Replacing the heated towel rail with their own hands Plumbing

Heated towel rail - a mandatory attribute of the bathroom in any house. It performs many functions, but over time, even if the design is made of durable metal, fails and creates a number of problems - aesthetic and technical nature. Even if you call specialists from H Hwell, you still have to pay for the service, and the price is not always low. We add to this the fact that you need to buy a serpentine, pipes and special fittings - the amount of the implementation of such a venture may turn out to be for some transcendental. There is a completely appropriate question, whether the replacement of the heated towel rail in the bathroom with their own hands and what is needed for this. We deal with the process of selecting the system and its reinstallation in this article.
Why do you need a heated towel rail?
The towel rail in the bathroom performs several functions:
- serves as a device for drying linen;
- heats the room, supporting a pleasant microclimate;
- prevents the appearance of dampness and unpleasant odor;
- protects against reproduction of mold and other pathogenic bacteria.
Important! The aesthetic function of the towel rail in the bathroom is no less valuable. Therefore, it is necessary to properly approach the choice of a new system so that it becomes a full-fledged element of the interior and served not only to the adaptation of practical purpose, but also the decorative part of the entire design of the bathroom.
When to change the heated towel rail?
Replace the towel rail in the bathroom immediately after detecting its destruction or appearance of defects on the system elements. Problems are the following nature:
- Arrangement of corrosion.
- The appearance of leaks from the pipes or connecting nodes.
Important! Another reason for which the question may arise how to replace the towel rail in the bathroom - the inconsistency of the system performance of the room conditions. For example, if there are no defects, but you clearly lack a place for drying linen, or dampness is constantly increasing in the bathroom, it's time to think about replacing the old heated towel rail to the more suitable model. In this case, it is inappropriate to wait until the entire pipe is powder and holes will appear in it.
As for the time of such works, of course, it is better to schedule the installation or replacement of the heated towel rail to the unheated season. If I had to hold an event urgently in the winter, please contact the WEC to overlap the riser during the repair work.
Important! Overlapping the riser is possible only if the connection of the heated towel rail is made to the DHW system, and not heating. Fully lowering the water and leave the heating pipes not functioning pipes are unacceptable according to the technical rules, especially if the street is minus temperatures. This can later lead to the freezing of pipes and rupture system.
What to choose a heated towel rail?
To correctly pick up a new bath device, you need to consider 2 main criteria:
- constructive solution;
- type of pipe for heated towel rail.
Construction of the serpent
Suitable design, determine as follows:
- With the configuration in the form of the letter M or P are suitable for a small room or separate bathroom. Typically, the power of heat transfer such equipment is up to 500 W.
- "Lestenka" is already design radiators with a more attractive appearance. The indicator of their heat transfer is more wide - 600-2000 W. Such systems will become an excellent solution for a spacious bathroom or a combined bathroom.
Important! Second-type serpents must be installed with bypass, taking into account the fact that they are more susceptible to degradation during hydrowards.
Materials of pipes
Tubes of heated towel rails are made from different materials:
- stainless steel alloys;
- chrome steel;
- brass;
- copper;
- bronze.
Important! More reliable, durable and optimum costs are considered towel with thick walls made of ordinary stainless steel. Therefore, as far as possible make the towel dryer installation is of such a material. With regard to the connecting pipe, in most cases it is advisable to at the same time by the coil and replace them more durable material. For these purposes, the market is a wide range of PE pipes.
Replacing the towel warmer with their hands - milestones
The entire process of replacing the towel dryer takes place as follows:
- Preparation of materials and tools.
- Dismantling of the old system.
- Installation of the new towel warmer.
Materials and tools:
- Brackets for fixing the coil.
- Fitting.
- Cutter.
- Ball Valves.
- Pipe and wrenches.
- Soldering or welding machine - if set polypropylene tubes.
- Puncher.
- Rezborez.
General rules
To replacement towel warmer was performed correctly and properly it served its purpose for years, consider these the mandatory technical details:
- Bypass design. This jumper (bypass pipe) with ball valves, which allow only locally disable a heated towel rail for repairs during its operation, without disturbing the pressure level in the entire DHW system. For example, replacement of gaskets and seals. The diameter of the pipe to bypass should correspond to the cross section of the inlet pipe.
- Brackets have to be hung, and not rigidly fixed. This would eliminate the deformation of pipes and pressure on the walls of temperature variations. All fasteners must be at the same level.
- The distance from the coil to the wall - not less than 35 mm for the pipe section up to 23 mm, and 50 mm if the diameter of the pipes of the towel dryer over 23 mm.
- Towel must be installed at a distance of 2 meters from the riser.
dismantling of the coil
- Shut off the water.
- Drain water from the system - it can be done on the crane return pipe in the basement, but it is better to call the master of the housing department, so that later there was no complaints.
- Unscrew the nuts on an old towel to remove it. If you do not - it cut the grinder.
Install the towel warmer
- Make a bypass from the tube of suitable length and 2 tees. If necessary, install ball valves. (Installation of ball valves allows you to adjust the inflow of hot water, but sometimes such projects do not pass the technical control, as they reduce the number of hot water access to the lower floors).
- Attach a new snake to the wall and mark the installation locations on it.
- Install the holders, drill the hole by the perforator and screwing the clamps on the dowels and screws. Please note that the heated towel rail must at it be inside the holders, which means you will need an assistant.
- Connect the coil itself to the jumper by corner or direct adapters - focus on the features of your system.
- Tighten the connections slightly, make a seal from flax or turkey.
- Tighten the threads so that there is a reliable sealing of all lines.
- Slightly shut down the flow of water, check the absence of leaks.
- Softly add the pressure so that water passes throughout the coil, but did not occur the system break due to sharp pressure.
Important! If you install PE pipes, you will have to do the cutting of notches manually and in individual nodes to weld pipe segments.
Replacing the towel rail in the bathroom - not such a difficult job as it may seem at first glance. But it is better if you decide to pursue such a procedure yourself after a certain experience of replacing lighter plumbing devices. This will give an understanding of the pipeline device, connecting nodes and the entire system as a whole. If you are not confident in your knowledge and strength, it is advisable to enlist the support of specialized masters. This will help you avoid further problems with hot water supply and heating specifically in your apartment and the complaints of your neighbors about unlawful actions.