Artificial flow devices in the pool. How to choose countertocks? Baths, saunas and pools

To swim in your own pool and at the same time getting the most pleasure worth installing the countertocks. This is a device that will be useful both the smallest family members and the oldest.
Outtime for the pool
Many people do not think about the fact that the pool can serve not only the place where you can swim and sunbathe, and also space for moving games with children and fitness practices.
Many firms offer to acquire the most diverse equipment for swimming pools, among which the most popular are direct flow and counterflow. These devices differ radically with each other.
Direct flow is a conventional water supply system, in which the pool is filled directly from the water pipeline.
The countertock is a device that is a pump operating from the mains, which artificially creates a high power in the pool. It is installed below the water level and creates a movement in its layer where the swimmer is located. This pump first absorbs water, and then with force pushes it back. In this regard, the water in the pool begins to move, bother and there is a feeling of movement of water flows as in the river.
The artificial flow in the pool has the following advantages:
- children cease to be afraid of water and gladly swear in the pool;
- the flow of water supports and facilitates the procedure for learning swimming;
- the device will be useful to fans of hydromassage, which stimulates immunity, increases the body's protective forces, has a beneficial effect on well-being;
- even with ordinary swimming, the powerful stream is able to give a worthy load for the muscles.
Varieties of anti-flow
Devices are different structures that allow them to be installed in two ways:
- the countertocks stationary embedded aboard the pool at the stage of its construction. This device is usually installed in solid concrete basins and plastic. They have very big power. The material for their manufacture serves steel, bronze, brass;
- the countertocks mounted can be attached on board the pool after the completion of its construction. It is used both for constant and seasonal pools, which are mounted only for the warm period. They are made of steel or strong plastic.
Also, these devices are of different power:
- the counterparts one-way most often serves simply to obtain pleasure while swimming, creating conditions for water games, producing surface massage, muscle relaxation;
- the countertocks two tool may well create a large and very powerful stream capable of providing the swimmer tangible physical exertion. These devices make it possible to adjust the motion settings of the aqueous streams.
Countercurrent settings that can be controlled
High quality devices are always equipped with a system that makes it possible to make adjustments to its operation and set such parameters as:
- the speed with which water flows is moving;
- direction of water streams;
- water highlighting;
- saturation of water with air bubbles.
Control is carried out at a distance using the remote control or from the control panel, which is fixed on the side of the pool.
Related accessories
Often when installing the countercurrent, especially stationary, mounted in the pool, additionally install special handrails. They are covered with a rough plastic, which does not crack on handwalks wet hands, as well as allow them to keep physical exercises under the jet of water or just relax, enjoying her movement.
To enhance the effect of hydromassage, some devices are equipped with a set of nozzles for massage.
Outtime for athletes
There are types of devices designed specifically for athletes who can provide them with proper physical exertion. They are mounted in basins with a certain size and depth.
The countertocks for athletes provide a load due to the strong water resistance, makes it possible to work out certain movements, maintain the muscle tone.
For not professionals, those who just want to periodically cool in the heat or make fun games with children, it is better to stay on other models. The most common device can create pleasant sensations from the movement of water flows.
A sufficient strong pressure will allow you to constantly swim forward at the same time, without moving from the place.
Mount the device must specially trained people. You can not buy countertocks, bring home, turn on and enjoy. It should be engaged in installing and adjusting specialists who know how to do it. All further operation of the device will depend on it.
Counterforms Badu.
The domestic market is very popular with the Badu firms, which today almost do not have competitors. The range is represented by several models of devices that differ from each other with a power, the number of massage nozzles, the presence or absence of the backlight for water.
The advantages of the countercurptions of this company:
- all models are made of high quality plastic and have very durable attachments;
- a special coating prevents the appearance of scratches, as well as the effects of the Sun and chemicals. Thanks to him, the device can retain a worthy appearance for many years;
- models of countercurrents manufactured by Badu are suitable for any pool models;
- for some of their species, the set goes handrails for a sustainable position;
- devices are equipped with manual pumps in order to serve them during use;
- massage nozzles rotate 60 degrees. They serve for hydromassage, as well as to adjust the water flow;
- with the help of a special setting, air can be mixed in water and then it will be saturated with bubbles. In addition, the more air in the water, the stream seems softer;
- the backlight is built into each system;
- in order to make a swimming process even more enjoyable and comfortable firm proposes to purchase various additional accessories.