Cabinet drawing with your own hands Interior items

Modern technologies fully allow many today to work without leaving home. But the lack of the need for a daily campaign to the office does not remove responsibility. Therefore, the work of the house also requires the right organization. To manage to do everything on time and qualitatively, the best solution will be the arrangement of a separate cabinet, in which households and family affairs will not be distracted. To make an office with your own hands quite easily, if you adhere to certain rules.
Cabinet Requirements
There are several simple criteria for organizing a home office.
To make it convenient for you, and stiffness did not feel, it should be:
- functional;
- comfortable;
- practical;
- well-lit;
- make your stylistic preferences.
Important! It is easy to achieve this result if you think in advance all the details and designate the spectrum of work that you will perform in it.
Where to place the office?
The choice of premises depends on which area you need to place all the necessary furniture and equipment items, as well as from the general conditions of your housing. For those who have their own private house, it is quite suitable for such options as:
For happy apartments owners in a high-rise building, the office can become:
- loggia or balcony, provided they are heated;
- separate room;
- refriting area in a large room.
Important! No matter what kind of housing opportunities and which option you give preference, it is desirable that the area highlighted for the office has a square or rectangular shape. In this case, it will be possible to maximally conveniently place all the necessary furniture, but at the same time have free space. It is also undesirable to have a working office next to such rooms as a children's or living room, otherwise constant outsiders will distract from the process of thinking.
What style to make an office?
Style is, perhaps, the first thing to determine with. It is depending on the selected direction that you will select furniture, finishing, combine their shape, shades.
Classic style is one of the most beautiful. It is based on the challenges tested by time, following whom you can quickly cope with the task of choosing furniture and its arrangement. Such an office will not only be adjusted to the desired workfield, but will also become the subject of your pride. It was he who will emphasize the solidity and consistency of your person in business negotiations with customers, investors and employees that you will accept.
As a rule, the interior design in the classic business style uses:
- natural wood with decorative carvings are solid tables, couches, cabinets for documents and libraries;
- leather and velvet - for upholstery chairs, sofa.
Important! In terms of color, preference is given to a relaxed brown and beige tone. The extension elements can be performed in green, burgundy or dark blue collections. The lamp will necessarily be with a glass lamp, and open-type bookcases.
This direction is one of the styles for which the exorbitant luxury is characteristic. If you wish to emphasize your status and are ready to spend a lot of money on it, then it cannot be suitable, by the way. The only nuance: think in advance whether you can really focus and stay in a tone among all this magnificence or it will more contribute to your relaxing holiday.
For the proper registration of the Cabinet in English style, follow the following recommendations:
- think over the combination of decor elements borrowed from different cultures - Chinese, Indian, Ancient Egyptian, Moorish, Rococo directions;
- all arrangement should cause a sense of greatness, but at the same time restraint;
- prefer proportional and symmetrical forms when choosing furniture and additional interior items;
- do not skimp on the quality of upholstery of upholstered furniture - it must be natural brocade, velvet, silk, made in saturated colors;
- for the main furniture of practical purpose, the boring oak or a red tree is perfect;
- highlight the place and for laying a luxurious Persian carpet - it will be very harmonious fit into the overall picture and will bring the feeling of comfort.
Art Deco
This direction arose at the beginning of the last century. It is perfect for those whose activity is related to creativity, requires the development of creative thinking and sometimes extensive reflection and contemplative rest.
The regularities of the work office in this style are as follows:
- bold geometry;
- rigor and pattern;
- a wide range of shades in the interior, in more extent expressive and bright;
- use and relevant combination of expensive materials in the finish of surfaces, furniture, accessories: aluminum, rare wood, silver, ivory and crocodile leather - everything goes into turn;
- decoration necessarily includes ethnic ornaments and patterns.
Important! Choosing furniture for such a cabinet, give preference to those models that have streamlined forms, beveled or rounded corners, have decorative inserts or functional elements covered with chromium - for example, handles or rims of the facade piece of furniture. How to achieve an extraordinarily attractive and at the same time harmonious effect, you can easily learn by reviewing the photo of the Cabinet.
