Replacing sex with your own hands Floors

Wood - environmentally friendly, natural material with excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. Wooden floor creates comfort in the house. But its service life is limited, since during operation it accounts for significant load. In this case, installation of floors or their complete replacement is necessary. How to determine the degree of wear and solve the problem? Let's try to deal with this.
Repair or sex replacement?
Signs of wood wear:
- skyrp Halp;
- deflection of boards when walking;
- significant difference in the level;
- the presence of large cracks and cracks;
- the presence of strokes of wood pests;
- wood rotting.
It is not always necessary to change the boards: there are ways of effective repair. It is necessary to free the floor from the furniture and carefully examine it. In the event that the listed features of the wornity are revealed in a small area, repair of wooden floors is possible.
Methods of repair of female floors
Installation of floors in the house can be performed independently in the presence of skills to work with the woodworking tool. The method of repair of the worn floor is chosen depending on the type of damage.
Get rid of the screenshot of the floor
To eliminate the violet, you must perform the following.
- We change old nails on the self-tapping screw. The latter is not recommended for the latter.
- Freeding the flooring with additional self-drawing.
- Wide slots are eliminated by the movement of the flooring, narrow - with the help of wooden wedges and putty.
Eliminate the deflection of boards when walking
The reasons for this may be:
- use of thin boards (less than 40 mm thick);
- too much distance between lags.
Correct the situation in the following way.
- With the help of the nail, you need to extract nails from the floor and remove the boards to the side.
- If the lags are placed at a distance of more than 0.6 m from each other - the installation of additional lag is required.
- The bars of additional lags are scorn in size and stacked between existing lags. All items must be aligned horizontally using plywood linings or fiberboard. A waterproofing material should be used between the base for lag and wood.
- The boards are stacked in the same manner and are attached self-drawing.
Tip: The deflection of the flooring can be eliminated if there is a moisture-resistant Fane or OSB plate on top of the boards. This method also contributes to surface alignment.
Eliminate the drop in the level
Most often, the board is grieving in the most loaded zone: near the entrance to the room, in the bed, etc. In order for the floor again to become smooth, you need to do the following.
- Remove damaged boards.
- Survey their back side: if the quality of wood processing allows - boards need to be turned over and put into place.
- On the floor, lay the sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or OSB plates so that 5-7 mm gap remains on the perimeter (to compensate for expansion due to changes in temperature and humidity).
- Sheet material should be strengthened with self-draws.
- Wash decorative flooring.
Repair of floorings with cracks and slots
In the event that the floor was imposed from the boards unusted properly, as a result of their drying in conditions of uneven load, cracks and cracks may appear. You can get rid of them by dismantling the boards and putting them anew more tightly to each other. But due to one slit, such a large amount of work is better to replace the following process.
- From dry wood, a wedge-shaped element of the desired length is manufactured.
- The chisel is expanding cleaned the edges of the gap.
- Cyanka wedge is driven into the slot flush with the main surface.
- The surface of the floor is processed with a putty on a tree and grinding.
- Floor coating is stacked.
How to repair boards with signs of rotting
First of all, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of damage to wood. Such may be:
- insufficient ventilation of the room;
- non-grinding roofing;
- lack of waterproofing the base of the building.
Tip: Detect the places of rotting with the help of a hammer. Tapping on the floorings, reveal damage to the characteristic deaf sound.
Digitized boards can be put in order. For this apply the following technology.
- With the help of the chisel, the wood that came into disrepair. A fragment is extracted in the form of a rectangular bar.
- From dry wood of the same breed, a bar is made of the same size.
- With the help of wood glue, the bar is installed in the excavation and is attached additionally with self-draws.
- Place of repair is grouped.
In the case when the floor boards are largely amazed by rotting or insect-grinder, sex is needed. This work should be performed during long-term dry weather or before winter to eliminate the boobing of the boards due to moisture drops.
Wooden floor replacement with their own hands
Initially, you need to stock materials with which it is planned to replace the floor with your own hands. It is recommended to use the following tips.
- The desired number of lag is determined at the rate of laying them at a distance of 0.5 - 0.8 m from each other. The floorboard is recommended to position along the direction of propagation of natural light (lags, respectively, perpendicular to them).
- Antiseptic impregnation is needed for wood processing.
- As a floorboard use boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm. Their amount depends on the area plus 1% of the total volume. Screen boards allow you to create floor without cracks.
- All wood should be checked: damaged by insects, with signs of rotting and sinushes, should be discarded.
- Before laying a lag on a soil or concrete base, a hydrober was needed. To do this, referenced referenced: it is littered in 2-3 layers under each lag.
Lag exhibition
The replacement of the floor in the apartment begins with dismantling old boards and lag, after which they inspect the base. If necessary, it is aligned, and then laid new lags. Perform this in the following order.
- At a distance of 0.5-0.8 m (depending on the thickness of the boards) laid lags on the base. Necessarily - near the opposite walls.
- Under the lags put stripes cut from the rubberoid roll.
- Tested with Waterpas Position Lag: Brussia should be placed horizontally and at one level. For this, the cord is tensioning between extreme lags.
- Align lags on the cord, putting in certain places pieces of plywood or fiberboard. If everything is done correctly, the cord will remain smooth and will touch all the bars.
The replacement of the floor in a wooden house requires special preparation of the foundation, if it was not carried out before. Technology provides such a sequence of actions.
- Earthly ground is aligned and tamped.
- In places of installation of supports for lags, the pits 200 × 200 mm depth of 400 mm are broken down.
- In the pits layer about 50-70 mm, sand is poured, which is thoroughly tamped.
- It is stacked and the layer of rubble - 70 mm.
- Boot is falling asleep: a broken brick is suitable, a large crushed stone, pieces of fittings.
- A liquid concrete solution is prepared, filling is performed.
- On the hardened solution, columns made of ceramic bricks for laying lag.
IMPORTANT: Between the lags it is necessary to put the driver insulation. Mineral wool or plates of extruded polystyrene foam. These materials also possess good soundproofing qualities.
Laying of Halp
Replacing floors (photos to your attention) begins with measurements: the roulette is measured and cut off the boards in length. It is important to ensure that the cutting is performed at a right angle to the board. In the future, the following rules are followed.
- The docking of the flooring is allowed only in the middle of the lags.
- Between the boards and walls there should be a clearance of 10-15 mm to compensate for seasonal wood expansion. In the future, the gap closes by the plinth.
- Self-feeds are used to fix boards: nails with time can get out and create a danger. Hats of self-tapping screws should be in wood woven. The length of the self-samples is selected equal to the three thicknesses of the boards.
- The floorboards tightly bother to each other with a hammer with a bar. The tongs must be accurately combined with grooves.
- Hats of selflessness and small gaps close up with a special putty.
- Grinding machine handled the surface of the floor.
- The soil is applied and the boards are stained.
Floor Replacement: Video will help to figure out how this work is performed in practice.
Now you know how to change the floor and you can do it yourself. Good luck in work!