Cyllol Oil, Characteristics and Properties paints and varnishes

Solvents are single and multicomponent. Multicomponent substances are most often used, since they are suitable for various types of paints and varnishes. However, to achieve the highest possible result, it is desirable to work with single-component solvents that are intended for specific paints, varnishes and mastics. In this article, consider in detail xylene oil.
Xylene and its properties
This substance is an aromatic hydrocarbon. The word "aromatic" in the chemical industry indicates that the chemical is volatile, easily evapoable. On the other hand, hydrocarbon components cause increased ability to enter into chemical reactions, making xylene enough. The first one should be the ability to split fats. Therefore, xylene is a very good tool for degreasing the surface.
The substance of three isomers is the same in composition, but different in the properties of chemical compounds. This causes the suitability of using xylene as solvents for both varnishes and paints. Isomers are called:
- ortsylol (solvent for paints and varnishes),
- paraxylol (substance with pronounced acidic properties, degreaser),
- metaxilol (affects the possibility of a substance to enter into chemical reactions, is a catalyst).
Depending on the proportional ratio of these isomers, xylene is divided into varieties:
- brand A
- brand B.
Xylene of the oil stamp A is used mainly to work with varnishes and paints, its composition is optimized for a household solvent. Brand B is more functional. It is also used for paint products, but the main purpose of the solvent:
- epoxide
- vinyl
- acrylic
- silicon
- nitrocellulose,
- chloroad
- melamine
- urea formaldehyde.
These substances are usually used in the chemical and paint industry or when performing sufficiently narrow-profile work (production of garden statues, the fill of acrylic baths, manufacturing at home varnishes, mastics, paints or dyes).
Cyllol Oil, Specifications
Despite the fact that the grades of xylene are two, the technical parameters they have almost the same. They need to know in order to properly use and store the material. It is impossible to install xylene brand independently without chemical laboratory tests, so you will have to trust the manufacturer.
Main parameters:
- view - transparent liquid without pronounced color color,
- the viscosity is less than 0.5 (does not knit, resembles water),
- density from 0.860 to 0.870,
- boiling point +140 0 Celsius,
- frozenation temperature -40 0 Celsius,
- evaporates completely, without residue,
- pairs are toxic, cause chemical poisoning of the body, pulmonary swelling.
In addition to these parameters, the requirements for the production process of the substance are important. Therefore, if you decide to buy xylene oil, the best option will choose a proven product that meets the domestic GOST.
Interesting: xylene interacts perfectly with gasoline and increases its octane number. This property is not rarely used by car enthusiasts for fuel economy. Ten liters of gasoline add one hundred milliliters of oil xylene. This allows you to increase the octane number by 3-5 units. Depending on the quality of fuel.
Important: Work with xylene at home is allowed only in the respirator. Couples begin to form at temperatures -20 0 Celsius, therefore, in all weather conditions, the material will fall into the lungs. The first signs of poisoning:
- dizziness,
- weakness,
- nausea,
- headache.
When they appear urgently, it is necessary to leave the workplace and exit fresh air. If you ignore this warnings, the next phase is hallucinations. With their appearance, a person is difficult to independently leave the room, which ultimately causes the risk of fatal outcome.
Consequences of poisoning:
- lack of appetite,
- strongest headaches,
- no taste and smell.
May last from one week to several months.
Cyllol oil, manufacturers
One of the most proven manufacturers is CJSC HIMSERVIS. The main production facilities are in Ufa, but deliveries are carried out throughout Russia. Many retail chains sell products of this company under their own trademarks, but if the label is indicated "Made in Ufa", it means quality product.
A few more good suppliers of xylene are Novbythim from Ekaterinburg and Moscow Component-reagent. Both companies have proven perfectly, their products are certified and fully responds to GOS, as evidenced by technical passports of products.
It is not necessary to search on the shelves of stores imported xylene, since this substance with such titles is characteristic exclusively for the Russian chemical industry. In addition, when buying should be remembered that the substance either does not have colors at all, or it is practically not expressed. Any impurities, a precipitate or color indicate that the storage period has already expired or the technological process of production has been expired. The xylene is stored for a maximum of eighteen month, even if the packaging indicated otherwise. This figure is associated with a half-life period of its components, which after 500-530 days change their chemical composition and are no longer suitable for use.
Another important point, know and remember that xylene is not only oil, but also coal. Externally, they do not differ internally, but the chemical composition is radically opposite. In addition, the oil xylene isomers are not rarely sold separately. When buying, be sure to get acquainted with the composition of the substance.
Xylene oil, the price of which keeps at the level of 100 rubles. for 1 liter for retail, and 60 rubles. For wholesale, is one of the cheapest solvents, so popular among professional builders. For domestic needs it also fits.