How to clean the pond do it yourself Plot.

Each owner of a country house dreams of having on its own site own pond with transparent waters and schnaking from time to time fish. But in order for this beautiful reservoir after a while did not become a bad smelling swamp, a timely care is needed, i.e. cleaning. It is quite possible to produce it, using one of the three existing methods of purification: mechanical, chemical, biological.

Pond cleaning mechanical way

There are several mechanical cleaning methods, among which there are both the simplest and quite complicated. Consider them in more detail:

  • Cleaning reservoirs manually. First, from the surface with a sacc, you need to remove the leaves and branches falling from the trees from the trees, the fluff and another small garbage. Next, ripples and other polluting plants are removed by fan robbles. If the pond near the trees, their branches should be trimmed in time to fallen leaves do not create additional pollution.

  • Cleaning with Screamer. Screamer pump is a device which filters the water and dirt sends a special gripping basket. Some of the models are secured to the bottom or sides of the pond, some - float freely. They are usually equipped with a float and remove debris from the surface only. dirt particles are deposited in a basket, which you just need to shake out at the end of the cleaning. This device, though good, but he is not able to make the pond clean of silt that has accumulated on the bottom.


  • Shoe with an aqueous cleaner. To neglected the cleaning of the bottom from the sludge in no case, because over time, the decomposition process begins in it, substances of the poisoning water are distinguished. To solve this problem, this device will be required as a water vacuum cleaner. His principle of operation is the same as the conventional vacuum cleaner: it pulls out Il and dirt from the side and the bottom of the pond, and sends it in a mudless design specifically stipulated by the design. Meanwhile, filtered water is reset back into the pond. Water vacuum cleaners are manual and automatic. Automatic independently move along the bottom and produce clean, and manual require human participation. But in the use of similar equipment there are limitations. If the bottom and side of the reservoir are made of film or concrete, it can be used to use it. But if there is a pebble on the day, having a meter 10 mm in diameter, the use of the vacuum cleaner becomes impossible, because She, along with the garbage, will fall into it and very soon disabling.


  • Cleaning with a small pumping station afloat. Such a device will be required for a large reservoir that has not been cleared for many years. It is not possible to effectively clean it with the help of the methods described above and the technique. In this case, it will come to the aid of the technique designed to purify a large number of severe polluted water. Its cost is quite high, so it will be best to rent it. And it is even easier to apply to the organization that is engaged in cleaning ponds and reservoirs. The price of their services is not so high, especially since it is a single waste.

Pond cleaning with chemical method

This method must be used very carefully, because The excess of the recommended dosage of chemicals can destroy plants and animals living in the reservoir, as well as cause health problems in humans. Before producing chemical cleaning, it is necessary to analyze the water condition through express tests that can be bought in specialized stores.

The normal pH of water is equal to seven. If he does not reach six, then the reservoir should be treated with a negro lime. This procedure is best carried out, after snow comes down, but before water is flooded and fish are launched (about 2.5 weeks). The lime is carried out over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe pond (calculation of 26 tons / hectares), then a certain amount of water is added and cleaved.


To carry out a cleaning procedure, a 1% mortar of the oversized lime, which is kept in the pond for ten days. The degree of exposure to the solution on malicious organisms and plants depends on the temperature of the water. What it is higher, the better, but in any case, it should not fall below 10 degrees. For cleaning and disinfection of water, a manganese or green, diluted at the rate of 0.1-0.2 grams for a cubic meter is used.


Pond cleaning in biological method

The biological method of getting rid of pollution is considered more gentle. These include biological preparations containing bacteria that kill algae and make water lighter, and biological filters produced on the basis of natural raw materials. You can also use peat mixtures. They provide the necessary level of water rigidity, soften it, suppress the spread of algae.


There are special beneficial plants, which in the process of vital activity enriches an aqueous medium with oxygen, complement it with useful chemical components, suppress the development of harmful algae. Such plants are the branch of autumn and the bias to urut, they are planted in small water bodies, as well as a rogolistnik and element that are suitable for large reservoirs.

Some living inhabitants of the waters are also both both the means of combating rock and other polluting plants. Among them are white amuras and crayfish.

Additional measures to purify artificial reservoirs

  • As an additional tool, you can use UV lamps. Irradiation by them kills the malicious microorganisms, suppresses the growth and development of algae, without changing the chemistry of water and without harming the plants with living inhabitants of the reservoir. But one UV irradiation is too small for water purification. It is most often used in addition to various filters. Filters are divided into two groups - pressure and flowing. Flowing is used for large water bodies in which the fish are found, the pressure is more suitable for small water bodies and fountains. The design of some of them involves the presence of a contamination indicator. And even after that, periodically there is a need to clean the water by hand, saccm and fan robbles.


  • If after making all the necessary measures to purify water. It does not become transparent, then you need to go on the extreme measure - partial or complete drain. Before doing this, it is necessary to remove all the livestock from the pond and move it to the aquarium or in another reservoir. After that, you should drain the water and manually clean the bottom from the sludge and garbage, and then pour new water. I should not throw out from the bottom of the pond, it can serve as an organic fertilizer, and very valuable. To do this, it must be connected to peat or manure. In the first case, comply with the ratio of 3: 7, in the second case - 1: 1. And it can be mixed with other fertilizers, introducing into them sludge from 3 to 5% of the total amount of the mixture.

  • It happens that bad waterproofing or its violation pulls the problem of constant water pollution. The fact is that some artificially created reservoirs have concreted walls and the bottom, which can easily crack. Most often it is associated with soil sediment. Through the cracks, the Earth begins to fall along with groundwater and with time the reservoir becomes dirty. To cope with this problem, it will have to completely drain the water. Small cracks need to be treated with sealant, better in two layers. Large cracks must first be cleaned, then apply mastic, and after the seal.

What care actions should be taken to prevent strong clogging of the reservoir

Cleaning ponds and reservoirs should be carried out regularly and at any time of the year. Only it will always be in good condition, and deliver real joy.

  • In the spring water should be cleaned from the leaves falling into it in the fall, from algae and rotting vegetable garbage. When water is heated to 10 degrees, the plants living in the water should be regularly fertilized. Fishes It is advisable to provide nutrition with a high protein content in order for them to recover as efficiently after a long winter. It is also necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of them, to identify possible diseases and isolate patients from healthy.


  • In the summer, the water is growing in water, which should be constantly removed, as well as control the condition of the filtering water of devices. The fact is that algae can clog the mechanism and bring it out of order.

  • When water evaporates during heat, it takes to add it every week that the level is unchanged. It is best to replenish the pond with the reserves of rainwater assembled in the barrels, because water from the tap contains many unnecessary substances. But, as a last resort, she will go.

  • If fish live in a pond, then it is necessary to remember the spawning, which begins in the end of spring and ends at the end of summer. During this period, they are very active and require reinforced nutrition, but it is not worth throwing a lot of food too much, because The remains of it will clog water.

  • If trees grow next to the reservoir, then in the autumn it is necessary to protect its surface from leaf falling fine grid.

  • If during the summer period, water plants rummaged and cluttered, they need to be switched and cut, otherwise in the cold period, they will begin to rot, while in contaminated water there will be insufficient oxygen for the livelihoods of fish.

  • Some plants, such as reeds, canes, etc., on the contrary, do not cut, because Throughout the winter, they will contribute to oxygen enrichment of water.

Equipping on its plot with an artificial reservoir, one should always remember that it is always easier to prevent his pollution than to fight him.


How to clean the pond do it yourself
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