How to insulate a bath with your own hands Baths, saunas and pools,Insulation

When building a bath, you need to clearly understand that the main thing in this case is the insulation of the walls. This allows even if there are a few thermal resources to provide a stable temperature within the structure. Obviously, in this matter, it is also serious about effectiveness. The choice of optimal material will significantly save money. Fortunately, today there are a number of modern materials that allow you to preserve heat even in large rooms. It is also interesting that improving the effectiveness of insulation is a significant savings of fuel or other means, with which the bath is heating.
Features of the process of insulation bath
First of all, it is necessary to understand that the room of the bath in itself is quite specific. Gradually, during the period of operation, it loses its initial properties, since the bath is a variety of moisture, as well as the effects of high temperatures. Thermal insulation also requires regular replacement. For some time, it will be the best way to fulfill its tasks, but at one moment the effectiveness of insulation will begin to fall. You need to not miss this moment, because of which you can spend too many resources for heating, as well as retain a specific temperature.
With a long period of operation, the bath also begins to rot the wood. Accordingly, it is fraught with the appearance of a terrible smell. From this, you can conclude that the bath is actually a serious room that requires constant care.
To avoid negative factors associated with the deterioration of the state of the bath, the heat insulation is created for the beginning. Before the construction of the bath, dripped, the depth of which should be made at least 500 mm. The foam sheets are stacked in this pita, which provides almost perfect bathing of the bath even with the harshest weather conditions. Polyfoam is poured with cement mortar, after which it is possible to start the other actions associated with the construction of the bath. Of course, these actions are carried out immediately before the construction of the bath. In the event that the room that will be adapted to the bath is already built, it is necessary to focus on the walls and the ceiling.
Warming of the floor surface
Even if there is no possibility to dug the pit, which will be used to fill in insulating materials, you can limit the simple insulation of the surface.
If the floor is a parquet structure, it is possible to place a small thickness foam sheets under the wood elements of the surface. If the gap between the base and parquet is rather large, you can pour the rest of the cement-sandy space.
In the presence of such a floor, some communications, for example, pipes for autonomous heating can also be placed under the wood basis. This will allow not only to save some space, but also insulate the floor of the bathroom.
Wood ward, slag and ceramzite are also used as an additional insulation for the floor of the bathroom. It should be noted that the surface of the floor must be laid by ceramic tiles. If possible, you should use as greater space for floor insulation. Ideally accommodate several layers of insulation. Slag and Ceramzit are the most materials that are tested by time. These are inexpensive, environmentally friendly insulating resources, which can be used for long years. The clay layer should be at least 20 cm. During its laying, it is necessary to take care that the minor elements are located as close as possible to each other. Obviously, this process is rather complicated, especially if you compare it with the laying of the rolled insulator.
Proper insulation of walls bath
As already mentioned, it is from the insulation of the walls, it depends on how heating resources will be consumed effectively. It is not worth saving on insulating materials, as in the future you can be in a loss.
First you need to create a crate that will keep the insulating material in its cells. It is necessary to know exactly the dimensions of the heat insulation, the lamp must match these sizes. When laying, insulating materials must be tightly located between the elements of the crate. In another case, the room of the bath will lose heat, it will go through the slots and other flaws in the walls. To increase efficiency, in front of the main insulation, you can place a folumecan, which, according to many specialists, can almost perfectly keep warm inside the small premises.
Instead of folumecan, you can use any other material. To date, such thermal insulation is incredibly much in the market, however it is most important to evaluate their effectiveness, paying attention to the description of the properties of products from the manufacturer.
Penotierm is another novelty in the building materials market. This product has a small thickness and sold in rolls. Interestingly, the foam is truly excellent thermal insulation of small and huge premises. Unfortunately, because of the high prices, many prefer to make a choice in favor of classical foam or mineral wool.
The best solution in the case of a bath is the use of several layers of insulation. In this case, it is not necessary to create too many layers, since it may not give a special effect. The mineral wool and folumecan layer is one of the most popular options that, besides, also economical.
The most common mistake during the insulation of the walls of the bath is the use of nails and other fasteners, which negatively affect the properties of isolation during damage. In this case, special fasteners are used that can retain weight insulation material. To do this, in the wall with a drill holes are done.
Insulation ceiling bath
Given that warm air rises up, you need to take care that the ceiling show itself from the best side in terms of thermal insulation.
For thermal insulation of the ceiling also need to create a crate and place the insulation material as closely as possible. Quite often seen as during construction applies a thick layer of insulating material. Indeed, for thermal insulation of the ceiling it is really important to the use of large layers of glass wool and mineral wool. Given that the ceiling can release a lot of hot air, you can use several insulating materials. The main thing - to do everything possible, to a large insulation weight withstood ceiling structure. Most often, it is created from large planks, fixed to the surface using dowels. The distance between cells such battens shall not exceed 500 mm. Otherwise, the probability that the construction does not withstand insulation material may be too high. As initially mentioned, the timber under the influence of moisture may begin to deteriorate, and this means that the insulation of the ceiling, as well as all the bath room, is under serious threat.