Installation of street lighting Lighting

Construction of a private house involves often not only the construction of a building, in which all family members will live, but also the arrangement of the adjacent area. From how extensive it is extensive, the volume of additional work is depends - the construction of household buildings and places of recreation, the decoration of the site. In any case, the installation of outdoor lighting is required. Although this task is not easy, but it is possible to handle it with her own hands. How to do - you will learn from this article.
Principles of Street Lighting
Before proceeding with the installation of street lighting, you must understand what you will need it for this.
All equipment can be divided into 3 large groups:
- Lamps for street lighting. For this purpose, only special devices are suitable, which are designed to work in various climatic conditions. Their main characteristics are the tightness and lack of bandwidth for moisture. The same group includes motion sensors, which, as you move along the site, will respond and the light will be turned on in those zones where it is necessary.
- Equipment for control. Such devices will be needed in order to automate the system and spend the minimum of time for its maintenance, but at the same time get high-quality lighting in the dark. Plus, the standard switches are added to this to be able to independently adjust the intensity of the lighting.
- Conductors and cables. This group includes wires, pipes, terminals, screeds and other parts, without which it is impossible to create a single power supply chain to all devices.
Important! In order for street lighting properly and has functioned for a long time, seek not only to the installation process, but also to the selection of consumables. Their quality determines the reliability of the system and its safety for all residents of the house.
Installation of street lighting - work plan
The work plan is an important step in the process of organizing outdoor lighting. Therefore, in advance, make yourself a schedule of the desired work or adhere to such a sequence:
- Drawing up the outdoor lighting scheme.
- Calculation of consumables.
- Select the lamps and the method of their installation.
- Selection of cable laying technology.
- Preparation of the working area.
- Laying wiring.
- Installation of columns for street lighting lanterns.
- Connecting outdoor lighting.
- Installation of control and regulation instruments.
Important! To quickly deal with what kind of street lighting scheme is more suitable in your case, browse the photo of already ready-made projects. This will help to avoid serious mistakes when developing a project and installation of instruments, which means there will be no risk for your health.
Selection of lighting devices
Before you begin to draw up a scheme of street lighting of your site, decide why it is necessary for you. Mainly draw up such a system with the goal:
- emphasize the decorative attractiveness of the site;
- increase the convenience of moving around the territory and expand the possibilities of rest in the twilight and evening.
Important! The main idea of \u200b\u200bcreating street lighting will affect the choice of the location of the lanterns:
- Decorative function - lamps are decorated with small architectural forms on the plot, highlight the flower beds, alpine slides, artificial ponds. Used most often in a multi-scale palette to create an atmosphere of a holiday and incredible beauty.
- Technical - here the main condition is safety. Therefore, the installation is carried out directly at the entrance to the courtyard, to the house, on the fences and facades of buildings, along the perimeter of the garden tracks.
Types of lamps
The varieties of lanterns on the modern market are very much, and they are quite difficult to organize one by one criterion. Conditionally, such groups suitable for connecting outdoor lighting can be selected:
- wall-mounted
- searchlight;
- lanterns on the poles;
- suspended;
- short leg devices;
- lED lamps of street lighting.
Important! Today, street LED lighting is very popular, but most likely you can hardly do only with one type of lantern. Therefore, when drawing up a street lighting circuit, consider where and which devices are better to arrange to achieve minimal power consumption at high lighting efficiency.
Cable laying method
As a rule, the chief distribution shield is installed in the yard. There are 3 groups of wires from it:
- in the house;
- on street lighting;
- for additional buildings on the plot (garage, bath, hozblock).
The organization of outdoor lighting can be performed in 2 ways:
- underground;
- at height or directly on the surface.
Important! Preferably, lay all cables underground method. In this case, the level of your safety increases, the risk of damage to the system during mechanical exposure - wind, water, hail, passing people are reduced. In addition, the beauty of the landscape will not be corrupted by all visible wires placed.
The second option, though much cheaper, will require less effort and time, is used when it is necessary to connect the line between 2 high columns, install the luminaire under the roof.
Selection of consumables
First of all, this stage implies the acquisition of suitable supports under the lighting devices. There are several ways to fastening:
- Street lighting on the pillars - for this purpose, products from stone, metal, wood, plastic or reinforced concrete are chosen, taking into account the features of the style of the house and adjacent territory. The easiest and most convenient option that will be somewhat more expensive by purchasing additional materials, but the supports will be able to carry not only practical, but also a decorative load.
- Mounting on the brackets is appropriate to accommodate lamps on fences, on the roof or at the entrance to the house.
- Laying the tension cable - this technology is useful for the installation of a number of lamps throughout the same zone, when there is no possibility to install pillars or they will violate the organization of the site space.
Important! Regardless of how the option you give preference, make sure that the supports are high-quality fasteners and a high degree of tightness directly at the place of laying of wires.
The best solution to use lanterns for street lighting
- Lights on solar panels Use to illuminate garden tracks.
- Luminaires on brackets for lighting the porch at home on the facade.
- Street lighting on the poles. Look at the fences and along the gardens.
- Decorative lamps on short legs with a bizarre form or in the form of animals - for the design of small architectural forms.
Technical process of creating street lighting
The assembly of the entire system occurs sequentially in several stages. Check out the basic rules for each type of work and try to perform everything as clear as possible.
Important! Do not hurry, especially when connecting devices to the power grid, since this process is always associated with a risk for health!
Stage 1 - Preparation
- Prepare a place to install the supports - remove all the garden trash.
- Buy all consumables.
- Prepare tools for work:
- kollet;
- capacity for mixing the solution;
- master OK;
- bayonet shovel;
- sand;
- pure water;
- cement;
- plywood and wooden bars for formwork.
- Drop the trench for laying cables.
Important! At the same stage, you need to correctly calculate the number of lamps, their power, choose the appropriate section and the length, power of autotrunctors and the RCD.
The formula for calculating the total power of electrical appliances looks like this:
Pont \u003d (p1 + p2 + p3 + ... + pn) * 0.8,
Where: P1..pn-power of each electrical appliance, kW.
Wire section Define on the basis of the data obtained using the tables below.
Stage 2 - Street Lighting Scheme
The easiest way is not to create a separate scheme, but to apply a plan to a copy of the already existing project project. Stick at the same time following the following technical requirements:
- Depth of laying cable under the ground - 0.7 m.
- The minimum line of the line from any construction is 0.6 m.
- The minimum distance from the pipelines is 0.5 m.
- The minimum distance between the two lines of the cable is 0.3 m, ideally 0.5 m.
- Laying the air cable is carried out at an altitude of 6 m above the carriageway, 3 m - above the garden paths.
- Lanterns should be located in such a way that the light does not fall on the territory of neighboring sites and does not "beat" in the windows of your home.
- Luminaires must be removed from each other so that the lighting radiis do not intersect.
- Switches and controlling devices of automation Position in places where there is no access to precipitation.
Stage 3 - Installation of supports under the lights
Mounting the supports is performed in several ways - depends on the type of retainer.
Mounting on the wall:
- Make marking installation of lighting devices.
- Open the situation and accuracy of the distance between each pair by the construction level.
- Drill holes in the walls.
- Drive anchors or dowels.
- Secure the brackets.
Fastening on the poles on the ground:
- Drop the pits of the suitable diameter using the coofer.
- Put the bottom of the sand and trigger it.
- Make a wooden formwork.
- Between the rails to put the plastic pipe of the suitable section - inside you will spend the cable.
- Clay pipe ends so that when filling the foundation under support, the construction mixture did not get inside.
- Prepare concrete and pour them formwork.
- Set the center anchor for mounting a pillar.
- Make sure it become strictly vertically.
- Wait until the solution grabs.
- Secure the pillars on each anchor.
Stage 4 - Installing Street Lighting
Installation of lamps Perform in such a sequence:
- Stretch the wires from the distributor to the place of installation of the lantern.
- Place the cable in the trench or decorated hidden cavities.
- Put the lamp at the place.
- Clean the ends of all supplying wires with a knife.
- Screw each phase wire to central contacts on the lantern.
- Make insulation in the seeds of the twist with a special tape or a heat-shrinkable tube for wiring.
- Check the serviceability of the insulation, the resistance of the zero phase and ground with the tester. If everything works, screw the nuts for a clear fixation of the lamps.
Important! After performing the main works, if necessary, set the sensors for automatic control, acting according to the instructions for the device.
View the video to understand how to connect the wires in the junction box correctly.
Street lighting is not just a whim, and most often a bright need to maintain the attractiveness of the local area and a safe movement along it. Adhere to the rules of installation technology, be careful and neat and an excellent result will not make yourself wait.