Types of wallpaper for kitchen Wallpaper,Walls

Any hostess spends a lot of time in the kitchen. It takes close friends. Not in vain say - "You must earn you to take you in the kitchen." Cozy clean kitchen will create a mood when you drink morning coffee, and in the evening there is nice to talk with the whole family.
How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper from paper for the kitchen will not fit. The slightest drop of fat that fell on paper wallpaper will remain there forever. If the hood is bad, or there is no one at all - the wallpaper will quickly ship. The paper absorbs the smells well, with time, guests can guess where you have a kitchen. Cheap, but not practical.
If you are a fan of frequent changes, and dispose wallpaper every six months for you is not a problem - you can also shove and paper, and it will not affect the wallet. But at any repair, the question rests on not only in the cost of materials. Extra trouble and dirt few people like.
It is better to buy wallpapers that do not require updates at least for three years. When choosing wallpaper for kitchen walls take into account their practicality - so that you can clean the wallpaper with water and detergents. Wallpapers should not be distinguished by harmful substances at high temperature, which is inevitable in the kitchen.
Drawing of wallpaper
Kitchen sizes are value when choosing a pattern. Wallpaper with a large drawing will look bad on the six-meter kitchen. Therefore, for the kitchen in the Khrushchevka it is better to buy a monophonic wallpaper.
For a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 11 square meters. meters flight fantasy is already greater. Here you can combine wallpapers with a large pattern with monophonic. Any coloring that will delight you in the store will suit for a large kitchen.
The color of wallpapers in the kitchen is better to choose a calm, which will be harmonized with furniture to not disturb the design of the room. Wallpaper with a pest drawing tires, you will quickly get tired of them. Striped wallpapers will visually increase the height of the room, but if you have curved angles - it is better to refuse the striped wallpapers.
Types of wallpaper for kitchen
To decide which wallpaper to shove in the kitchen, you need to remember what exactly is suitable for this room. Well suited for kitchen moisture-resistant wallpaper with vinyl coating. In second place is the wallpaper under painting. Fixes can be used for pasting walls of the kitchen. Glue glass without skills hard.
When choosing wallpaper, learn the marking, which is indicated on each roll. Check the party number. Wallpaper from different parties can have a different shade.
Waterproof wallpapers can be wiped with a wet sponge. Wallpaper for kitchen washable withstand wet cleaning with liquid detergents. In the kitchen, the superal wallpaper for friction cleaning will last longer.
If you know that you indicate the icons on the label - it is not difficult to choose the wallpaper you need.
Vinyl wallpapers
Vinyl wallpapers are on a paper or fliseline basis. The top layer is made of polyvinyl chloride film. Wallpapers on a paper basis are produced with a width of 53 cm. Wallpapers are shown in the photo, have a soft pleasant texture. You can buy wallpapers for the kitchen with a pattern designed for this room.
Such wallpapers Elysium, Premiere Collection and Erismann produce Russian manufacturers. Refer to the category "Wallpaper for the kitchen". Roll price from 350 rubles. Similar wallpapers and at the same price are produced under the brand name "Slavic Wallpaper", the manufacturer - Ukraine. Wallpaper from Germany brand AS Creation or Rasch will be twice as expensive, but in quality they do not exceed the wallpaper of domestic producers.
The vinyl wallpaper is difficult to spoil - they are not afraid of scratches, well wash, do not absorb smells and do not burn out in the sun. Wallpaper from the CD-Vinyl category is suitable for the kitchen. In new buildings, they advise glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis: even if cracks appear on the wall, the wallpaper will remain integer. Vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis are produced 106 cm wide.
Well combined wallpaper with different patterns, but having one color gamut. When the whole kitchen in flowers - the eyes quickly get tired. It is better to identify one zone with wallpaper with a large pattern, and the rest of the walls are picked up by monophonic or striped. In stores such wallpapers are usually highlighted on one booth.
The price of high-quality vinyl wallpapers on the flieslinic basis begins from a thousand rubles. If you consider that wallpapers have a double width compared to paper based wallpaper - this is not very expensive.
Fliselin wallpaper for painting
Good quality has a PRACTIC wallpaper (practitioner) - Germany. Roll price 1000-1300 rub with 106 cm width and 25m length. The Russian Wallpapers of the Firm Palette have a lower price - from 800 rubles, but inferior in quality - with these wallpaper it is harder to work.
Paint wallpaper with waterproof latex paints. Wallpapers can be repainted more than once. But after the third painting, the structure of the wallpaper is broken, and they look not very attractive.
Wallpapers under painting have a relief surface that is faster than contaminated. On small kitchens, a dining table is located near the wall. It is clouded onto the wall, it quickly rubs. If you also used cheap inhalation of paint for paint - after a year the wall will look untidy. In this case, it is better to choose smooth wallpaper.
Glass equipment
Glass windows - a fairly durable type of wallpaper. In terms of cost, they are a little cheaper than phliseline under painting. When sticking glass windows in the kitchen, they also paint them as well as phlizelinic - paints that are resistant to washing. The lack of such wallpapers is a small selection of drawing. The Christmas tree or the cargo is rapidly bored.
Please note that the relief of glasses is lost after the second staining. Speaking about painting wallpapers, it should be borne in mind that the first coloring of the wallpaper is made in two layers. If on the package with paint it is indicated that the surface is painted at a time - this does not apply to the embossed surface. Wallpapers Painting are always painted in two layers. With the subsequent repainting, two more are added - to completely repaint wallpaper or paint strong contaminants. As a result, over time, your walls will be decorated with non-uniformly appealing tubercles.
Working with glass windows is not very pleasant - small particles are tremendous, when they hit the skin, irritation causes.
The liquid wallpaper
Liquid wallpapers are sold in packages, and not rollones to which you are used to. This is a dry mixture of cellulose, cotton and silk particles, acrylic components, a flaker and adhesive substance. The mixture is divorced by water, then the spatula is applied to the wall.
Liquid wallpapers are silk, cellulose and silk-cellulose. The most expensive are silk wallpaper. They are the most durable.
Manufacturers of liquid wallpapers argue that they hide the irregularities of the walls. Liquid wallpapers are not hidden, but emphasize the disadvantages of uneven walls! It can only be hidden. Places where there are holes and bugs, stand out, and it seems that the wall is uneven color.
Liquid wallpapers have a porous structure. It is good, because such a structure allows you to breathe. But not only breathe, but also absorb smells, and this is already a disadvantage when finishing kitchen walls. Thanks to the rough surface, the wallpaper is quickly wound. When using liquid wallpapers in the kitchen, the walls are advised to coat acrylic varnish.
Liquid wallpaper in the kitchen. In the photo - an example of using different colors:
The video describes what wallpaper for the kitchen to choose:
Kitchen Design Examples:
How to apply liquid wallpaper correctly: