How to choose a stove for a bath. Useful tips, famous manufacturers, characteristics Baths, saunas and pools

If you do not have a bath, then be sure to think about it. The furnace is not only high-quality vacation, but also a guarantee of good health. What is the difference between a good bath and not so? In the stove.
Choosing the oven, follow the most important advice:
1. Create an acceptable temperature and humidity in the steam room.
2. Accommodality and safety.
Depending on the parameters of the furnace, fuel species depends on the fire hazard and heating rate of the steam, softness of heat and most importantly, our comfort. Furnaces are of different functionality and characteristics.
First, let's see what the stoves installed in the baths look like:
For a small room, electric furnace is chosen. It is characterized by ease, functionality, safety, strength. All its mechanism is placed right in the steam room. Today there is a huge number of electric furnaces of different costs, power strength, design.
Electric stoves come in different designs and differ by type of heaters: by the landscape or sheets plates with low temperatures. What is better? Teni - quickly heated, sheets plates - reliable and use the minimum amount of energy. There will always be disagreements. Choose that you are more important than speed or reliability.
Recommendations for the choice of electric furnaces
1. Choose equipment with thick walls (than they are thicker, the better).
2. Power should be slightly more necessary (stock for poor-quality steam room).
3. Reliable floors - the guarantor of rapid air heating and a longer cooling of heaters. It is impossible to save here.
Her manufacturers affect the high efficiency of the furnace.
Finnish companies Harvia, Helo and Kastor are leaders in the manufacture of electric stoves.
Harvia is displayed by its excellent quality and all kinds of design.
Helo, also high quality, with creative design furnaces.
In third place Kastor. Kastor electric furnaces are designed for small Parims due to a minor drawback - a small stone bunker.
Features of wood bathing furnaces
Almost in all rich houses there are fireplaces with easily crackling firewood. And all because the crackling of firewood will not replace. Furnaces on firewood is a classic genre.
Fuel wood stove - Dry firewood. Such a furnace consists of a firebox and a heater. The Kamenka is placed right in a steam room for a comfortable stay in the bath, and the firebox is in the room next door. In the firebox constantly need to throw up firewood.
Wood stoves are divided into two types: permanent and periodic burning.
The design is distinguished by the fact that the furnace of the stove of constant burning is laid with stones, thanks to it, and the steam wage occurs. But the furnace for the furnace of rare burning is placed brick, inside of which stones are laying. So the design longer keeps heat.
If you are in difficulty in choosing a constant or periodic oven, basify at the frequency of visits and the number of visitors. The permafrost furnaces depends on the presence of a large number of firewood, so you want to go longer, reserve firewood in advance and draw them up in time. For a small company, there is enough and furnaces of periodic burning.
Brick stove-Kamenka against the background of wooden walls of the steam and made of high-quality red brick, it looks natural and harmonious.
There are several safety requirements for a wood-burning furnace:
1. It is forbidden to store firewood in a steam room.
2. It is necessary to ensure good ventilation indoors with the furnace.
Several tips for choosing a wood-burning furnace:
1. The effect of a wood-burning furnace occurs when the pair of not more than 12 cubic meters is heated.
2. Walls of a thick metal furnace.
3. Effective ventilation is achieved by installing chimney in Kamenka.
To date, the market has a large range of furnace manufacturers. Prices are also different dependent on quality and, accordingly, from the manufacturer. Domestic manufacturers are relative popular. Compared with modern, they do not lose reliability and functionality. In Russia, they are able not only to steam, but also to make ovens too! Leaders among manufacturers Russia and Finland remain.
Finnish companies for the production of wood stoves:
Kastor furnaces - leader in the quality of reliability and design of wood stoves. Products of this firm are distinguished by high-tech style.
No less popular among connoisseurs of the Russian bath Finnish company Harvia. Stainless multi-layered steel, as well as a fuel cast iron camera, make these stoves not only with high-quality, but also safe for us.
Narvi furnaces are made classic. Have low fuel consumption (firewood) with a small emission of combustion products, which is a certain plus.
Helo Bath furnaces are available at comparison with other Finnish companies. Easy design of the furnace does not affect the quality of the product.
The most popular stoves have become a model with a tank. When choosing them, take into account the size of the steam room, the type of fuel and heating, remoteness from power transmission and gas highways.
Consider the location of the bathhouse itself on the plot, its placement relative to other buildings. Such furnaces are made by steel, cast-iron, brick and dried with coal, wood, and natural gas is used as an alternative.
Metal stoves for baths have a big variety, reliable, durable and popular among their representatives. They quickly warm the air in the room, due to the rapid heating of the metal. Due to the design, in which harmful gases go outside through the chimney, excluding the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Even with a marker with wet firewood, the bathroom will not lie down.
True pleasure for the soul and body is a bath. It is capable not only to make our holiday comfortable, but also to heal from many diseases. So, what are the best furnaces for baths? Any type of furnaces with advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing a bath, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics, they are described above. See, choose, buy. We hope that the bath, chosen by you, will bring you a fantastic rest.