Preparing for repair. How to remove old wallpaper Wallpaper,Walls

Everything is ready for the upcoming repair. Materials and tools are purchased. A detailed plan was drawn up - where should I start and what to do what. From time to time, the roll of new wallpaper unfolds and applied to the wall to make sure - beautifully! All in anticipation. It remains only to prepare an apartment to repair, and this means - first of all get rid of old wallpaper. How to do it?
Show old wallpaper?
There is quite a logical question - is it necessary to shoot old wallpapers? It would seem - to punish new on top - and the case with the end. This is an absolutely wrong decision.
- Glue in some places silent, and old wallpaper partially dug. If on top to glue new, then they will lag behind the wall, bubble, wrinkle.
- Even if the old wallpaper holds firmly, gluing on top of the new ones, we wet them and drag them. Most likely both glued bands are completely glued together.
- Under the old wallpaper for several years, many bacteria and dirt accumulated, which can harm the health of the owners. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of old wallpaper, handle the wall with antiseptic primer, and then glue new wallpaper.
It makes no sense to risk even if the old wallpaper holds very firmly, and the wall is perfectly dry and smooth under them. The wallpaper pasted on the clean wall look much better, spots do not appear on them, do not distort the drawing and texture. Preparing for sticking fresh wallpaper should be completely cleansed by the wall.
How to simplify your task
Remove old wallpaper is not easy. For this you have to arm special tools. Let's try to figure it out - how to quickly remove the wallpaper. First of all, we prepare what we need to need:
- warm water bucket
- ragged and sponge
- roller
- wide and narrow spatulas (with sharp edges)
- wallpaper removal
- steam generator or Iron with vertical sweeping
- wallpaper tiger or roller with needles
Paper wallpaper
The most common option is probably due to its cheapness - paper wallpapers. Whatever thin and light they were, as it were not tightly held, they must be rid of them. We will try to figure out - how to remove paper wallpapers. It happens at all not so easy to do, as it seems at first glance. First, it is advisable to try to hide the wallpaper sheet and remove it entirely. This can be obtained only if the wallpaper was admitted for a long time or a poorly saddenied wall. Most often, paper wallpapers are removed quite difficult. To facilitate the task, it is necessary to wet them well with the help of a sponge, roller and warm water. Welcome carefully to swelling glue.
Very by the way will be the steam generator. It will significantly speed up the process. You can replace the steam generator with an iron with a vertical excipation. If water does not help, special fluids for removing old wallpaper are sold in construction stores. They are non-toxic and much faster than water penetrate into the structure of dry glue. In any case, you will have to arm a spatula and scrape the remains of tightly holding flaps. It is better to spoil the wall and then put it on it than to leave pieces of old wallpaper. There is another moment requiring clarification - how to remove the wallpaper from drywall. It is not easy to do, because when wetting wallpaper, wet and upper cardboard layer. As a result, the wallpaper most often filmed with him. It can be replaced by simple warm water with a special composition or very hot water with the addition of detergent. It is important to ensure that the surface is not wounded. Moching a small plot, we are waiting for 3-5 minutes. And remove the plastic of the wallpaper.
Fliselinova wallpaper
To understand - how to remove the phlizelin wallpaper, you need to know that they are made of cellulose fibers, and therefore water and vaporosham. This means that water or steam will help us again. Since the phlizelin wallpaper is sufficiently dense, first it is desirable to scratch a needle roller or a luggage tig. Welcome, waiting for 5 minutes, carefully we use the spatula and slowly tear off the wall. If you are lucky, fliseline wallpaper will be removed with a whole layer.
Vinyl wallpapers
To the question - how to remove vinyl wallpaper, I want to answer - easy. Since the wallpaper is heavy, they are most often removed with whole formations even without wetting. It is enough just to hide them with a spatula and slowly pull with effort. If difficulties arise, it should be remembered that the upper layer of such wallpapers is waterproof, and therefore how much we would not be wetted them, water will not penetrate into the water. In order to be able to get into the bottom, paper or flieseline layer, the wallpaper must be predetermined well to scratch a needle roller or a wall-tiger, and then wet warm water or special liquid. If the upper PVC layer was drawn, and the thin paper remained on the wall, then we do, like with paper wallpaper.
The liquid wallpaper
Before removing liquid wallpaper, it is worth thinking - whether it is necessary to get rid of them. After all, they are quite good to span to a smooth layer, and then glue decorative wallpapers. Alternatively, you can paint them into another color, thus refreshing the room. If it still decided to get rid of them, it should be sorted out - how to remove liquid wallpaper with the smallest losses. They are small flakes divorced in a special adhesive composition and applied to the wall. Their base is cellulose or viscose. To get rid of liquid wallpaper, you must first thoroughly clean them. This is done using a roller, sponge, warm water. It will be saved several times, until the wallpaper becomes plastic. Then we carefully remove, uplooking them with a wide spatula. This material is often suitable for reuse.
Useful advice
1. The poorly lagging slices of wallpaper can be disappeared by a hot iron through a wet cloth.
2 In order for the old wallpaper to be quickly soaked, add some wall mounted glue into the water.
3. In very complex places, you can use the grinder with a grinding nozzle.
4. The process is quite laborious, but it must be brought to the end. It can be imagined that, getting rid of old wallpaper, we get rid of all the troubles that have happened to us, whose witnesses have become these wallpapers.