How to repair wooden windows with their hands? Window

Despite the fact that in recent years almost every one of us has the opportunity to put in their house brand new PVC windows, and their popularity is growing steadily every year, however, there may be situations when you should consider repairing old wooden windows. Firstly, the whole tree is superior to plastic for external data and qualitative characteristics, and secondly, sometimes the appearance of the building and its architecture does not accept the modern window designs. In addition, repair of wooden windows will be relevant when we are talking about a small country house or a summer country cottage, where there is simply no sense and is not beneficial to conduct such work.
Preparatory stage
So, you are determined to repair wooden windows? Then you can seek the assistance of experts or to make repairs on their own without help, saving, at the same time, a lot of money. To begin, prepare tools and materials, as well as a closer look at the question of how to make the repairs wooden windows with their hands. Materials needed for the restoration of wooden windows - paint, putty, primer, solvent, masking tape, sealant, etc. Tools at the window restoration, you may need us - pliers, metal and rubber spatula, Melt, a brush, a piece of sandpaper, crowbar, hammer, nails, brush, roller, screwdriver, chisel and many other tools.
Let's start the repair of wooden windows from their dismantling. Remove the window frame with the loops or, if it is impossible, we will use the vague, which is picked up the frame and raise it to the maximum height. Meanwhile, your assistant must unlock looped pins and dismantle, thus, the window frame. Then the window must be fully disassembled. To this end, we remove the frame, glass, unscrew the accessories.
Removing old paint
The next stage is the removal of old paint from the window surface. Many guess how to remove paint from the windows, but not everyone knows that this can be done with the help of a thermal system, under the action of which the paint is simply scattered and will only leave it to scrape a metal spatula. A more complete picture of this can be viewed video.
If there is no such tool at hand, a special solvent will be an equally effective means against old paint. In general, no matter how you shoot paint, this is a rather laborious process that will take a lot of time and will require great efforts.
When it is detected under the layer of old paint places, albeit small in the area, where the processes of rotting and fungus have manifested themselves, it is necessary to thoroughly determine the sandpaper and process them with an antiseptic. If the fungus spread quite deeply and occupies a large area, then these elements of the window structure should be completely replaced with new ones.
Installing the window design and its adjustment
The next stage of the restoration of wooden windows involves checking the window box itself and the frame for the presence of distortions. If such flaws are present, then to eliminate them will be aligned using conventional corners. For them, we will prepare special grooves in the corners of the window structure, the width of which should be slightly larger than the width of the corners themselves.
Window construction coating
Then go to the next step where it is necessary to cover the design. First, we proceed to the putty, which we apply to the entire surface of the frame, especially where the corners were inserted. Putclone and primer windows will help to hide all shortcomings and irregularities, and will also serve the surface of the window surface. After the putty is completely dry, we will deal with a grinding of the window, and after we treat the entire surface with any antiseptic.
Installing glass and painting
The last stage - painting the surface of the window structure and the installation of glasses that were taken out in advance in order to prevent their cracking and pollution. To mount the glasses, we use new staps, since the old hardly managed to save. Then we carry the seal around the perimeter of the window frame with the help of small carnations or a stapler, even though it has an adhesive basis on the reverse side.
The next no less important stage of repairing wooden windows with your own hands is painting, in front of which it is necessary to close all the glasses with the help of painting scotch to protect them from the appearance of possible spots during the work. Before proceeding directly to apply the paint surface of the window design, we thoroughly clean from dust and degrease. Paint is applied with a small roller or a small brush in several layers, each of which should be good. This will achieve a practically perfectly smooth layer of paint and the durability of the entire coating.
Installation of fittings
Having finished painting and waiting for her complete drying, we will remove the painter tape and go to the installation of a new fittings. It is very important to carry out this precisely after the color so that there are no problems with the performance of window locks subsequently. Thus, the repair of old windows has practically approached its logical conclusion, and it remains only to enjoy the results of the work done.
Some trying to achieve maximum comfort, instead of conventional glasses insert modern energy-saving double-glazed windows. It makes sense when the house will be operated all year round, if we are talking about the summer country cottage, then there will be no one needed additional costs.