Repair of bituminous roof Construction

Bituminous tile in the construction world is quite popular environmentally friendly roofing material, because it combines heavy-duty and elasticity, its main component element of bitumen is resistant to adverse weather conditions and ultraviolet, frost and waterproof.
Bituminous roofing is not only the coating itself, but a holistic roofing system with full elements of the functioning of durability and strength. And negative consequences can provoke negative consequences of the installation of some of them.
Causes of Bitumen Tiles
The main reason for the wear of the bituminous roof is the formation of rust fastening of roofing sheets, since the landing is used metal nails, which are prone to destruction. Ultimately, the structure of the roof is subject to corrosive destruction: the gaps and deep cracks are formed, which cause rotten neoplasms. With regular systemic inspection and timely operational repair of the bituminous roof, these consequences can be avoided and prevented.
Technology for removing damaged worn tiles and installing a new coating when repairing a bitumen roof:
- we define the visible parts of the roof, which were previously damaged: with a gray bloom, lost color, with rust on nails, with cavities around sheets;
- gently raise the tiles in one direction by scrap (fomes) to avoid dismantling a number of a number;
- we remove the roofing sheets above two rows to release damaged tile segments due to the modern laying equipment of the roofs, in which the layers serve as a reliable support for each other;
- we remove the rusted nails through the nail and rushes, setting the nail to the hat of one of the selected nails to a dense stop in the base and hitting the rod to the rod;
- click on the handle of the tool and easily carry all nails around the perimeter of the sheet from the base of the bituminous tiles;
- we replace the damaged bitumen coating by cutting with scissors for metal and pull out the damaged internal sheets;
- we select a new bitumen roof or cut out sheets with the desired dranco parameters;
- gently insert the selected tile into the cavity that was formed;
- fix the roofing sheet by clogging from two edges of nails with dimensions 1-1 / 4 ";
- processing the heads of nails by a professional anti-corrosion agent;
- i change between the sheets of gap helium or other basics in tubes to ensure additional protection of the new coating from wind streams;
- we press to the base of the roof and hold the tile for a couple of minutes after the sizing to avoid unwanted bubbles that, after time, may entail the appearance on rust nails and the destruction of the roof as a whole.
Bituminous roofing tape
One of the advanced subspecies of the top coating is the bituminous tape for the roofing self-adhesive insulating coating, which is intended to perform the repair robot and protect surfaces from exposure to water and other unwanted weather factors.
This product is well combined with typical materials for the roof and has a high degree of adhesion (adhesion of contacting elements).
These materials include:
- bituminous materials for the roof;
- tile;
- insulating materials;
- metal and plastic;
- stone and brick;
- wood.
Also, the ribbon is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, water and detrimental influences of weather conditions. Provides quick reliable sealing of roof slots and high-quality roofing. It has good resistance to temperatures from - 40 to +100 degrees Celsius.
For high-quality installation of bituminous tape:
- prepare the surface to the coating: Clean it and drain, pass the roofing primer for reliable adhesion;
- measure and cut the necessary segment of the tape with scissors according to the surface of the application;
- remove the protective layer of polyethylene foil;
- apply a tape to the roofing material, tightly pressing it to the surface by means of a rubberized roller and trying not to damage the aluminum layer;
- scroll from the center to the edge to prevent air accumulation;
- create a nest when connecting tapes and surfaces in length / width 3 cm.
Bituminous sealant for roofing
It is also recommended to use a bitumen sealant for a roof, which forms a reliable water and heat-resistant seam and resistant to shrinkage cracks and wear.
Stages of using sealant:
- pre-clean the surface;
- we check the adhesion sealant to the surface: when the sealant sticks badly, you should dry the surface;
- remove the oblong protective cap and cut off the tip;
- we screw the cap on the tuba and cut it off the width of the seam of the desired size at an angle;
- we apply a bitumen sealant to the surface;
- smoothing seam sealant with a spatula for 15 minutes after use;
- full grain sealant.
Remember that in the repair work of the bituminous roof, the price of the tile itself and specialized materials will depend on the manufacturer's company, their high-quality and practical configurations and characteristics. Do not save on them, because from this direct depends on the durability of the roofing coverage of your home.
Useful video of the repair of a bituminous roof.