immediately striking when the linoleum is selected, its coloring. Here, the expanses of designer fantasy are limitless: drawings, imitating parquet, laminate, stone, ceramic tiles, carpet, geometric, zoological, abstract and even 3D. When choosing a color, it should be considered whether the new gender will match the purpose and design of the room, combine with the color of doors or furniture. Outdoor coatings change not every year, it is necessary to keep in mind that a bright large drawing tires and rapidly bored.
Thickness and density
The wear resistance of the linoleum depends on its thickness. The thicker and tightly linoleum, the stronger. It is especially important to take into account if the linoleum is intended for room with high patency and mechanical loads: a corridor, a kitchen. It is unwanted to buy a linoleum thinner 3 mm, it is quickly wearing.
Combating manufacturers make a hygienic certificate to the product, and on the label put marking on environmental impact assessment. The sharp smell is a sign of low quality linoleum and the content of harmful impurities in it. High-quality linoleum odor has no.
What are the linoleum classes
A lot of useful information can be found and avoiding errors, carefully studied the marking. The linoleum class is denoted by two digits: the first indicates the type of room, the second is the load level. According to European classification EN 685, three types of premises are distinguished:
- 2 - residential,
- 3 - Office,
- 4 - production.
The load intensity is divided by 4 degrees:
- 1 - Low,
- 2 - average
- 3 - High,
- 4 - very high.
The flooring class is depicted in the form of a pictogram: a lodge with men and corresponding numbers. For example: 22 - residential premises, average load, 33 - office space, high load. This data is contained in the catalog and on the label.
Linoleum structure
Linoleum has a multi-layer structure. The upper protective transparent layer (transparent) is performed from PVC. Depending on its thickness, the types of linoleum distinguish:
- household (21-23 class, PKV 0.1-0.3 mm),
- semi-commercial (31-32 class; PKV 0.4-0.5 mm),
- commercial (33 class and higher; PVV from 0.6 mm).
The reinforced mesh of linoleum is glass cholester. The bottom layer is the fattest and consists of PVC foam. It performs the function of sound and thermal insulation. The base gives linoleum resistance to local loads: heels, furniture legs. The denser linoleum will be more resistant.
The density is determined by comparing the weight of several samples of the linoleum of the same thickness - the harder material, the more denser. Dense linoleum when compressing with fingers less deformed.
Essential plus, if a layer of PKV-foam complements the polyester associated with the base of the molecular spike. Such a composite reliably opposes the negative effects of low temperatures, which is very important for country houses.
Some types of linoleum from large manufacturers have an additional lacquer coating, which protects the structure of the linoleum from pollution. Such a floor creates the impression of freshly made and well suited for the kitchen. For children's rooms, the floor is suitable with an antibacterial protective layer. Bactericidal action is based on the selection of silver ions.
Natural linoleum (marmoleum) is the most environmentally friendly, wear-resistant, durable. It is made of flaxseed oil, wood flour, cork crumbs, vegetable dyes. Natural ingredients give the floor antistatic effect and color resistance. Marmoleum of famous brands is expensive, but still enjoys great purchasing demand. Before you go for the purchase of material, you need to measure the room. The total area of \u200b\u200blinoleum rolls should exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
How to put linoleum with your own hands
Linoleum is easy to lay. There are no special professional skills here. But, as in in any case, there are subtleties. Implementation of simple recommendations when laying linoleum will achieve an ideal result.
Be sure to endure all things and furniture from the room. Disassemble plinths. To new linoleum is better to buy new plinths. Update the floor so update.
Types of floor under linoleum
Linoleum is an elastic material. All bumps, depressions, cracks under it will be clearly manifested on the surface. General requirements for all types of base under linoleum - the floor should be clean, even dry, without fat spots.
Laying linoleum on concrete floor
Builders consider concrete the best basis for linoleum. If the concrete floor detected potholes, irregularities, the bias, then they make a sand-cement tie a thickness of 7 cm with a finish coating of self-leveling mixture. Such an alignment of the floor under linoleum labor-intensive, but forever and under any coating.
Wooden (boardy or parquet) floor
Well, if the floor is even, without defects, waves, the floorboards are tightly fitted, do not creak - it makes it easier to work significantly. If on the contrary - you have to work hard. Shalying, the fragile base will lead to strain of linoleum. Therefore, all malfunctions are eliminated in advance.
- Simplified way
On the old ridiculous wooden floor hanging and fixing the flooring and planks, take measures to make the floor not creaked. The surface is carefully cleaned and linoleum.
- The method is more and more difficult
On top of the wooden floor lay down the flooring of the Fiberboard sheets, chipboard, a drywater plate or plywood. The lack of plywood is the exposure of deformation in a wet room. The chipboard is chosen large with integer angles to avoid subsequent linoleum sediment. Sheets are soaked with special antifungal compositions. Place sheets so that the joints are under furniture. The flooring is attached to the floor with the help of selflessness. Self-tapping screws tightly into sheets so that the hats do not drank. Then all the joints between the sheets are closed with a putty, and the surface of the flooring is grouped to the maximum condition.
