Sauna in the apartment do it yourself Baths, saunas and pools

Also, our ancestors believed that the bath visit is very useful for health, since under the influence of a high temperature of steam, both dry and wet - there is an extension of the body, through which all slags and toxins are displayed.
But in the modern world, the baths are departed in the past, since everyone has time and the opportunity to go there, and sanitary and hygiene conditions in such establishments often leave much to be desired. The way out for lovers will get a sauna in an apartment that will not take much space and at the same time quite simply mounted.
What is a home sauna
Before mounting the sauna in the apartment of a multi-storey building, it should be purchased its main components. It:
- A special factory oven, which is automatically disconnected at temperatures above 130 degrees or after 8 hours of continuous operation. In some cases, furnaces operating on firewood and gas are used, but the electric furnace is immeasurably more convenient. It is fixed faster and does not work as long as to significantly affect the amount of billing of electricity. The dimensions and power of the furnace are selected according to the size of the room at the rate of 1 kW per cubic meter.
- So that this heating device does not occupy a lot of space, it is trying to place it closer to the wall and fasten well, because the large weight of the furnace can cause a traumatic situation with the inaccier handling of it. In contrast to the old heating sources, where hot stones were used for this purpose, in modern furnaces, preference is given to a semi-automatic vaporization system, which provides high efficiency, but at the same time requiring special reliability of wiring. Usually, the heat generator for the sauna heats the room not very large area to a temperature of 60-70 degrees for only 40-50 minutes, and in the future the constancy of the temperature is ensured by stones, gradually giving heat. This significantly reduces electricity consumption. For the use of the furnace in the sauna is absolutely safe, it is blocked by a wooden grid or a special screen. As for manufacturers, the Scandinavian models have proven well established, the distinguishing features of which are strength, efficiency and grace of forms. Thus, the Finnish company Harvia offers electrical and wood chambers, equipped with an effective air circulation system. And this, in turn, determines the rapid heating of the sauna cab without sharp temperature surges. In production, only high-quality stainless steel is used. A novelty from Harvia is a Combi furnace, which is capable of working in two modes: Russian bath and Finnish sauna. High quality is also distinguished by the products of the Finnish company SAUNATEC, represented by the Print Viki, Helo and Fantasy. All of them are equipped with a modern temperature control system, and burn them, thanks to a fully closed body is almost impossible.
- Wooden carcass. It is the collapsible factory design or can be made independently of wooden bars or lining. As a material, the wood of coniferous breeds - alder, pine, spruce, and desirable imported production, since the quality of processing of domestic wood is often "lame". If financial capabilities are limited, linden or aspen will be suitable for the manufacture of the sauna, but the life of such a cabin will be significantly less.
- Corner and ceiling rails for reliable fixation of the cabin, most often metallic.
- Ventilation grates. Each sauna in the apartment, which is presented in the article, is necessarily equipped with ventilation holes, allowing to avoid the unpleasant consequences of high humidity indoors: the interlayed air, fungus, mold, etc. Through these windows, wet air leaves and is launched fresh. The inlet is recommended to be placed directly under the furnace. Then the air from the street arriving during the cold season is instantly heated and does not cause discomfort.
- Floor frame, designed for special conditions for temperature and humidity. It is usually made from anodized aluminum or galvanized steel, but naturalness lovers often prefer grid wooden flooring, pre-treated with a special impregnation.
- Wooden sun beds, the dimensions of which are designed for the number of people who will use the sauna. They consist of 2 lateral bars, specially treated before obtaining the perfect smoothness of the surface and crosslinor, and have a M-shaped either P-shaped form.
Views of Saunas
Any sauna in the apartment includes one of three varieties and is:
- Mini sauna. Its essential advantage - compact dimensions: if the usual area will take almost all the bathroom space, then the mini sauna will have no more square meter of the area. In addition, its installation may be even a non-professional due to the simplicity and speed of installation. The power of the heating element does not exceed 2 kW, and the mini sauna feeds in the apartment from the usual network in 220 V. It also includes a thermometer to determine the exact temperature, the built-in control panel, in some systems, even a special spraying system of aromatic balm. The temperature range of most mini saunas is from 50 to 80 degrees, and the humidity during the par does not exceed 30%. For the heating of such a miniature bath to the desired temperature goes no more than 15-20 minutes. From the positive aspects of a mini sauna, we note that in it the head of the steam bag is located outside the cabin, therefore there is no negative effect on blood vessels. In appearance, such saunas are actually divided into pair, equipped with hermetic sash and a seat for seating, but there are models on the market, also offer their owners of the soul and hydromassage.