Modern - Another course of the previous 2 centuries. It stands out not only in the design of the interior, but also in many types of art - architecture, visual art. The main complexity of the internal space arrangement in this direction is to emphasize the most advantages of each material used, its texture, plasticity.
The main rules for creating a cabinet with their own mods in the style of Modern is:
- simplicity;
- functionality;
- streamlining and flexibility of forms;
- dynamic equilibrium.
Important! Only people with a very subtle sense of style, having a good artistic taste can achieve such an effect. Therefore, if you doubt your abilities, entail the development of the Cabinet design in this style of professionals.
The range of suitable materials is very wide. It can be combinations from:
- plastic;
- glass;
- metal;
- tree.
Important! To more clearly imagine what furniture should be, we give the simplest example. All cabinets, shelves or dressers are made of wood, you can even purchase case structures, but must include elements from matte glass and elegantly made accessories.
This option is perfect for those who above all appreciate the rationality and the ideal way to arrange a personal account will be for those who can allow to allocate for it only a small room.
The main rules of minimalism are as follows:
- simple geometric shapes;
- the situation consists only of those subjects that will be useful in work;
- minimal clutter of space;
- all over the room should be multiple soft light;
- many windows;
- the complete absence of internal partitions or the minimum amount of their quantity, if the room is large square.
Important! So that the furniture fully matches this style, choose multifunctional models that will reduce the number of necessary items to a minimum.
High tech
High-Tech is one of the most popular currents in the interior. Appearing at the end of the last century, it was immediately popular and does not at all withdraw its position.
For High-tech style, characteristic features are:
- straight shapes and lines;
- maximum possible use of materials such as metal, plastic, glass;
- scattered lighting that creates a wide space effect;
- the predominance of steel and silver shades;
- maximum pragmatic use of each room meter;
Important! When choosing furniture suitable for this direction, you will have to somewhat sacrifice its functionality in favor of form matching.
Fusion style, on the one hand, the simplest, since it is permissible combination of incompatible, at first glance. But it is precisely that all the difficulty consists of achieving the harmonious combination of objects that relate to different stylists, not so simple. If you approach this task, the relevant skills, all costs will mostly go scam. Yes, and work in such a room, which has no holistic structure, you can not, as attention will be constantly distracted.
How to make a cabinet with your own hands?
After you have decided on the style, it's time to go to the store or an online store to select all the necessary objects of the future situation.
To miss anyway, pre-do the following:
- Carefully perform the measurements of the room, given its geometry.
- Decide with the type of finishing material if the renovation in the room is not yet made.
- Make a list of necessary items, and not only overall, but also additional decorative elements.
- Create a layout scheme, note the optimal parameters for each.
Important! Be proceed to the selection of models only after the preparatory work has done. Otherwise, the design of the cabinet can delay due to the need to personally adjust the dimensions of this or that item.
What furniture to choose for a cabinet?
Standard furniture set for any cabinet includes the following items:
- table;
- working chair;
- bookcase;
- sofa.
Important! Buying a table and chairs to pay special attention. The size and functionality of the table must fully comply with your needs. The chair must not be just comfortable, but to exclude an excessive load on the spine, especially if most of the time you spend exactly sitting in it.
If you have allocated a large room with a fairly large room under the home office, the situation for temporary rest will be superfluous:
- coffee table;
- chairs;
- racks for the library.
Important! Depending on the direction of activity, it may be necessary to purchase special items, such as stand, easel, computer table, racks for sorting documentation.
Browse the video review, which presents the ideas of the design of a home office in different styles to imagine what it can be.
Of course, there are a number of rules for the design of the working office. But, deciding to equip it at home, you can somewhat retreat from the canons and completely surrender to your fantasy, develop your artistic taste, emphasize individuality. Do not be afraid to spend a little more time to solve this problem, as you will subsequently work in a comfortable and cozy office, in which you invested the part of your soul, much more efficiently.