How to choose the right nozzle on the fountain, review of species and features Useful advice

Each, who has its own reservoir on the countryside, wondered to decorate it with a picturesque fountain. He could be a real highlight in the appearance of the courtyard and his kind to raise the mood of the owners and surprise their guests. But in order to give it a truly luxurious look, such accessories for fountains are required as special nozzles forming water flows.
What do you need nozzles for fountains
The nozzles for fountains are simple on the design of the device, which provide the release, movement, the adoption of various forms of water supplied under pressure. It is thanks to them that the water in the fountain is not just randomly sprinkle, but is ordered, creating whole compositions in the air.
From the design of the nozzle depends, what size will be the fountain and what form it will accept. Nozzles are arranged differently and have different size. Water supplied through them can take the form of a large rapid column, sparkling water dome, form various drawings. Some species of nozzles create dancing jets or whole compositions of them, some, due to the arrangement at an angle, supply water in a certain way, while adjusting them, you can change the overall picture.
Pumping devices of different power provide the release of water to different heights - the more powerful, the higher. With the help of several different nozzles, changing water pressure, you can create unique compositions consisting of foam jets, curly streams and scattering splashes.
Before you buy nozzles for the fountain, you need to thoroughly consider which water composition you would like to see on my site and with what models it can be created.
Materials that produce nozzles
There are several types of materials that produce nozzles for fountains. Their price depends precisely from the production of raw materials, as well as the quality of the device and its service life:
Aluminum bronze nozzles are considered the highest quality, and therefore are the most expensive. They combine wear resistance, corrosion's inconsistency and aesthetic appearance. They are very beautiful at the expense of their bright yellow color, which makes them similar to gold. The gloss of metal in combination with sparkling splashes creates a stunning effect.
Steel or brass nozzles most often find the application for the arrangement of street fountains. They serve for a long time, differ in strength and low cost, do not need special care.
Plastic nozzles apply except for equipping a small reservoir in the country, because They are not able to cope with powerful water pressure, and also have not a very long service life. But they have one indisputable plus - their cost is low.
Nuances for which you should pay attention when choosing nozzles
By purchasing a nozzle of a particular design, not only the beauty of the aqueous jets created by it, but also the correspondence of the size of the device with the value of the reservoir, in which it will work, as well as the power of water emissions. It is necessary to measure the distance from the fountain to the shore - it will be the maximum height of the water emissions that cannot be exceeded.
Also impossible to ignore the strength of the wind. Choosing a model of nozzles, one should inquire this characteristic as wind resistance. Greater stability makes it possible to provide clarity of the jets and stability of the picture being created. Cheap plastic nozzles are able to provide a fountain a beautiful view only in windless weather, but when he fits, the view will not be very aesthetic. Here foam designs are resistant to winds, no bad weather will disrupt the beauty of the drawing.
By the way, the Fountain's arrangement has not only aesthetic, but also the practical side. In the summer heat, when the sprayer will work, his splashes can beneficially affect the growing plants nearby, moistening the soil near them.
Existing form of nozzles
Nozzles, regulating water flow, differ not only externally, but also perform various functions, differ in hole diameters and names. Consider the most popular types:
Nozzle in the form of a sphere. Its design is a ball, covered by a variety of tubes. During the work, the fountain takes the appearance of a fluffy dandelion. There is also an option in the form of a hemisphere.
Nozzle "Fish Tail". From rarely located holes, the aqueous jets are thrown at a certain angle, while the created flow resembles a fishe tail.
Nozzle "Dome". It is made in the form of a pipe with two discs fixed at its end. The water flow under pressure passes between them. The size of the space can be adjusted. A fountain with such a nozzle decorates any reservoir. It looks good both alone and in a group of similar.
Tiffany nozzle. This model combines two previous ones: separate jets are shot from the top of the ball.
Single sprayer. The aqueous streams are thrown under high pressure on a large height in a twenty-degree angle.
Jet. Water post is thrown up and there disintegrates into separate jets.
The nozzle in the form of a ring, on the perimeter of which small holes are located, water is thrown out of them.
Nozzle "Tulip". Water flows beat up, forming a funnel. There is still nozzle of the same principle of work, only bunk. It is called a "bouquet".
The nozzle designed in the form of several tiers, of which water is ejected with different pressure.
Nozzle "Turntushka". Jets are rapid from it rapidly, and the nozzle is simultaneously rotating, due to which they take the type of spirals.
Nozzle "Water Wall". It forms a solid stream that is evenly flowing along the vertical surface. Such a fountain works very quietly and almost does not form splashes. You can adjust it width. It is possible to equip such nozzles as fountains for the garden and fountains for the premises in which it can also be moisturized in addition to the main role.