- Infrared sauna. This subsurface subspecies is isolated by a heating source - special infrared emitters. If in a conventional heat transfer sauna, it is carried out by hot-up to 100-110 degrees, and the depthration depth of the skin is 3-5 mm, the infrared sauna in the apartment increases this figure to 4 cm. At the same time, the temperature conditions in the booth remain more gentle: the temperature rises Only up to 40-60 degrees. Also, this kind of sauna is characterized by small energy consumption: there is no need to heat all the air in the bathroom or other room, and the power consumption will not exceed 1800-220 W. The absence of a serious thermal load allows the use of an infrared sauna to prevent various diseases in children, the elderly and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. If the sweat allocated during the stay in the traditional sauna contains 95% water and only 5% microscopic solid particles (toxins, slags, fat, cholesterol, etc.), then the composition of the sweat, which is allocated in the infrared version of the mini-bath, - Already only 80% liquid and 20% solids. Also in this case, the body temperature is rapid up to 38.5 degrees, simulating the body's reaction to the infection, which leads to the suppression of the vital activity of various viruses and bacteria.
- Finnish sauna. This option is advisable to install in sufficiently large rooms, since it is designed for several people in the cabin. Any Finnish sauna in the apartment differs from other types of saunas extremely dry air (humidity does not exceed 10-25%) at a temperature in the cabin 90-110 degrees. Therefore, staying in such a sauna is lighted easier, and at the same time abundant sweating leads to active evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. This activates the thermoregulatory functions of the body and, accordingly, the elimination of harmful substances.
Materials for sauna
The most popular material for the sauna frame is wood. To create a shield design, two layers of lining, between which the thermal insulation and vapor barrier layer are inserted. Solo, spruce, alder will last longer. The floor should be smooth and sealed. Typically, a tile with a moisture insulation layer is taken as a material for it. If the sauna is not collected from the finished prefabricated structures, but do from scratch, it is necessary to take care that the bars for the booth are massive. Floor flooring consisting of profile boards, and its lower crate screwed to the walls through bracket or nails.
The inner framework of the frame is made from a block profile consisting of pine wood without resin and bitch. Sometimes pine boards with rounded edges protecting against random cuts are used. At the door to the room where the sauna is mounted, and the coating that protects it from the impact of moisture should also be applied. It is best to separate her pine veneer on both sides. Entry in the Self itself it is advisable to make glass. Special lamps are installed in the sauna, reliably protected from moisture exposure.
Methods of mounting sauna in the apartment
Collect the sauna from the already ready-made factory structural elements is easier than making it yourself. But the last way will save money to save money. Therefore, let's talk about how to make a sauna in an apartment without resorting to the help of specialists. For installation you will need:
- Pine lining for casing walls.
- Boards for the manufacture of sun beds and floor.
- Fire retardant plate.
- Foil.
- Mineral wool.
- Heat resistant cable.
- Diffuser.
- Primer.
- Lining.
- Electric furnace
- Lamp with lamp lamp.
- Door.
Now proceed to the process itself:
- We are determined with the sauna area: if we count on two people, its area should be at least 1.5-2 square meters. m.
- We clean the wall of the bathroom from the tile or panels to the bare concrete.
- We do the flooring and put on the floor of the board or glue the tile. It must be done before the construction of the walls.
- Before starting the main works, we are making a cable to prevent the risk of fire.
- We process concrete walls with a disinfectant.
- On concrete walls and ceiling, the frame of wooden plates is secured. In order for the sauna well to keep warm, in the frame fit the layer of insulation. From above, foil filling, which will reflect heat.
- The ceiling and the walls of the sauna are wearing clapboard.
- We establish wooden shops and proceed to the installation of the furnace, which should be only factory manufacture.
- Turn the door from special heat-resistant glass so that it does not have locks and opened out.
- We draw the exhaust hole that is mounted in the far from the corner stove.
- At the final stage, install the lamps.
The sauna can be made in another way. For this, wooden bars are taken, the cross section of which is 4x6 cm, pine and aspen lining, shearing boards, from which the inner walls are made, wood for the manufacture of benches. After that, begin the work itself:
- We collect and tighten the screws from P-shaped profiles. Using the level, check the quality of the base in the horizontal plane.
- Install on the base of the panel and connect them with screws.
- At the top of the panel, which will play the role of the walls, connect through a metal corner.
- We protect the walls outside the clapboard, and from the inside we applied a layer of thermal insulation and on top of it the shearing boards.
- We screw the support bars to the walls and install boards for benches on them.
- We proceed to the installation of the ceiling. So that there are no cracks between it and the walls, it is necessary to tightly insert each shelter of the ceiling coating in the grooves in the ends of the walls.
- Fresh oven to the wall and make ventilation holes.
Where to place a sauna
At the moment, it is allowed to place a sauna not only in the bathroom, but also on the balcony or in a large corridor. When choosing a place for a sauna, it is still desirable to be attached to four or at least three walls, that is, to install it in a small room. In the extreme case, it is permissible to use the only carrier wall, that is, the design will take part of the space in one of the rooms. In the event that at least one carrier wall goes outside, a condensate will appear in a cold season on it. Therefore, between the wall of the room and actually, the sauna wall should be left ventilated space. To the bearing wall, it is vertically nailing bars of size 50x50 mm at a distance of 50-70 cm for the entire height of the sauna, and on top of them make the crate. Now the sauna is reliably protected from external influences.