Spider glazing systems Window

During the construction of multi-storey administrative, residential and commercial and entertainment complexes, the installations of the translucent design are used. These include doors, facade structures, as well as separate elements of glazing rooms and roofs. Specially popularity is a spider facade glazing due to the fact that it refers to non-standard construction methods.
Building materials in our time allow you to implement any idea into reality. In particular, they include spider glazing systems.
Designs are classified by such signs:
- glazing facade, classic: When the design of aluminum is visible from the outside of the building, it is also part of the architectural structure;
- the glazing is structural when the fastening system is hidden and external seams are not viewed;
- planar (spider) glazing. Allows you to get a solid glass wall of the building using a special fastening system, and without the use of aluminum profiles.
To install the wall of the glass, the special method of fastening will be used: a fastening system that has a crosslinor, and the glass itself is directly installed on it.
The design looks like this: the building is the connector - the clamp of the cross - glass. This type of spider glazing is considered the fastest and easy-to-install.
The glass connection system is performed according to such a scheme: the building is a connector - a spider -man and glass. It is considered standard.
At the same time there are several types of handle:
- Under the hole in the glass in the form of a cone. The conductor becomes almost inconspicuous, if you look at the facade directly on the glazing line. The glass is fastened both from external and from the inside of the same fastener element - washers, so the facade of the building will look harmonious.
- The conductor is screwed on the one hand depending on which part of the design there is access.
The difference between the spider glazing of the facades of buildings from other methods of installing a transparent design is the absence of a carrier frame between the panels, as they are fixed using special devices. According to this technology, glass through small holes is attached with the help of the drivers (metal bracket).
The possibility of fastening windows with specially mounted flat conductors or spiders (from stainless steel or polymeric materials).
In this case, the design has the following form:
- Building.
- Bracket.
- Locks (holders) glass.
- Glass.
It is considered inexpensive, so most often customers prefer such a spider system of glazing facades.
Thanks to the spider design, the docking of glass panels is carried out at different angles, and regardless of this load is distributed evenly. Such an opportunity allows to design various structures, but more thorough calculations are required. At the same time, the coefficients of linear expansion of metal and glass are taken into account, their possible deformation, as well as premature destruction.
Differences of systems and their advantages
A distinctive feature of the facade system based on the spider is:
- fiberglass or double-glazed windows that have a large area;
- minimum elements with outdoor or inner side of the building;
- the outer or inner carrier steel system (happens: guy, fermented, arched, beam).
Such a bold solution of frameless glazing provides ample opportunities and allows not only to build walls of buildings, but also to design staircases, entrance groups, canopies and visors.
Due to the fact that the building has a practically an inseparable surface of glass, it allows the use of solar energy to the maximum and thus heat the room and additionally have a light source. In addition, spider systems are installed according to the "flexible carrier system", so they are resistant to large loads: thermal and wind. Fastening the facades do not have a rigid system, which makes it possible to significantly reduce and redistribute a larger load on the building.
When individual glass blocks are installed, such a spider glazing system of facades allows you to repair the system if one or more sections have been subjected to random damage. To replace the damaged section, you need to spend the minimum of time.
Advantages of spider systems:
- wear resistance;
- durability;
- have an unlimited service life;
- beautiful design;
In addition, the design of the spider system allows you to:
- Implement different plans of architects.
- Replace bulky buildings on lightweight structures.
- Have a security maximum when installing glass.
- Carry out installation work as soon as possible.
- Having savings due to minimizing the bundle of the supporting structure.
- Save on maintenance.
- Get the maximum comfort when operating.
Types of glazing
Spider glazing is such as species:
- With the use of riggers as bearing elements, as well as pipes with different cross section.
- The use of columns as carrier elements is an inexpensive way.
- The vantovaya system, the ribs of glass blocks protrude as a support.
- Using a metal cable or rod. Design complex in calculations, costly.
Component elements. Specifications
The main element of glazing with a spider method - glass. Spider glazing facades has a high price, and about 70 percent of the total cost is glass.
The main elements of the glazing facade:
- glass;
- fasteners;
- metal structures;
- sealant.
All components of the systems are selected individually, according to the calculations in which:
- Appointment object.
- Load.
- Property location.
- Climatic conditions.
It is unacceptable to use components that do not comply with this data, as this can lead to the destruction of the structure.
Increased requirements are paid to the glass. It must comply with the rules of techniques and arrange the customer. In addition, the glass is tested under a laboratory, where the presence of the best copies, which will be able to withstand a certain load and will coincide with the thermal conductivity and other requirements.
When using certain types of panels, a certain purpose is achieved. Thus, special double-glazed windows are used for the insulation of the room, in other cases - "tempered" glass or triplex. Seams in the system are filled with a special sealant.
About shortcomings
In addition to numerous advantages, the spider glazing systems of facades have disadvantages. First of all, it is the absence of a certain step-by-step technology, as well as a clear methodology for calculating the fastening of the spider and glass. Due to such inconsistencies, in some cases, the panels can be damaged during installation.
In addition to these shortcomings, the system has a very high cost. It is also often very difficult to invite narrow specialists in this area, since they are still very small.
Spider glazing is presented on this video: