Mountain Pine in Landscape Design Plot.

Mountain pine among other coniferous plants is highlighted by its sophistication and noble appearance. With these qualities, the wood is under the power and the area on which it grows. Is there a minnow coniferous culture? Landscape designers favorite?
- Advantages of decorative mountain pine
- Pine mountain: description
- Pine mountain: varieties
- Pine mountain "Gnome"
- Pine Mountain "Pug"
- Pine Mountain "Winter Gold"
- Pine Mountain "Chao-Chao"
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- Pine mountain: landing
- Pine Mountain: Care
- Pine reproduction Gorna
- Pests dangerous for pine
Advantages of decorative mountain pine
- Compact sizes of coniferous wood make it a real find for the alpine slide, stone garden, coniferous mixboarder or solitator.
- Perennial evergreen pine will decorate the site all year round. Against the background of the light green lawn, this beauty looks especially spectacular.
- The pine planted along the garden path creates a beautiful "fluffy" border.
- Pine wind pollinating, it happens in May - mid-July. At this time of planting conifers, wrapped in yellow clouds of pollen, it looks really great.
- Mountain pine in the garden with sandy or muddy soil - ideal gardening.
- Of ornamental pines receiving proper shady shelter and a place to relax in the midday heat.
Pine Mountain: description
In the wild, mountain pine - not only high evergreen coniferous tree, but also branched shrub with openwork "cap" of various shapes. Dense crown - the main decorative element of pine. It can be umbellate, ovate, blunt, pyramidal. Location verticillate branches. The young members of this plant is grayish-brown smooth bark, which over time cracks and covered with brown scales. The roots of pine strong and deep. Brown lumps of 2 to 6 cm are rounded. Pointed dark green needles arranged on small shoots in the form of bundles of 2 - 3 or 5 needles. Already from the age of 6 Pine blossoms and bears fruit. The ability to reproduce is stored in the tree until they reach 10 years.
Temp Pine Growth moderate: annually added at 13 - 15 cm in height and in width. On average, a tree grows up to 4 - 5 meters from the ground, the height, as a rule, does not exceed 7 - 8 m is especially good pine during flowering time (late May - June). At the base of the tree appear pink and yellow men's ears, and the female bumps located on a small straight leg. On a photo mountain pine in all its glory:
Dark-brown seeds are small pine trees, egg-shaped with a shiny grayish wing whose length is several times longer than the seeds.
Pine - quite resistant to adverse external factors of culture. She is not afraid of cold weather, it is not demanding on the soil environment, which grows, she is not afraid of the drought. But the shadow of this plant is categorically rejects: mountain pine is very light. Also, the tree does not like urban conditions - too much smoke and various gases in the air.
Contemporary landscape art could not remain indifferent to the evergreen coniferous tree: thanks to the hard work of scholars in today's urban parks, squares, courtyards and, of course, home gardens adorn dozens of ornamental species of mountain pine. With the success they are also used for landscaping slopes and prevent landslides.
Pine mountain: varieties
All artificially derived varieties of this coniferous culture grow slowly. It is possible to distinguish them from each other in the form of the crown, the length and color of the needles, the size of the cones.
Consider several types of decorative mountain pines, which were especially loved by landscape designers and gardeners.
Pine mountain "Gnome"
The shape of this shrub resembles a bowl covered with a thick green cheese. Toiled him in 1890, but to this day he does not occupy popularity - neat pine looks great in containers, it takes a worthy place in the compositions of the Alpine slides and gardens from stones. In addition, this kind of mountain pine adapted to landslide roofs of buildings. "Gnome" grows slowly - in a year he adds from 7 to 10 cm. In general, culture is very unpretentious: it does not need frosts in trimming, pinching and shelter for the winter.
Pine Mountain "Pug"
Dwarf pine can be transformed both into a chic ball-shaped bush, and in a miniature tree. Grow "POPS" is not in a hurry, admixing 2 - 5 cm in height every year. In the width of pine, it is evenly angry and also slowly. Its main advantages: frost resistance, neutrality in care, resistance to high level of air gas supply. Over time, Croon Pine is so branched that it is easily holding the soil on the slope of the alpine slide or a stone garden.

Pine Mountain "Winter Gold"
Perhaps the most amazing plant among other decorative cultures. The color of this dense small shrub varies depending on the time of year. In the summer, the emerald and juicy green needles of the pine is advantageously highlighted from the general landscape of the indent, in winter, the needles are golden. A special originality of a fluffy shrub of golden color add small brown cones. Despite the external strife, "Winter Gold" unpretentious: wind and frost resistant, not afraid of drought, grows in any soil. Stunningly looks for the living hedges of this variety of pine.
Pine Mountain "Chao-Chao"
A miniature plant with a height of up to 50 cm. Dwarf branched pine with tightly assembled in bugs of a mustache organically fits into the interior of any site, it looks most profitable in the overall composition of the alpine or rocky garden. Many representatives of mountain nature feel well in the company "Chao-Chao". This variety of pine loves the sun and is not afraid of moisture deficit, respects the loose peeled sandy soil. The coniferous shrub has an indisputable positive effect on human health - highlights a large amount of substances under the name of the phytoncide, thereby disinfecting the air around.
Pine Mountain "Hampi"
This is the most real thumbnail among coniferous giants: the size of a dense dwarf shrub does not exceed 0.5 m! In the width, the pillowed culture reaches 1 m. The needle of "Hampi" is solid and short, she is thickly covered with short shoots. In winter, it looks contrasting on a dark green background of needles reddish brown kidneys. The shrub grows very slowly, adding about 4 cm annually. The culture is resistant to low temperatures, the sun loves. Soil for this type of pine will suit any - even clay, even stony - so unpretentiously plants. But there are also certain nuances: "Hampi" needs a good drainage system, because it will not tolerate the stagnation of soil.
Pine mountain: landing
Saplings must be younger than 5 years. Adult specimens plant in the winter season with frozen earthwomen. The usual spring (end of April is the beginning of May) or the early royalty (the end of August - mid-September) landing looks like this: in the ground, I pull a hole in 1m depth. At the bottom as a drainage, a layer of sand or gravel is placed at least 20 cm. Then the mixture is placed in the pit from the upper alignment layer of soil, squeezing and clay (instead of clay you can add river sand) in proportion 2: 2: 1. About 30 g of nitroammofoski will certainly add to this mixture, if the soil is acidic is approximately 300 g of hazed lime.
Pine is planted, following the root neck remains at the ground level. If the trees are somewhat, be sure to take into account their size in the future - the distance between the seedlings is made from 1.5 to 4 m.
Pine Mountain: Care
- This coniferous tree cannot be called a capricious, it will take it in any soil. But the pine will be especially "will be willing" if it gets into an acidic soil. Such a pine environment is supported using the mulching procedure.
- Pine, especially the young, need protection from the bitter cold. Get help spruce branches or burlap, which can cover a tree or bush, leaving them until mid-April. Also pine branch needs to be protected from the scorching sun.
- Experienced gardeners are advised to particularly pay attention to the first year of pine landings. Crop they need at the end of February - early March. Some are of the opinion that form the crown of the tree without cutting better and prischipyvaya branches.
- Pine does not need abundant fertilizer, but moisten the soil during growth stimulants necessary from time to time. The first two years after planting is made of 30-40 g / m² complete fertilizer in the near-wellbore zone. Over time, there is no need for feeding as pine - strong self-sufficient tree.
- Opavshuyu clean needles is not necessary: \u200b\u200bit creates a thick rug, which nourish the tree with natural organic elements, and keep life-giving water.
- Most varieties of ornamental pines drought, watering they need.
Reproduction of mountain pine
With the seeds perfectly reproduce the natural species of pine. Mature seeds are in 2 - 3 years after pollination. Sow their need with the arrival of spring. The most comfortable environment for the germination of the future trees will be a mix of loose sandy loam soil and vermiculite. Before planting seeds 1 - 2 day soak in water at room temperature. They were then placed in pots of 200 ml: immersed in soil to seed polsantimetra 1-2. After that, the seeds can not be touched - they will not tolerate transplanting.
Soil before planting necessarily disinfected fundazol or fitosporin - pine seedlings are vulnerable to parasites, fungal origin. For example, it is very dangerous for them so-called "black leg" - a disease which pathogens have almost any soil. Some people prefer to steam thoroughly ground in the oven or microwave oven (5 min covered with lid ceramic container.), But this method has one drawback - with harmful bacteria future environment for seed loses all of its beneficial properties, it becomes "dead".
Seedlings fairly slow, so it is not forbidden to use the various stimuli to spur their growth. During the warm weather, the seedlings that will hold in pots, their roots will form and will be strengthened in the ground sufficiently for the winter they spent in nature. And in a fixed place, "stay" young pine trees can be left with the arrival of the next spring.
Fertilizers are not yet strengthened the trees "indulge" only in the first years of their lives. Later, when Pine would acquire a strong root system, it is no longer feeding.
This way, rock pine breeds in greenhouses. The cuttings are best to take from the "parents", which was already 5-10 years old. "Kids" more mature coniferous crops are very difficult to root. We begin the event in April, when the kidney of the plant is rapidly swelling. An ideal time for overlooking is considered early morning or raw cloudy weather.
From the mother tree, the secateur is cut off with a cutlets, it is cut off by his part of the stem and what remains to be placed in the water. The cutting size is on average - from 7 to 10 cm. In the water capacity, special means add special means to protect the twig from rotting - zircon, epin extra. Early spring with a pine gardery gardener only on hand: until autumn, the bottom of the twig is noticeably compacted, a young root system appears. With late stallion, such results do not achieve.
To prepare the bed for rooting the future tree fit with special care. The lower drainage layer is formed from a mixture of stones and rubble, then alternate layers: a rift of the organic man - the soil mixture is good peeled river sand. At this stage, with mineral fertilizers, it is better to pay better, since the abundant content of salts in the soil can adversely affect the development of the root system of pine. Instead, immediately before landing, the cuttings spray the means that stimulates the root formation process. The formation of a full-fledged root system takes from 2 to 5 months.
Pests dangerous for pine
Most often, coniferous trees are subject to seriance, known as resin cancer. Causes a rust mushroom disease. Needle tips of the needles are covered with orange raid. The intermediate host of the causative agent is the currant and gooseberry bushes. They, like infected pines, remove from the site. For the prevention of coniferous trees, trees are treated with special means, which contain copper: oxychom, duphsat, chime.
Pine needed to take care of butterflies and tli. Insects eat kidneys and chew, spoil shoots. To combat butterflies, enjoy the biosecurity "lepyocid". TRU is etched by carbofos or universal insecticidal drugs.