Air exchange in the apartment with your own hands. Where to install air conditioning Climate,Useful advice

Many country house owners sooner or later begins to excite such a question as a choice, installation and installation of air conditioners. It becomes particularly acute in the summer when the thermometer column holds at about 35 degrees Celsius. About how to correctly install air conditioning with your own hands, let's tell later in the article.
Air exchange in the apartment with your own hands. Selection of air conditioner
Many owners of country houses are decided to install air conditioning with their own hands. At the same time, they are guided by some "for" and "against".
Memo for those who are resolved for the purchase and installation of air conditioners:
- Some refuse to such a purchase, trusting the myth that harmful bacteria multiplies in air conditioners. I must say that it is true only for old models. The fact is that the moisture accumulated in the air conditioner was accumulated, condensate, and in hot weather the device was also heavily heated, which in the aggregate gave the perfect medium for breeding bacteria. In modern aggregates, the reproduction of bacteria is impossible in principle, because condensate now does not accumulate, and immediately merges. Even more secure air conditioners, in the title of which there is a BIO word. They specifically create such a medium in which the harmful organisms cannot multiply.
- You can also hear about air conditioners that they allegedly delay useful ions. This is not true. After all, the unit filters only dirt and dust. It is simply impossible to delay the ions of the air conditioner filter.
- Perhaps the only truth about air conditioners is something that you can catch cold from it, but this is natural. After all, the risk is always significantly increasing, if a person happens a sharp hypothermia. That this does not happen, it is worth remembering only one rule - there should be no big difference between the temperature on the street and indoors. And this is relevant for both summer and winter time. Anyone who ever enjoyed air conditioning knows that the temperature on it is easily adjustable. For the summer period, 22-23 degrees Celsius are considered to be the optimal temperature in the room. In winter, a little less - 20 -21 degrees.
- And last. Never save on air conditioning mounting. After all, a professional installation is a guarantee that it will be long and smoothly to work.
Advantages of air conditioners:
- Perhaps no one needs to say that with the help of the air conditioner you can adjust the temperature and humidity in the room.
- Air conditioning is able to pull out harmful smells and relieve a house from excessive humidity. This is especially true for a "freshly built" house, because in it for a long time there is quite a lot of harmful substances in the air: smells of paints and varnishes, as well as dust.
Those who wonder how to install air conditioning in the apartment with their own hands, must, first of all, correctly choose the device. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the important parameters that can help decide on when choosing an air conditioner.
Types and types of aggregates:
- Often for apartments buy the so-called window conditioner. This is a relatively cheap type of device, but it has several essential drawbacks. The first one is to mount such an air conditioner, you must remove part of the window. And as a result, the installed block worsens the illumination of the room. The second serious drawback is a high level of noise. Along with the disadvantages, this type of air conditioner has its advantages: it is easy to install and reliable enough.
- If you need air conditioning of several rooms, but not at the same time, it is possible to stop your choice on the class of portable units that do not require special installation. Such air conditioning systems are easily moved from one room to another. The main disadvantages of such an air conditioner are an elevated noise level, and the need to change the container in which condensate accumulates from time to time. The choice of the air conditioner of this type will be correct if you do not need high power air conditioning.
- Often the selection of the air conditioner falls on the so-called split systems. Such air conditioning systems consist of two blocks: internal, which is installed indoors and external, mounted on the outside of the building. Thus, low noise is achieved. After all, the most noisy air conditioner node is in the external block. The internal unit can be placed in any convenient place of the room. In addition, internal blocks are several types:
- floor,
- wall,
- ceiling
- built-in ceiling,
- column.
It is worth saying that the acquisition of split-systems will have to pay much more expensive than the same window conditioner.
Air conditioner installation instructions
Required tools
In order to carry out the installation of the air conditioner, you must prepare the following tools:
- Perforator with nozzles.
- Electric drill.
- Bulgarian.
- Truborez.
- Rolling machine.
- Level for measurements.
- Pump to pump air from the system.
Installation of the air conditioner system is carried out with a similar list of necessary tools.
Selecting the installation site of the air conditioner
Choosing, where to place air conditioning, use some recommendations:
- First of all, the unit should not be placed in a hard-to-reach place, since, if necessary, repair to it will not be able to approach it.
- The external and internal blocks of the device should be placed as close as possible to each other. In this case, it is possible not only to save on the acquisition of materials by which the blocks are connected to each other, but also improve the efficiency of the entire system.
- It is impossible to place air conditioning over furniture, as in this case it will be difficult to find the outflow of the air, as a result of which the air exchange indoor will be reduced.
- The internal unit of the device should be mounted at a certain distance from the ceiling, floor and walls. This distance should not be less than 150 mm.
- If the air conditioner is installed in an apartment building, agree this with your neighbors. Otherwise, complaints about noise from rotating a fan or down condensate.
- It is necessary to place air conditioner so that during his work he did not create discomfort for all residents of the apartment. Therefore, when installing the unit, take into account the direction and strength of the air flow. This item is important even if you think not only about the installation of the aggregate in the apartment, but also on how to install air conditioning on the prior with your own hands.
Order of installation work
The phased order of installation work is as follows:
- Initially, the internal unit of the air conditioner should be installed. To do this, we make marking on the wall, we note the place of attachment of the dowels at an equal distance from the floor and the ceiling. The horizontal markup is tested using a construction level.
- For the convenience of collecting condensate for the inner block, we fix the flat bar. It is usually included in the package and sold together with air conditioning. Fix the plate is strictly horizontally. It is fixed with strong dowels, which are inserted into the previously made holes in the wall.
- The internal unit of the air conditioner itself is mounted on the installed plate. The installation is correctly checked using a level.
- Next, go to the installation of the outdoor unit. To do this, initially install the durable brackets to which the external part of the unit will be installed. Note that from the block to the wall should be a distance of about 12 cm.
- Then should do holes in the wall for communications connecting the external and inner part of the device. The diameter of each opening should be about 40 mm. The package of connecting communications includes drainage tubes and freon highway tubes. Cutting pipes on the segments of the desired length are carried out with the help of a grinder or pipeline. It is this tool that can provide a clear and even cut of the material, as a result of which the pipe connection will be fulfilled better than with manual cutting of the material.
- We do the groove in the wall to install the drainage tube, through which condensate will be stroke. For easy water flowing, the groove is done under a slight bias. According to the technical standards, condensate removal should be equipped so that the moisture flow into the sewer channels. However, this rule many neglect and remove drainage channels outward.
- All the valued grooves and channels, through which the communications paved is best to close the decorative box. Most often, the box is made of plastic.
- All tubes should be covered with thermal insulation shell. The holes are cleaned with plastic tubes.
- Next, you should connect all available wires and bring the freon highway. Electrical wires must be connected as indicated in the diagram attached to the device.
- The edges of the pipes are flared by the rolling machine and are connected to the fitters of the inner and external blocks. Communications should be connected so that all connections are completely sealed.
- Next, air should be repaid from the highway. This is done using a vacuum pump. After pumping air for 30-40 minutes, it is necessary to observe the pressure indicators in the system. If the data remains stable, it indicates the correctness and tightness of the connection of the highway.
- Open the cranes of the external block and run Freon to the system only after a complete system tightness check. Otherwise, freon can occur through the existing gaps, which will cause a complete breakdown of the device. In addition, Freon leakage has an extremely harmful effect on the human body.
- After assembling the entire system, the air conditioner is connected to the electrical network and test the correctness of its operation. Connecting to the network is carried out according to the scheme that is attached in the configuration with the device.
As you can see, the process of selecting and connecting the air conditioner is not so complicated, as it seems at first glance. This task is to even a person who does not have experience performing such works. The only one should accurately adhere to the connection scheme and installation instructions.