Is it possible to put a linoleum on the laminate
There are situations where the laminated coating is still quite strong, but lost the last gloss and attractiveness. You can solve this problem, on top of the Linoleum laminate. If the laminate is whole and smooth, then it is not necessary to dismantle it, it is already a ready-made base for linoleum. If there are cracks, defects, moving panels or the floor crept, then first everything is fixed, and only after that linoleum is placed.
Several important rules
- Put the linoleum roll vertically and give it to warm to room temperature during the day. The optimal air temperature during linoleum laying 15-25 C. At low temperatures, linoleum becomes breaking.
- Roll the roll of the linoleum and leave to be searched until the waves are collapsed. This will be needed for several days. If there is no time to wait, straighten the wavy places with a bag with heated sand.
- Prepare a tool: spatula, knife, scissors, glue, double-sided tape, roller, metal ruler, roulette, marker or pencil, instruction on laying linoleum.
Procedure for laying linoleum
In a small room, a solid leaf of linoleum is placed one side close to a straight wall so that the uniform clearance is not more than 5mm, and the remaining three sides are in a few centimeters on the walls. If the room is large and covered with several sheets, first combine the joints of the sheets, and then placed around the perimeter with the wall at the walls. In order not to distortion of the pattern, the pattern matching on the linoleum is done immediately when combining the butts of sheets. Once again check the accuracy of the location of the sheets: Locking on the walls, joints between sheets, matching pattern. Now we proceed to fit the linoleum on the square area.
How to dock strips of linoleum
The coating strips are superimposed on each other with overhearst in 10 cm. First, the bottom strip is being rejected, glue and linoleum is applied to the floor and glued. Then the line is cut off with a sharp knife at once both layers of linoleum in the place of overweight, trying to make a cut from the first movement of the blade, remove trimming and glue the second strip. The joke is inconsistent. An even more perfect result will turn out if the edges of cold welding can be found. This is a special chemical composition, which dissolves the edges of the linoleum and forms a monolithic seam. There are devices for the thermal spike of linoleum.
We perform trimming linoleumum
We start working from any angle. A slightly flexion linoleum along the wall and put on it from the reverse side of the mark with a pencil with such a calculation so that when cutting off the excess strip between the wall and the linoleum, 3 mm gap remains. We indicate such marks every 20 cm. Filling the leaf of the linoleum completely, we connect the marks along the line and cut off the excess strip with scissors. And so around the perimeter. Another tool for trimming linoleum is a sharp knife. In this case, the scene of the bend is pressed with a spatula and pruning close to the wall. What is better: scissors or knife, the question is non-accepted. This is a matter of choice. If the non-standard layout is a protruding angle, then the trimming of the linoleum starts from this angle, moving around the perimeter.
Linoleum gluing
Laying a linoleum coating on glue or bilateral scotch is recommended on the area more than 20 m2. On small areas, a free linoleum flooring is practiced with fixation with plinths.
Glue the linoleum scotch
Bilateral tape is glued longitudinally and transversely in the form of a mesh throughout the floor with an interval of 20-30 cm, without removing the protective tape. After that, linoleum rubs, flexing one half and remove the protective tape from the tape on the vacant area. Then glue the coating and smooth from the middle to the wall. The same is done on the other half of the linoleum.
We put linoleum on glue
Printing linoleum over the entire surface is used with a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room and intensive loads on the floor. First, one half of the sheet is flexing, the spatula is applied to the floor and linoleum and stick, moving away from the middle to the edge. Similarly, come from the second half of the sheet. After that, the linoleum roller rolls from the center to the edges to remove air from under the leaf of linoleum.
Latest Barcode - installation of plinths and thresholds
Plinths are attached to the wall, it should not be very pressing them to the floor to avoid linoleum wrinkling. The best plastic plinth is suitable with flexible edges. Especially for fixing the joints on the thresholds, metal thresholds are sold, which are screwed to the floor with self-draws.
Linoleum for a warm floor
Perhaps the only lack of linoleum is that it is a cold floor, especially on a concrete basis. But this problem is corrected using a warm floor system. When laying a linoleum on a warm floor is very important to consider:
- linoleum is sensitive to floor heating intensity;
- heating should be smooth and uniform;
- the warm floor system is compatible with special linoleum brands, which the manufacturer's recommendations are available on the label;
- the power indicator of the heat under linoleum is not more than 150 W / m2, which is sufficient for heating to a temperature of 26-28 ° C;
- the use of warm floor of greater power is fraught with negative consequences: a change in the color of the linoleum, the appearance of the ointment of the coating, softening. But the most dangerous that linoleum begins to distinguish the harmful substance phenol.
The optimal option for the linoleum coating is the thermal film, which is a polymer film with a thickness of 0.4 mm with a heating element of graphite. The film warm floor was originally developed for such a type of coatings such as linoleum, laminate. Advantages of infrared film in front of other types of warm floor:
- gentle type of heating;
- simplicity and speed of installation;
- reliability and high resistance to mechanical stress and corrosion.
The thermal film is placed by strips with an interval of 1 cm. The damaged section of the film floor is easy to replace with a new one. Specialists advise the following laying order:
- heat transfer substrate so that heat does not go into concrete coating;
- infrared film;
- hypus fiber leaf or plywood for protecting the thermal film from mechanical damage;
- linoleum.
Everything will work out
The linoleum is to be able to make a completely saturated task for every person. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, spend time and invest your work, it turns out an excellent result.