How to fix the sensory door in the bath Baths, saunas and pools,Doors

Baths are built in rural areas for many centuries. Wooden doors and door boxes are made from various wood species, the reliability of the structure largely depends on its quality.
Causes of snacks of bath doors
The most common causes of snacks of bath doors can be:
- looping;
- loop wear at the connection site;
- aging box material and door timber.
Depending on the cause of the sediment, it is necessary to perform the appropriate repair. The separated door to the bath is not only not closed and passes the cold air outside, it scratches and rubs the floor, it is difficult to close or open it.
Elimination of sedimentation from loops
Consider the first reason - looping. Such a phenomenon occurs in two cases: screws are weakened, fastening loops and material for a long time became mild due to the action of biological factors. If you kicked the door to do to troubleshoot? It is necessary to remove the door and close the old holes from the screws and tighten them again.
Before starting work, you need to prepare tools and materials:
- screwdriver;
- knife;
- wooden pegs;
- hammer;
- pVA glue or joiner.
First, remove the door leaf and inspect the loop. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screws and remove the loops poorly fixed on the box and doors. From wooden pegs with a knife, cylinders are torn in size by 1-2 mm more than the holes from the screws. For pegs, it is desirable to use the same material as for the door and box. It is not desirable to use solid wood for pegs, otherwise when screwing the screws, they can shift toward and screw into a softer part. Such pinning loops will not be qualitative.
Cooked pegs are wetted with glue and clog into the holes from the screws. It should be clarified that the pegs must be taken a little longer than screws. After clogging, the protruding residue is neatly cut off with a knife, aligning the level of the main surface. Leave the door to drying glue per day. The glue must be good and fasten the pegs in the holes.
Before screwing the loops, they are placed in their place where they were, it is important not to confuse half, which should be attached on the box and on the door canvase. Using a screwdriver, screw screws, tightening well. At the same time, it is desirable not to apply a lot of effort to not twist. The door canvas are hung in their place. Sometimes the older screws are screwed to the place of old screws, for better consolidation.
Elimination of dismisses from wear loops
If the reason for which the door was kicked in the loops themselves - their rubbing parts have undergone some wear, then you can change the loops to new or reduce the gap. Before replacing old loops, it is necessary to inspect and clarify the size and shape of the plates. If the loops of a different size or with a slightly different form of plates are purchased, then you will have to draw the place of fastening.
Door hinges for normal functioning requires a deepening in a bar of doors and a box. If new loops are installed that are not included in the recesses already done, they will not work incorrectly. Sometimes with incorrectly chosen loops, poorly chasing in deepening, excessive use of force when closing the door will lead to pulling screws or breakage of the loops themselves.
Another option to eliminate wear, cheaper.
Before reproduced by a particular door, you need to prepare tools and materials:
- passatia or round bumps;
- line;
- hammer;
- wooden wedges;
- steel wire or washers (along the pin diameter in the door loop).
First, using wedges, lift the closed door cloth until the doorway is stopped into the upper part. The wedges are scored from below, placing the uniform length of the lower part of the door canvase. While lifting the door, make sure that there is no distortion. For this you need at least three wedges. They are clogged alternately, not allowing the disks for the door canvase.
When the door was raised, measure the gap formed in the loop. On a sheet of paper, they note on which loop, what a magnitude of the gap, it is necessary not to confuse the washers or wire rings during installation. Knowing the resulting clearance, pick up steel washers in thickness, noted which set will go to a certain loop.
Instead of washers, you can use steel wire. To do this, select the wire of the desired diameter (by the magnitude of the gap) or half thickness (from the size of the gap). With the help of the round rows, rings on the diameter of the stem door loop are made.
Remove the door leaf and on rods loops are installed cooked rings. If you need it, the ring can be chopped with a file with side sides, they must move freely through the rod. Lubricate stockies and rings with machinery or solidol and hang the door leaf. For a better distribution of lubricant, the door is closed several times and open. The lubricant is removed in the junction, the lubricant is removed with dry wind.
Elimination of sawing from wood
No rare cases when the entrance door was kicked due to the aging of wood. Screws begin to get out of the severity of the door leaf and the door is badly closed. In this case, old, short screws are replaced with long and add extra hinges. As in previous cases, the door leaf is removed, unscrewing the screwdriver, the old screws are replaced with new, longer, having previously scored in the holes of the pegs. Additionally establish one or two new loops at the same distance. Before installing the loops, the door leaf is applied and mark the installation site with a pencil. In the marked places make deepening on the size of looping plates, and with the help of screws, new loops are fixed, they are lubricated and the door canvas are lubricated.