How to lay paving slabs yourself Tile

The territory of the household plot should be enlarged with beautiful paths and recreation areas. The best way to make it is laying paving slabs. In favor of this material, there is a lot of its qualities. About this and how to lay paving slabs will be told in this article.
On the advantages of paving slabs
The pavement tile is a cement-sand mixture frozen in a special form with the addition of small gravel, plasticizer and other materials. The production process provides for the vibropressiveness that has not yet frozen mixtures, due to which air bubbles are removed from the tile. As a result, the necessary strength is achieved.
The following advantages include the following.
- Multifier forms and a wide palette of colors. Paving tile can be laid in the form of the most intricate patterns.
- Environmental purity: Unlike asphalt, the tile does not secrete volatile substances. Does not prevent the irrigation of plants on the site.
- Practicality and maintainability: if necessary, one or more tiles can be replaced with one or more tiles.
- Strength and low abrasion: the tile is capable of listening for a long time (at least 15 years).
How to lay paving slabs in the country
The base for paths from paving slabs can be:
- crushed stone;
- solution;
- sand.
The choice depends on the features of the soil and the purpose of the coating (pedestrian zone or the territory of the passage of cars). The easiest way of laying is on a pillow of sand and rubble. This technology is available for self-execution.
How to lay pavement tiles yourself: step by step
For those who are important in a short time to improve the garden tracks with minimal costs, you will need information on how to lay paving slabs on the sand. Before starting work, you should get the necessary tool and materials. To lay tiles need:
- sand;
- cement M500 or M400;
- cord for dealers;
- construction level;
- pipe metallic (any diameter);
- pegs;
- rubber cizyanka;
- master OK;
- tamper manual;
- polywehnye with diffuser;
- broom, rake.
Tip: For pedestrian walkways and recreation sites, 40 mm thick paving is used. Such a tile is cheaper, but it is not intended for the passage of cars.
Tile laying technology can be conditionally divided into several stages.
- Survey of the place of work, theft of bushes and trees, cleaning of turf and garbage.
- Preparation of the foundation. In both edges of the track, stakes are driven and the cord is stretched at an altitude of 50-60 mm. The soil is aligned in terms of: in the depths of the decrease, it is performed, and on the elevation - selection. The surface is processed by robbles and tamper. If necessary, the soil should be moisturized before rambling.
- Device of slope and laying geotextile. A bias can be in different directions: along the track, across and combined. Embrelon rate - 5 mm per meter track. It is necessary to ensure the departure of rainwater. Geotextile will prevent the germination of weeds.
- Device cushion cushion and sand. The sand is sifted and after the mounds are carefully compacted. To do this, it is pre-abundantly wetted and allowed to dry for 4 hours. With the help of a metal profile and parallel to each other, the sand surface is aligned with each other. She will continue to serve as a drainage system.
- Along the boundaries of the track, a curb is installed, fixing it with cement-sandy solution. In order for it to be on the same level, pegs with a cord stretched between them.
- The cord is tensioned for tiles. Stacking lead from the curb to the level of the cord. At the same time, it is possible to adopt only on the already formed tiled surface. The blocking must be located with the minimum possible identical gaps, for which it is convenient to use plastic crosses.
- Aligning tiles in terms of level is performed using a rubber image. If necessary, extra sand is cleaned or shovel by a trowel. Periodically, the level of laid pavers controls.
- A cement-sandy mixture is prepared in a rating of 1: 4, which fall asleep intercutric seams. At the end, the tile is watering with water so as not to wash the backbone.
- Between the tiles, large quartz sand fall asleep, after which the coating sweep.
Tip: If necessary, the tile can be cut with a grinder with an abrasive circle around the stone.
How to lay paving slabs at the cottage: video with demonstration of the whole process.
How to lay pavement tiles on a concrete base
If you wish to get a reliable coating capable of withstanding the weight of the car, you need more fat (within 60-80 mm) paving slabs. Stop the base from concrete (recommended) and the slave itself is necessary in the following order.
- Preparatory work: Korchvka trees and shrubs, removal of turf, alignment and soil seal. It is necessary to remove the soil layer, taking into account the thickness of the sand-chicken bench and the concrete screed. Provides a bias for water flow (1-3 degrees).
- Laying geotextile.
- Device submissions from sand and rubble. The sand of the fraction 0.2 is poured, aligned, wetted and compacted by a rubbing. The sand layer should be about 10 cm thick.
- The crushed stone of the fraction of 20-40 mm is poured over the sand, which is also compacted.
- A formwork is satisfied with a shagevka or plywood. The material is supported by pegs.
- In the case of cooking a concrete mix on site, a concrete mixer will be required. The mixture consists of one part of cement and three-four (depending on the cement brand) parts of the sand. The concrete base with the use of reinforcement of the grid should be a thickness of at least 10 cm. To prevent cracking due to uneven drying, concrete from time to time is moisturized or covered with a polyethylene film.
Important: Long paths are divided into sections of 2.5-3.0 m, between which the temperature seams from moisture-resistant plywood are arranged. This will prevent the deformation of the coating.
How to put the sidewalk to the sidewalk
After the concrete base is completely dry, disassemble the formwork and install borders. After that, we carry out the following.
- Using sophisticated sand prepare a thick cement solution.
- We apply a solution with a layer of up to 3 cm on the base with a wide spatula and distribute uniformly.
- Tile is tightly pressed to the concrete base. You need to postpone individual elements with rubber xy.
- Periodically check the horizontal position of individual tiles and all pavers. Your attention photo laid paving slabs.
- The seams between the tiles are covered with a dry mixture of sand and cement, watered with water from the hose with a diffuser.
Operation of the coating is possible after 3-4 days.
Tile care
Paving tiles need maintenance. Snow is removed by plastic shovel. Use salt to dissolve people is strictly prohibited. It is also impossible to use sting and chopping tools for cleaning the coating.
At the conclusion of the story about how to lay paving slabs - a video, a clearly demonstrating process.